What are your biggest worries about buying a murphy wall bed?

I don’t know what’s worse – FOMO (the Fear Of Missing Out) or FOSU (the Fear of Screwing Up).
When it comes to events, concerts, or your favorite dress on sale, I think ‘FOMO’ is a bigger fear than ‘FOSU.’
However, when it comes to home improvement projects (and in this case buying a murphy bed), FOSU (the Fear Of Screwing Up) is faaaar worse!
If you mess up, you’ll waste money (and then have to rely on the inheritance Elon Musk is leaving you … oh, ok I’m sorry if you didn’t make his list, but it may still not be too late to become his adopted child).
And if you get a murphy bed which is uncomfortable, hard to operate, or won’t fit where you thought it was going to go, you may be tempted to go back to the bed you have in the room now which is eating ALL YOUR FLOOR SPACE!
So, how can you make sure your worries won’t become YOUR problems if you decide to ‘plop’ money down (sorry for the bad bedding pun!) on a murphy wall bed? Read on so you can get the right murphy bed for your project.
Worry #1 – Will the murphy bed fit?
This worry SHOULD be on the top of your list if you’re planning to buy a murphy bed. I know while running a ton of murphy bed design appointments the first thing I’m going to do (after figuring out which wall(s) could work for the bed) is to do some M.B.M. (that’s shorthand for Murphy Bed Math).
And don’t worry, if you became allergic to math since 8th grade Geometry Class – if you invite a Murphy Bed Designer to your home they’ll do ALL the math for you AND give you a Free 3D design for letting them into your home. How’s that for a deal?
The first key measurement is the ceiling height where you want to install the bed. You’ll want ceilings greater than 91” (for a vertical queen bed) and 85” (for a vertical full bed). And in case you weren’t aware a vertical murphy bed is one which is taller on the wall (than a horizontal murphy bed) and the ‘head of the bed is at the top.
However, if your ceiling is lower than 85” (let’s say for a dormer style room or a short basement), the option (by process of elimination) will be a horizontal murphy bed (note a horizontal murphy bed is mounted horizontally to the wall and is closer to the floor, but also wider on the wall).
My preference (space permitting) is the vertical murphy bed because it allows each person sleeping to be able to get out on their own side. This can be huge if you need to take a ‘bio break’ at 3 AM and don’t want to wake your partner or spouse.
The second key measurement (assuming you’re going with the better constructed wall mounted murphy bed vs. a freestanding murphy bed) is to see how much side to side room there is on the wall. For a ‘queen vertical bed’ you’ll need 66” and for a full bed 60”.
Then after you’ve figured out where you think is the best bed location – measure 91” from the wall (assuming your vertical queen bed doesn’t have a ‘pillow box’ for pillow storage which adds 3”) and 85” for a full bed.
Put blue tape on the floor (no you won’t need the ‘caution tape’ you see at crime scenes UNLESS you buy the bed first, attempt to do a DIY install and it goes very badly!). Then measure the distance you have to walk around the bed. I like 20” wide or more, but in rare cases we’ve done less.
Worry #2 – Can I do a DIY murphy bed installation?
I wish I could tell you murphy bed installations are easy, peasy, lemon-squeezy – but I cannot, and I will not tell you this.
If you choose a better quality – wall mounted – murphy bed they’ll likely have a piston or spring mechanism. And you not only need to worry about installing the bed mechanism (which should be sized for the weight of your mattress), but you also need to cut your base trim to mount the bed against the wall.
And another worry about a murphy bed installation (which too many people overlook) is determining if you (or your murphy bed installing crew) can maneuver this bed through the door, up or down the stairs, and into the room where the work is to be done. This WILL be a HUGE bummer if you buy a bed and can’t get it where it needs to go!
And if you think this has never happened on a murphy bed install, unfortunately that’s not the case!
However, it’s good to know if installing a murphy bed seems daunting to you, never fear. You can hire murphy bed design companies who will design AND install the bed – and even provide you with side storage units as well. As Greyhound bus used to say, “You can leave the driving, ‘er bedding, to them!” And if you like nostalgic commercials check out the Greyhound commercials below for laughs.
Worry #3 – What happens if the mechanism which moves the bed up and down fails?
If this happens to you – and you didn’t check your warranty you may be S.O.L. (and since this is a ‘family-friendly’ blog, I can’t write out what this means!).
Most professional murphy bed installation companies will provide a long, or even lifetime warranties on the mechanisms. This is better than your 7-year, 70,000 mile drive train warranty on your car, truck, or SUV, don’t you think?
And if you want to be more ‘chill’ (and worry less) about the successful long-term operation of your murphy bed, DO NOT skimp and buy the bed with the cheapest mechanism. Just like the old (yet famous) Fram oil filter commercial says, “You can pay me now, or you can pay me later!”
Ask if your supplier has a piston based mechanism. This type is used in Disney hotels. And YOU KNOW kids are jumping like crazy on those beds while they’re on vacation, so you can rest assured it’ll stand the test of time in your home.
Worry #4 – Will the mattress be comfortable? Ok, that’s except if my wife’s Uncle Ned decides to sleep over!
If you’ve got a crazy Aunt or Uncle and DO NOT want them to overstay their welcome I WOULD NOT recommend you have them sleep on your murphy bed. Have them sleep on the 3” thick mattress on the sleeper sofa. That’ll guarantee they want to ‘get out of Dodge’ ASAP!
On the other hand, if you’ll be using your murphy bed on a regular basis – or you don’t want to torture – or drive away- your guests then pay attention to 3 factors when deciding which murphy bed to buy.
- Factor #1 – The thickness of the mattress – In general, the thicker the mattress the more comfortable it’ll be. And what’s nice about murphy beds is they use full thickness mattresses (vs. sofa beds or futons). Mattresses for murphy beds are often 10” to 12” thick.
- Factor #2 – Does your murphy bed have wood slats? – Would you drive a car without shock absorbers? Or would you sit in the back of a bus which doesn’t have shock absorbers on a long trip? Ok, not if you don’t want to ‘lose your cookies,’ as they – whoever ‘they’ are!” So, why get a murphy bed without wood slats? Slats not only provide a better sleeping experience – but they also make the mattress more breathable.
- Factor #3 – Will your existing mattress (if you like it) work? – Most murphy beds are designed to use ‘standard size’ (queen, full, or twin) mattresses. It may be possible to use your existing mattress. Check it’s width, length, AND thickness.
Worry #5 – Will this bed be a safety problem for the kids? Can the old Charlie Chaplain murphy bed skits be a ‘thing’ today?
Better murphy beds will NOT come down on their own or trap someone inside the bed (a la an old Charlie Chaplain skit). With modern-day murphy beds you’ll simply grab the handles and bring them down. And also, a better murphy bed with pistons will actually come out from the wall like a ‘slow close’ door or drawer, it’s smooth and safe.
Safety and murphy beds should not be an issue no matter if you’re getting them for your grandkids to use in a spare room, or grandma to use when she’s visiting from out of town.
However, with this being said, if you’re looking for a safe murphy bed I’d absolutely, positively NOT buy a freestanding murphy bed. While these beds can be transferred to a new home or apartment, they’re generally cheaply made. And since they’re not wall mounted they have a higher risk of hurting someone by coming down.
Worry #6 – Are murphy beds a good investment?
Besides being fun (or even a novelty… a bed which pops out of a wall isn’t something people see every day), murphy beds can be a wise investment for the following reasons:
- Reason #1 – It can turn a ‘single purpose room’ (for example a small bedroom where the room is ‘eaten up’ by a spare bed) into a multi-purpose room you can not only sleep in, but have a home office, workout room, craft room, or playroom.
- Reason #2 – It can be essential in a studio loft apartment. In small spaces you’ve got to use every inch wisely. And since murphy beds can be stored in their framing – or even include a worktop surface when they’re not being used as a bed, they’re a ‘space-expanding’ product. They’re perfect for small apartments.
- Reason #3 – Murphy beds can be equipped with custom-sized storage systems on their side(s). Adding storage where no storage space existed before is a beautiful thing because let’s be real, who has enough storage?
Worry #7 – Will murphy beds require a lot of maintenance?
This question depends on the type of system you buy. Wood murphy beds will require more maintenance (painting, staining etc.) than laminate murphy beds which are simple to clean and never need to be painted or stained.
Worry #8 – How much weight can a murphy bed support?
For this question ask your supplier for the weight capacity of their beds. In general, for queen murphy beds, you’ll find a weight capacity (on the low side) of 500 lbs. and up to 1,000 lbs.
Worry #9 – Can I take the murphy bed with me?
For the better quality wall mounted murphy beds, the answer is no.
For freestanding murphy beds, the answer is yes.
Worry #10 – Can I get a murphy bed (or even side storage units to go with them) to compliment my décor? And how can I see how the murphy bed will look in my room?
If you’re looking to buy a murphy bed in a furniture store or on-line you’ll likely find décor selections are NOT too large.
However, if you go to a murphy bed design specialist who makes their beds based on your order you’ll find over 20 different patterns, 5 different door/drawers styles which can be mixed and matched to work with your floors, walls, and furniture.
And if you’re worried how the murphy bed will look, ask your supplier for a 3D murphy bed design and rendering. This helps you get a better feel of the look, size, and layout of your murphy bed system.
So, are you experiencing less ‘FOSU’ (Fear of Screwing Up) after reading this murphy bed article? Would you like to talk to a murphy wall bed design expert before making a purchase?
Ok, if I did my job ‘Hal’ (sorry that’s a takeoff from a line of one my favorite movies A Few Good Men) I’ve helped you to ‘simmer-down’ (check out the funny video below which will help you ‘simmer-down-now’ with a few laughs) and worry less about buying a murphy wall bed.
And while I know I’ve answered a lot of general concerns about murphy beds, I didn’t address your specific home because I haven’t been there.
So, if you’d like design and installation assistance with a Cleveland or Columbus murphy wall bed call 614-545-6888 or request a Free 3D Murphy bed design. And if you don’t live in Ohio (and maybe aren’t even an OSU Buckeyes fan, you’ll be happy to note, we even help Michigan Wolverines, believe it or not), comment below and I’ll see if I can find you a referral in your town.
And lastly thanks for reading. I love to educate. I love to laugh. And if this article did it’s job it’s helped you learn more how to ‘simmer-down-now’ your worries about buying a murphy bed AND you might have laughed a little along the way (which is a bonus).
If you’d like more information on home organization, Murphy beds, or interior design follow me on LinkedIn @MikeFotiLinkedIn.
Tags: buying a murphy bed, Columbus laminate Murphy beds, Columbus laminate wall beds, Columbus murphy bed, Columbus murphy bed installer, Columbus vertical murphy bed, Columbus wall bed, fold down bed, full sized murphy bed, horizontal Murphy bed, how comfortable are murphy beds, installing murphy bed supplier, laminate fold down bed, laminate murphy bed, mattress thickness for a murphy bed, Murphy bed, Murphy bed Columbus, murphy bed décor, murphy bed designer, murphy bed installer, murphy bed mechanisms, murphy bed supplier, murphy bed weight limits, murphy bed with springs, pillow storage for a Murphy bed, piston murphy bed, side units for a murphy bed, slats on a murphy bed, space needed for a murphy bed, twin murphy bed, vertical Murphy bed, warranty of a murphy bed, who can sleep in a murphy bed, wood vs. laminate murphy bed