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Posts Tagged ‘garage blog’

How to Fit Your Big Truck or SUV in the Garage and Create More Room for Storage

opening image | Innovate Home Org | Columbus Garage | #garagestorage #Storagespace #ColumbusGarage #Garageshelving
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I was amazed when my grinning, petite 5’3” wife Rose hopped waaaaaay down from the Chevy Tahoe she was ‘tooling around’ in while her smaller SUV was in for service. She said she LOVED this big rig. So, I asked why.

Rose went on and on about how sturdy it was.  She loved how she could see EVERYTHING sitting up so high. She went on about how safe she felt and even loved the vibrating seats when the rig crossed lanes and she forgot to hit the…

Professionally Organized – A Home Organization Blog is Born!

Professionally Organized a Home Organization and Closet Blog
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“Are you crazy?” my friend Ron (and business partner of mine) said to me. “Writing two blogs at the same time, you’ve got to be nuts!”

Well Ron just might be on to something here. Yes I am a passionate guy and when I get into something I become a learning and growing fanatic. Reading, writing with the occasional speaking engagements sprinkled in have been the creative outlets for this learning over the last 30 years of my life. 

So at this point…