How Much Does an Installed Custom Walk in Closet Cost? (including 5 ideas to save you money)

As someone who leads a business designing and installing custom closets in Columbus Ohio I KNOW I could give you a cop-out answer to the question of how much an installed walk in closet costs in 2 words or less…
It depends.
It depends on the height and depth of the closet system.
It depends on how much hanging vs. shelving vs. drawers you use.
It depends if the closet is a standard white color or uses an advanced textured laminate which looks just like real wood (without the maintenance).
This ‘it depends’ list can go on and on. And I know it doesn’t help you one darn bit to give you a general price range how much a custom closet will cost. You need REAL numbers. You need to KNOW what to expect so you can determine if a professionally installed closet (or even a store-bought DIY one) is a project you can afford.
So, how can you get a handle on how much your custom walk in closet will cost? To help you here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to create a real-life walk in custom closet design example for a ‘U-shaped’ closet and give you REAL prices. For this example, I’ll use a room with a 10’ ‘back wall’ and two 8’ side walls. Then I’ll show you how pricing for this walk in closet changes as I tweak the ‘it depends’ variables.
My goal with this article is simple. I want to give you an idea what your closet will cost so you’ll know if you want to dig into the project further. So, enough of this introductory B.S., here’s the 3-part outline we’ll follow.
- Part I) I’ll give you the ‘specs’ (no, I don’t mean bifocals, but I do mean the paraments) of our base pricing example. I’ll also share how this ‘base pricing’ design solves the 5 biggest closet design problems (even without the cost of fancy or expensive custom closet ‘bells and whistles’).
- Part II) We’ll look at 5 key pricing variables and how they change the price of the ‘base design.’
- Part III) I’ll give you 5 practical ideas to keep the lid on your costs.
PART I) Our custom closet ‘base pricing’ example which solves 5 of the ‘deadliest’ closet design problems
In the drawing below you’ll see the ‘floor plan’ for our closet pricing example. It has one ‘back wall’ 10’ wide (120”) and 2 ‘side walls’ 8’ wide (96”). I’ve assumed an 8’ (96”) ceiling height.
Our ‘base pricing’ example (check out the 3D design below) is designed and priced with the following assumptions:
- It uses a cost-effective ‘wall hung’ closet organizer system. This means the closet support pieces are attached with a rail to the studs in the wall. This system DOES NOT go down to the floor.
- The color is white (this is most cost-effective).
- The drawers are a flat (non-patterned), contemporary ‘Euro-style’ fronts (which is cost-effective).
- The system ‘height’ is 84” (i.e. the top shelf is placed 84” above the finished floor (or as architects would say ‘AFF’ -Above Finished Floor). Note I just threw in this ‘industry jargon’ to impress you. Is it working?
- The system depth is 14” (this is how deep the shelves and drawers are).
- The closet is designed for 2 people with two sets of drawers.
- The system is professionally installed.
- There are ‘bridge shelves’ for continuous storage at the top.
- There are shoe shelves on both sides of the closet.
The installed cost of our ‘base’ custom walk in closet = $3,690
It’s nice to know this basic (from a closet designer’s perspective) layout eliminates 5 HUGE closet problems most people HATE about their existing walk-in closets:
- Problem #1 – The ‘dead corners’ are gone – Many ‘builder installed’ wire and plywood closets put hanging clothes against hanging clothes in the corners. This makes dead space. This design eliminates the dead corners with hanging in one corner and shelving in the wall perpendicular to it.
- Problem #2 – The ‘top shelf’ in most closets is waaaaaay too low! – Most builders closets put the top shelf from 2’ to 2.5’ below the ceiling. This results in a HUGE waste of space at the top. Since this closet has an 84” system height (in an 8’ high space), you’ll have a 1’ space above the top shelf. It’s efficient, yet still large enough for storage at the top.
- Problem #3 – There’s not enough hanging space – Many closets with only a ‘single rod’ are not efficient. With ‘double hang’ sections (with one clothes rod on top another), you’ll double the amount of clothes in the same cubic space. In this example there’s a total of 310 linear inches of hanging space (96” on left side, 96” on the right side and 118” on the back wall). There’s plenty of hanging plus you also get drawers and more shelves than in a ‘builders-grade’ closet with wire or wood shelving.
- Problem #4 – Continuous storage on the top shelf – Since there are ‘bridge shelves’ in the 2 corners, you’ll get storage along the entire top shelf.
- Problem #5 – Shoes don’t need to ‘live’ in a hopeless heap on the floor– Since there are tighter spaced shelves for shoe storage, you’ll get them off the floor (and with laminate closet systems the shelves can adjust to the height of your shoes or boots).
So, you may be wondering how this base pricing example can help you get a ‘rough idea’ of what your closet might cost? OK, so now it’s to time to use the simple formula below to give you this answer (and no, people who get sweaty palms even thinking about math, this equation is super-easy math and -hopefully- WON’T remind you of your nerdy 8th grade Geometry teacher).
How to figure out the cost of your walk-in closet from this ‘base pricing’ example
While the method I’ll explain below won’t be perfect, it’ll give you a ‘rough idea’ of the cost of your closet.
For our base example I’m going to figure out the cost/linear inch of this custom closet. So, we’ll add up the linear inches of ‘buildable’ wall first.
Linear inches of wall space for our ‘base example’ – (120” back wall) + (96” left side wall) + (96” right side wall) = 312 linear inches in the entire design.
Then I’ll divide our installed cost by the number of linear inches to get the cost per linear inch.
Our cost/linear inch ($3,690 installed cost/ 312 linear inches) = $11.83/ cost per linear inch for our base example
Now to figure out your closet cost add the linear inches of your ‘buildable’ wall space x our cost/linear inch to get a rough budget of your cost for a basic white wall hung closet in a room with an 8’ ceiling.
So – let’s say you have 250 linear inches of walls. Your project cost based on the same layout style of the base pricing example would be…
Your cost – (250 linear inches) x ($11.83/cost per linear inch) = $2,956.
Now, that wasn’t too hard…was it?
So, now let’s move on to ‘Part II’ of our custom closet pricing outline and see how 5 of the most critical ‘it depends’ variables will change the cost of our ‘base closet’ defined above.
PART II) How five (‘it depends’ variables impact the cost of a custom closet design)
Variable #1 – How much more will it cost to use a ‘floor based’ system (i.e. a closet which looks like finished cabinetry and is built to the floor) vs. the ‘wall hung’ design in our ‘base pricing’ example?
After changing our ‘base pricing’ example from a wall hung to a floor-based system (which has sections built to the floor) the price increased to $4,698 (a 27% increase).
Variable #2 -How will increasing (or decreasing) the depth of a custom closet system impact cost?
While it doesn’t take a genius to figure out using deeper sections than the 14” chosen for the base example will add cost and making them shallower (let’s say using 12” deep) will reduce costs, I’m not a fan of the 12” option. And here’s why.
With a 12” system (which is likely what you, unfortunately, own today with your wire or plywood builder-supplied shelving) you’ll end up with a sloppy looking closet. Your sweaters and/or shoes hang over the edge. Your drawers in a 12” system (if you include them) won’t hold much. Given this, if you change depth, I’d recommend using deeper sections, not shallower ones than the 14” deep base example.
So, now let’s build off our (now) floor-based system and increase the depth of our drawer sections (after all you know you have TONS of t-shirts, yoga pants and jewelry you MUST fit in). I’ve changed the two 14” drawer stacks to a 19” depth. The price for the job increased to $5,066 (an 8% increase).
Variable #3- How can color, a wood look, and a textured wood pattern impact the price of a custom closet
So, you think a white closet looks way too ‘IKEA’ and boring. And I’m with you. So, while white drawers and shelves are cost-effective, they may not compliment your bathroom vanities and counters in the adjoining space. There’s NO WAY you want your custom closet to look like a cheap ‘boxed-up’ product you grabbed off the shelf at your neighborhood big box store. So, what can you do?
Well – here’s the good news. You can not only add color to your closet, but also smooth (or textured) wood grain looks in an adjustable laminate closet system.
Let’s see how upgraded colors, a smooth wood finish and textured wood-like selections impact our (now) 14” floor-based system with two 19” deep sets of drawers.
- Example 1- You changed from white to an ‘eggshell ivory’ or ‘breakwater’ (a light gray) color – The price increased to $5,733, a 13% change.
- Example 2- You changed from white to a luster (i.e. smooth) finish with a mocha or tannin (cherry-look) finish– The price increased to $5,720, a 13% change.
- Example 3- You changed from white to a popular textured woodgrain natural finish like the ‘river rock’ (shown below) or ‘ore’ (a dark black and gray) color – The price increased to $5,983, an 18% change.
Variable #4 – How does the cost of a custom closet increase if I upgrade from flat (Euro) drawers or doors to a Transitional Shaker style or Traditional raised panel design?
Your look, feel and architectural style is taken up a notch with the right selection of door and drawer fronts (as you can see in the example below). The simple symmetry of Shaker doors and drawers is all the rage whether you live in Columbus Ohio or Columbus Georgia. Or if you love a classic look, the raised panel design goes perfect with a Colonial or Cape Cod home.
In our example, changing from a standard flat Euro style door to a Shaker or Raised Panel option increased the price to $5,924, a 4% increase over the same design/color combo with the lower-cost, flat Euro style drawer fronts.
Variable #5- How much extra does it cost to hire a professional closet installation company vs. doing it myself?
As you know from the beginning of this article, I’m the owner of a company which designs and installs custom closet systems. What this means is I’m looking at our costs (and profit margins) ALL THE TIME. We need to make a fair profit to stay in business and serve our customers. And what you likely don’t know about me is I’m a self-described ‘business geek.’ I grew up being a junior version of the Michael P. Keaton character from the TV sitcom Family Ties (if you’re old enough to remember back that far). The bottom line is, I LOVE business (and the businesses I am fortunate enough to own and lead today)!
And being a business geek means knowing your ‘numbers.’ And here’s two important numbers I know from leading a custom closet company in Columbus Ohio I’ll share with you.
- Approximately 87% of the cost of a custom closet are materials.
- Approximately 13% of the cost of a custom closet is labor.
And in the companies I’m leading right now the 13% labor number as a percentage of the entire project is the smallest labor component of all the different remodeling businesses I lead (note – I also have a bathroom remodeling, nationwide building material wholesale and glass block and glass flooring businesses). But, what does this mean for you?
Well – 13% is NOT a big percentage of labor vs. 87% of the job cost going into materials. So, IMHO when you hire a professional closet company you get a lot of value for the 13% you pay. Here’s what you’ll get:
- A Free 3D closet design or Free virtual closet estimate (note – not all closet installation companies do this for free, but ours – and many of our competitors, do).
- Design expertise to make sure you don’t repeat the ‘closet errors’ in your past.
- A broader selection of widths, depths, colors, textures, and accessories then you’ll find on the shelves of a big box store.
- A lifetime material AND labor installation guarantee.
The question you’ll want to think through is the 13% of ‘potential’ labor savings (if you don’t screw up the installation) worth the hassle of DIY’ing the job.
Ok, so now that we’re done talking about ‘adding costs’ in the 5 variables above, let’s now turn our attention in Part III of this pricing outline to 5 practical tips you can use to reduce the cost of your custom closet.
Part III – Five practical ideas to reduce the cost of a custom closet
Tip #1 to reduce the cost of a custom closet – Use either a complete ‘wall hung’ (or a partial wall hung unit) vs. a floor-based system
While there are certain cases where you have to use a floor-based system (for example when we increased our drawer depths to 19” in variable 2 the system became too deep to safely hang off a rail on the wall), in many cases the 14” deep system (especially for hanging and shelving sections) will do the same job as deeper floor based units, at a lesser cost.
In many designs I use a ‘combo system’ where the drawer sections are deeper (and floor based) and the hanging and shelving sections are wall hung. For example if you take ‘variable 2’ where our entire system was floor based and you change the layout to only have the 19” drawer sections floor based, the total project cost is $4,146 (or 18% less than the entire closet being floor based). Consider a mixed system to save money, yet not compromise extra function (like getting the deeper drawers you DESPERATELY need!) or the extra ‘stylistic punch’ which comes from varying depths.
Tip #2 to reduce the cost of a custom closet – Stick with a white smooth laminate
Sure it’s fun to splurge for colors or invest in a distinctive textured laminate to add ‘style’ points. However, when you get real and come to the ‘brass tacks’ (whatever brass tacks is anyway) you may be the only one (other than your spouse or significant ‘utter’) who is going to see your closet. If this space is ALL about function, and LESS about fashion, choosing a white laminate closet can be the ‘workhouse’ which does the trick for you.
So, if you want to keep it cost-effective (and bright, especially if your closet has zero natural light), design it in a high-volume, low-cost white color.
Tip #3 to reduce the cost of a custom closet – Use more ‘hanging’ sections and less sections with drawers and doors
While I can argue you’ll improve function with drawers (and be able to fit more in your closet with more drawers vs. less hanging), there’s no debating hanging sections are FAR cheaper than drawer sections. If you NEED to keep a tight lid on the budget, eliminate drawers and doors from your closet design (and dig into doing a massive declutter of your dresser in the bedroom).
Tip #4 to reduce the cost of a custom closet – Make your sections wider…within reason
If you increase the width between sections (let’s say from 24” to 36”) you’ll save money because there are fewer vertical supports between sections, you’ll need to pay for.
And while this can be a sound cost-cutting strategy, I’ll warn you it’s not always smart. Make sure you don’t make the sections too wide where your closet rods start to sag (or worse yet, break). This would be ‘penny-wise and pound-foolish’ as my Dad used to say. Or don’t make the sections too wide and then don’t have the right mix of ‘long hanging’ (for dresses and coats) vs. ‘double-hanging’ (for your blouses and pants).
Tip #5 to reduce the cost of a custom closet – Shrink your system to a 12” depth
OK – I’m going to fess up and tell you this is a cost-reduction strategy I’m NOT a fan of (but it is a cost-reduction strategy you can use).
Many ‘store-bought’ closet systems (or low-budget closet installation companies) use 12” deep closets as their standard. And while this product offering saves THEM money (since a 12” system is 14% less material than a 14” closet) IMHO it doesn’t ‘live’ much better than the 12” wire shelving or painted plywood unit the builder slapped in your home years ago.
While it’s true you can use the 12” system, you also need to ‘keep it real’ (as Randy Jackson on American Idol used to say) and know your closet will look sloppier and sweaters and shoes might hang off the edge. And lastly you won’t want to include drawers in a 12” design because they’ll be oh-so-shallow.
So, where should you start to get exact pricing for your custom closet? And how can I (or my team) help you?
While I wish I could tell you I’ve given you a comprehensive (soup to nuts) guide to every option known to man or woman for a custom closet – in reality, I’ve just scratched the surface.
I haven’t covered the cost of a crazy number of ‘whistles and bells’ you can add to your custom closet. You may want crown molding, decorative hardware (often thought of as the ‘jewelry’ of the closet), valet rods, tie racks, belt racks, jewelry drawer trays…and the list goes on and on.
The cost of your custom closet is driven by many elements, not only including the many variables mentioned above but also where you live. I’m sure my custom closet prices in Columbus Ohio are waaaay cheaper than the same-sized closet installed in a New York City high-rise apartment.
So, how can you get an exact price of an installed custom walk in closet? Here’s 3 ideas:
- Idea #1) If you’re in Columbus Ohio and would like a Free 3D closet design, call Innovate Home Org at 614-545-6888. Yes, it’s a shameless plug for my business, but if you have a 17 year old daughter like me looking to go to college you know I NEED to get more jobs lined up (ha! ha!).
- Idea #2) if you’re in Columbus Ohio and just want a ‘rough idea’ of price to budget the job for the future (or are sweating bullets meeting a wacky guy like me or one of my staff (although there’s not as wacky as I am), a Virtual 3D design appointment can be your ticket.
- Idea #3) If you’re not in my company’s service area write in the comments below (or call me) and I’ll refer you to a closet buddy of mine across the country) or to my industry association the Association of Closet and Storage Professionals.
Thanks for reading,
Tags: closet pricing, Columbus walk in closet pricing, cost of a closet Columbus, cost of a walk in closet, custom walk in closet pricing, how to price a walk a walk in closet, how to save money walk in closet, installed closet pricing, price of a walk in closet, walk in closet budgeting, walk in closet Columbus, walk in closet pricing
Nickie Flynn
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Mike, I LOVE your posts. Always read them. I am in Wichita Kansas and need a referral. Thank you! Nickie Flynn
Mike Foti
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Nickie – thanks for your nice comments – that’s most appreciated! I reached out to my industry association (The Association of Closet and Storage Professionals) and one of the members mentioned Bonnie Holeman with a company called Storage by Design. I would tell you to give her a try (I’m going to reach out to her on LinkedIn now – because I haven’t met her before). Good luck – and let me know if you need anything else – Mike
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I’m in Springfield, MO. Can you recommend someone in my area?
Mike Foti
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Ashley – thanks for your comment. A company you can call is Simply Organized by Design.
Matt & Shelley Wehner own the company, and Matt’s email is
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Hey Mike! I just read 2 of your closet articles and I am intrigued! I built my home a year ago and I have a huge master closet that I would love to customize! I live in the Spartanburg SC area!
Mike Foti
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Jessica – thanks for reading my posts – I’m glad they’re getting you interested in a custom closet. While we don’t serve the Spartanburg SC area I’m going to put out word through my industry association and see if I can find you a referral. Please keep reading though……Mike
Mike Foti
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Jessica – here’s a referral for you – Good luck with your project – Mike
Morgan Zimmerman
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Mike, do you service the Lima area by chance?
Mike Foti
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Morgan – I don’t service the Lima Ohio area – but I’ll check through my industry associations Facebook page – the Association of Closet and Storage Professionals and see if I can find a referral for you – Mike
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Hi Mike, just read a couple of your posts and am excited to move forward with a custom design for my MB closet and kitchen pantry! Do you have someone in the Franklin, TN (south of Nashville) area you would refer!
Mike Foti
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Terri – I just sent out a notification through my industry association and let’s see if we come up with a referral for you. If I get one I will respond back here. Mike – P.S. thanks for reading the posts – feel free to share them also!
Mike Foti
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Terri – here is one referral I’ve got for you thus far- Tom and Betty Anne Mills Inspired Closets Nashville. tel:(615)312-7103
Jill Murtaugh
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Hi –
Thanks for your posts. Not sure where to start, but I live in San Antonio, TX. Any recommendations?
Mike Foti
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Jill – here is information for a friend of mine who has been in the closet business for quite few years. I’m sure she’d love to help you – Mike. Also – if you think my posts would help others you know, please pass them on.
Carlissa Montoya
CM Closet Design LLC
storage x design
Owner | Designer
call/text 210.386.9907
Peg Dellert
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Hi Mike! I found your articles just in time. We are building a house in Sutton, NH and I need to do a walk-in closet and a walk-in pantry. Could you send me in the right direction? Wish you were closer to me!
Thanks! -Peg
Mike Foti
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Peg – I just put out a request through my Association of Closet and Storage Professionals Facebook group looking for a referral for you. I’ll (hopefully) be back in touch with a referral. Thanks for reading – and feel free to pass the articles on to others they may help! Mike
Emma Alexander
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Hello Mike, Thank you for your helpful article! I’m living in a relatively new home that is very lacking in the closet and shelving/storage department. I absolutely detest the look and function of typical “kitchen cabinetry”. After providing ample photos (ahead of time) of what I like, a designer came to my home and—without even listening to or looking at what I’d prepared for our meeting—proceeded to insist on having the aforementioned ugly kitchen cabinetry installed on the walls of rooms that needing shelving. Do you have recommendations for the Raleigh, NC area for both custom closets & wall storage open & closed (i.e. floating shelves/floating cubbies with doors for heavier items like tons of books & decorative items & for general storage)? Thank you so much! -Em
Mike Foti
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Emma – I’m glad this article has been helpful to you. I did check and haven’t yet gotten a recommendation for you – unfortunately. I would look under ‘custom closets Raleigh NC’ as a good search term to find the companies in your town who focus on custom closets. Feel free to reach out again if I can be of assistance to you. Mike
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Thanks so much for posting this article! I too need help in Raleigh NC. I just received a quote from a big box store for over $13k installed. I about $@&t a brick. Have another company coming out tomorrow for an estimate, but wish you were here to do the job! Let me know if you’ve heard of anyone in this area. Thanks!!
Mike Foti
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Yasmeen – I just sent a note to my closet industry facebook group to see if I can get you a referral. Thanks for reading – Mike
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Mike – your articles are the best and most informative resources I’ve read on this topic. Thank you for the time spent.
Also hoping for a resource in Raleigh. Any luck from your Facebook group?
Mike Foti
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Sara – thanks for your nice comments. I’ve sent out a message to my industry Facebook group to see if I can find a custom closet referral for you in the Raleigh market. I’ll let you know- Mike
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Hello! My husband and I just bought a house in Huntsville, AL and are completely redoing our master closer. We would love a referral for the area, if you have one. Thanks!
Mike Foti
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Christina – thanks for your comment. I just reached out to my industry association – the Association of Closet and Storage Professionals – to see if I can get you a referral. Hopefully, I’ll be replying soon with a company for you! Mike
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Thanks so much for your posts, I read them faithfully and they are so helpful!
Mike Foti
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Lorraine – that’s so nice of you. I’m glad they are adding value to you. Feel free to share them with friends also. Have a great week! Mike
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Hi Mike! Your articles are CRAZY helpful. Have any contacts in Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA?
Thank you!
Mike Foti
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Caitlin – I just reached out to my industry group – the Association of Closet and Storage Professionals to see if I can get you a referral. I’ll let you know if anyone comes up. Thanks for reading! Mike
Brandy Hankerson
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Hi Mike,
I am looking for help with a walk-in closet in the Cleveland area near Macedonia. Do you service that area or have a contact for someone who does? Thanks.
Mike Foti
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Brandy – while our company does installations in Columbus Ohio – we haven’t ventured out to Cleveland at this point. I’m going to email you next with a contact name who will be emailing you to talk further. Thanks for reading the blog – I hope it’s been helpful to you! Mike
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Mike – Very helpful, makes me wish I was back in Ohio! Any recommendations for Westport, CT? Thanks!
Mike Foti
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Mary – thanks for your email. I have just sent out a message to my industry association to see if I can help find you a referral. Where did you live in Ohio? What got you out to Connecticut? Mike
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Great article! Planning our 1st floor addition to include master suite and walk-in closet and you give some useful advice. I checked for a name from Association of Closet and Storage Professionals for the Cleveland area but none came up. Do you have a name you can refer to me? I live just south of Cleveland.
Mike Foti
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Bev – I’m glad you enjoy the article. There is someone from The Closet Factory I can introduce you to. I’ll send you an email next. The best of success to you in your closet project! If you like my articles also feel free to share them. Thanks – Mike
Heather Cushing
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Thanks for all of this information! Can you give me a recommendation for a referral near Olympia, WA?
Mike Foti
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Heather – thanks so much for your nice comments. I’m glad this information the cost of a custom walk in closet cost has been helpful. I just sent you an email with a recommendation to Kurt Trombetti of PNW Closets. I’m sure he and his team will take good care of you. Have a great week – and feel free to share my blog with your friends! Mike
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I live just south of Indianapolis and am building a new home. I need help designing my walk in closet. Any referrals for my area?
Mike Foti
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Sheila – yes I do know someone in Indianapolis and his name is Ron Zhiss from Hoosier Closets. I’m going to send you an email to ‘virtually’ introduce you to Ron. Thanks – Mike
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Great articles!! (Read this one and another one about top 7 mistakes or something like that.). I’m trying to design my moms master closet and have gone the okra route and the fountained store route. I’ve had 1 carpenter come out and another one tomorrow to give us a quote. Your pricing is in line with what i got at the Container Store and my first carpenter. But nothing beats the Ikea price. And we don’t mind that look. Unfortunately ikea has been out of stock on some of the cabinets we need for over a month now, which is why we are looking for carpenters, since our project would need to start soon. Anyway, enjoyed your article. If you happen to have someone we should use in Houston, TX, I would love to get another estimate.
Mike Foti
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Thanks Julie – I’m glad you found the article of value to you. I have forwarded your interest in getting an estimate to a friend of mine in Texas to see if she (or someone she knows) can be of assistance to you. When I get an answer back I’ll send you an email. Thanks for reading my blog – and feel free to share it with others. Mike
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Love the articles! Very helpful. I have 12’ shelves now and HATE them for all the reasons stated. I recently bought my house and somewhere in the houses history they canabalized a room and made a master closet with tons of space and tons of wasted space. It’s functional and has a large window. If you have any referrals in the Tempe, AZ area I’d appreciate it.
Mike Foti
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Amanda – thanks for your nice comments. Yes – those 12″ shelves are a pain – and yet even many new closet systems still try to push them again (it’s a ‘penny-wise’ and ‘pound foolish’ strategy as my Dad would say to me). I just forwarded your interest to a friend of mine – Eric Marshall of DEA Kitchens and Closets to see if his team covers the Tempe Arizona area. I’ll be back in touch with you shortly – after I hear back from Eric. Thanks for reading and feel free to pass the articles on – Mike
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Dear Mike, thank you very much for this informative, helpful article! It is apparent that you know your stuff and have a passion for home organization. Your insight is very valuable. Keep up the great work.
And finally, do you by chance have a recommendation for the metro Detroit/southeast Michigan area when it comes to walk-in closets? Thanks again, and take care.
Mike Foti
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Christina – thanks for your nice comments. I’m always trying to learn more about home organization and closets – and with whatever businesses I’m in I try to give them my all! I will start to check with my industry contacts and my main supplier to find you a referral. I’ll keep you posted. Thanks – Mike
Twyla Williams-Damond
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Hi, Mike. I live in Lafayette, Louisiana and am ready to take the plunge for a glamour closet. (10×20) Any recommendations from your contacts list for this area?
Mike Foti
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Twyla – thanks for reading. I checked with my industry association and didn’t get a referral for your area. However, what I’d recommend you do is look in google under ‘custom closets Lafayette LA and see what turns up. Thanks for reading – Mike
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Hi Mike,
Love the article and it was a wonderful eye opening education. About to add an extension onto our home with a master suite and walk in closet. If you can recommend someone in NY specifically on Long Island, I would appreciate it!
Mike Foti
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Melissa – I reached out to one of the best suppliers in our industry (and an industry vet) – Richie Demarco from Richieleu and he told me the best company on Long Island is Huntington Closets. 631-423-9000. I hope this helps you. I’m glad the article was helpful and the best of success in your project – Mike
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Thank you for the informative article, so many great things to consider. Any referrals for the Farmington PA area?
Thank you
Mike Foti
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Tammy – thanks. I just sent correspondence through my industry association to see if anyone knows a good person in Farmington PA (which is an area I love – and who wouldn’t love visiting Nemacolin!). I’ll reply back if I can get a name for you. Mike
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I am interested in who you would recommend in Mesa, AZ just outside of Phoenix? We just built a home last year and I am ready to start getting estimates for a closet. Thank you so much for your helpful information!
Mike Foti
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Brenda – I have just the person for you. I am going to refer to you Eric Marshall from Modern Closets. He has a wealth of experience and is also a very nice guy. Thanks for reading – Mike
Jean Chatzky
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Hi Mike,
Thank you so much for this terrific article — very helpful the way you break everything down. Do you have a referral in Philadelphia?
Mike Foti
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Jean – yes I do! I would recommend Barry at Closets Possible for your project. You can reach him at 267-566-3222. I’ll also send you an email. I’m glad you’ve found the article helpful to you! Mike
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Looking for a closet specialist near Cookeville TN-I’m about 40 minutes N NE from Cookeville
Mike Foti
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Sherylin -I’m going to check with my closet association to see if anyone knows a good company to refer you to. Mike
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Mike! Hi. Thanks for all the great tips. Love that you put cost amounts in this so my husband and I can get a better idea for costs. I would love for you to recommend someone to us! We will live in the greater metro St. Louis area on the Illinois side. Thanks for any suggestions.
Mike Foti
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Georgi – I’m glad this article has been valuable to you. I know it’s hard for someone who hasn’t priced out an installed closet before to have any idea of what it costs! Regarding a referral – I’ve heard good things about St. Louis Closet Company – although I haven’t met any of them yet. Here’s a link to their site – I hope this helps – Mike
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Looking for any recommendations for closet companies near Chicago (specifically west Suburbs) as there are WAY too many to choose from and I’m not sure who to trust!!
Mike Foti
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Caroline – that’s an excellent point. Finding not only any closet company – but one with a history for doing the right thing is essential. The one I’d highly recommend is Inspired Closets (and their owner is Mike Carson). You see Mike’s been in this industry for a long time and really knows his stuff. He’ll make sure you’re treated right. I’ll send you an email with his contact information also. Good luck with the project – Mike
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Help! I’ve read your articles and I don’t want to make any mistakes and waste any money or time. Do you have closet contact for the Pocono Mountains?
Mike Foti
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Dawn – sorry, but I don’t know anyone in the Poconos. Mike
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Hi! This article was so helpful. Do you know of anyone in southern Indiana? We live in New Albany, about 15 minutes from Louisville,KY
Mike Foti
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Theresa – sorry I missed this comment. I did put word out to my Facebook group to see if I could find you a referral. Mike
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Hello Mike, read your post and very interesting and knowledgeable.
Can you give me a referral here in Chelsea Michigan.
Thanks Nati
Mike Foti
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Nati – I just sent out a note to my Facebook group for my closet association to see if I can find you a referral. Hopefully I’ll have a name for you – Mike
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Do you know anyone in Birmingham,AL? We are planning a master suite addition with his and hers walk in closets.
Mike Foti
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Jennifer – I am checking with my FB industry group to see if I can find a referral for you – Mike
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Hi Mike. I read your 11 mistakes article first and the depth of the shelving is something I had not thought of. I have lived 11 years with a closet that at first look seemed amazing, but I hate it, it is not functional, and it’s time to fix it. It is a smallish walk in and most examples show big island dresser and lounge area worthy pictures. I appreciate your more real life, normal people size closet example. I realize now I can probably afford it. I live in Denton, TX (about 30 minutes from Dallas). Do you have any contacts in this area that you recommend? Thanks, Janet. Also, thank you for taking the time to read comments and make referrals.
Mike Foti
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Janet – I have a friend – Carlissa Montoya of CM Closet Designs. I’m not sure if this is in her area – but even if it’s not she also knows a lot of people in the business and I’ll bet she’ll be able to help you. Mike
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Any referrals for south suburbs of Chicago…Coal City, IL? We are currently expanding our master closet and are looking for so
Eo e to help us customize!
Mike Foti
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Jenna – I would highly recommend Mike Carson from Inspired Closets in Chicago. He really knows his stuff and runs a nice business – Mike
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Hi Mike – love your articles and find them incredibly helpful! Do you have any recommendations for people to work with in San Francisco, CA? We’re planning a new walk-in master closet.
Mike Foti
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Ryan there is a company called Valet Custom Closets who is very professional – and highly experienced. If you need a specific contact there I know the Marketing Director – a very nice lady – Mike
Ashley H
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Hi Mike – love these tips! Do you have a referral for Atlanta, GA?
Mike Foti
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Ashley – thanks for reading and I’m glad you like the tips. In Atlanta I’d highly recommend Artisan Custom Closets. Here’s a link to their site. Their owner Lisa is a leader in our industry. Mike
Shelley Silverman
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Thanks for the tips! Do you have a referral for Albuquerque, NM?
Mike Foti
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Shelley – I’m sorry but I don’t know anyone in Albuquerque. You can check on the site as well – Mike
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Thanks for the great articles, Mike. Do you have a referral to anyone in the Redmond/Bellevue, WA area?
Mike Foti
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Hi Nancy – I’m glad the article is helpful to you. I’m thinking a company called PNW Closets (owned by Kurt Trombetti) will be able to help you. I just emailed Kurt as well – but feel to reach out to them also – Thanks – Mike
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Hi. My husband is a carpenter but not a designer. Would you be willing to do your virtual 3D design and consultation from Ohio and place a cabinet order shipped to NJ which he can then install? Would work great for us…!
Mike Foti
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Kate – thanks for your email. I’ll send you an email about this. Our supplier doesn’t really have a nationwide ‘drop ship’ program (although I wish they did) – but I do have some closet industry friends in New Jersey who may be able to help you out.
Thanks for reading the article! Mike
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Hi Mike, Great article! Thank you very much for the information! Do you know anyone in the Ft. Myers, Florida area?
Mike Foti
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Elana – I’m glad you enjoyed this article. I’m going to reach out to my network now and see if I can find you someone in Ft. Myers Florida – Mike
Mike Foti
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Elana – here’s 2 people for you – Candice Clark with California Closets and Sara Trapp with All About Closets – they’re both in our industry association – Mike
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I have enjoyed readying up on your custom closets. Just purchased a new home and master closet is all wire. I live in Greensboro NC. Would love to find a company here.
Mike Foti
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Hi Nicole – I just put word out to some friends in my industry association to see if I can find you a good referral – I’ll post back here if I do – thanks – Mike
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Thanks for the helpful article. Can you refer me to someone in Magnolia, Texas (just north of Houston)?
Mike Foti
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Amie – although I’m not sure if her business covers your specific town I’d suggest calling Carlissa Montoya of CM Closet Designs. She does very nice work and even if she doesn’t serve your area, I’ll be she knows someone who does – here’s her number Phone: (210) 664-0020
Angela B
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Hi Mike, I just came across your articles and I’m curious if you and your team can service the Cleveland area? We’re putting on an addition this year and I’m working on my new closet design and budget! We’d be willing to travel to you to get the process started!
Mike Foti
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Angie – thanks for our comment. Most of our work is in Central Ohio – but I may be able to help you depending on the size and scope of the project. If not – I’ll have a referral for you. I’ll send you an email. Mike
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Hi Mike! Enjoyed reading your closet design articles! Any recommendations in Fort Worth, Texas? Thank you!
Mike Foti
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Hi Kathryn – thanks for your nice comments. I just forwarded your interest to a friend of mine – Carly with CM Closet Designs to see if she covers this area or knows someone who does. I’ll see what she tells me – Mike
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Hi Mike,
Any referrals for the Pensacola, Florida area?
Nancy O'Neil
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Can you recommend a “closet buddy” in northern New York–Lake Placid, Plattsburgh, Lake George, Saratoga Springs or Albany? I’m interested in the nice (more expensive) options that you suggest in your article. Thank you.
Mike Foti
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Nancy – I’ll put in a note to my association and see if I can come up with anyone for you – Mike
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Hi Mike, we live in Lindon, Utah. Can you recommend someone in Utah county?
Mike Foti
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Sorry – I don’t know anyone in Utah at this point – you can also check on the web site which is our industry association – this may get you to the right person – Mike
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Hello Mike, thank you for the tips. Could you please recommend a company in San Diego, CA? Thank you.
Mike Foti
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Teneisha – one of my friends recommended Gary Pavitt from Classy Closets in San Diego – here’s a link to their Facebook page – Mike
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Love your helpful article. Know anyone in the Denver metro area?
Mike Foti
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Michelle – I’m putting a note in our industry Facebook page to see if I can come up with a referral for you. I’ll post here if I come up with anyone – Mike
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Love your blog! Would love referral in houston Texas!
Mike Foti
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Stephanie – I’d recommend Space Managers in Houston. Here’s a link to their site. I know the owner Francis – a very nice guy –
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Thank you very much for the great knowledge you share about closet design etc. greatly appreciated. If I lived in Columbus Ohio, I’d certainly call you! But, I don’t…any chance you can recommend a closet design professional in palm beach county FLorida? A great many thanks again.
Mike Foti
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Cynthia – thanks for reading – I’m going to check with my industry association for you. I’ll respond back here with what I find out – Mike
Rachel R
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Loved your article, so informative! I’m in San Gabriel Valley in Los Angeles. Any recommendations?
Mike Foti
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Rachel – there’s a good California Closet franchise in your area you may want to contact. Thanks for reading my post! Mike
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Hi Mike, thank you so much for this super helpful (and fun to read) article. I live in Bremerton, WA. Anyone you’d recommend for my area? Also what are your thoughts on the company Closets by Design?
Mike Foti
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Katherine – thanks for your nice comments! I do have a friend who runs a closet business in Portland Oregon – but I’m not sure how close that is to you. Closets by Design is a franchise company – but I do think their offerings and service will vary by location and I’m not familiar with the one in your area. Another option would be to check out the ACSP – Association of Closet and Storage Professionals. This is our industry association – and you may find a referral through there. Mike
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Great post! Thanks for all of the helpful information! Any suggestions for companies near Columbia, Missouri?
Mike Foti
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Mo – glad like the article. I’d recommend looking at the companies in the Association of Closet and Storage Professionals. This is our trade association. Thanks for reading! Mike
Ivette C
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Hello Mike !
Congrats on the article and your successful company, you and your family must be really proud of the great work you do.
I live in Central New Jersey – Princeton specifically. Any recommendations ? Thanks a lot and keep the fun writing.
Mike Foti
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Ivy – thanks for your nice comment on my articles. My goal for writing is to be educational – but also to NOT make it boring reading!
I’m going to give you a link to a business 2 friends of mine lead. I’m not 100% sure they cover your area, but my guess is if they don’t, they’ll know someone to refer you to. Ask for Wendy Scott or Patty Miller – there 2 of the most knowledgeable people (and crazy-good closet designers) I know.
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Hi Mike!
I discovered your blog post last night and have been voraciously reading it (we closed on our house today and are looking to invest in a custom closet before moving in next month). We’re not near you. Do you have any referrals for the Bowie, MD area? They may be based in MD, Northern VA, or DC.
Mike Foti
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Valerie – I’m glad the blog has been of value. I don’t have a company I know well there – but I’d recommend going to the Association of Closet and Storage Professionals site and I’m sure you’ll find someone – Mike
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Love love love reading your articles on custom closets. I have learned a lot. Can you refer someone in Jacksonville, FL?
Mike Foti
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Jessica – thanks so much! I’m glad you’re getting value from the articles. I would recommend to visit – which is the web site for our industry trade association. There you should find someone. The best to you in your project – Mike
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Hi there!
I’m in the Pinterest rabbit hole and came across a couple of your posts and they’re very helpful! We are rebuilding our home after the marshall wildfire. Got any recommendations for people in Louisville/Boulder, Colorado? Thank you!
Mike Foti
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Fallon – thanks for reading my article after going down the Pinterest rabbit hole! I don’t know anyone well in Colorado but I’d recommend you check out our industry association – thanks – Mike
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Hi Mike! Loved your article. I would love a referral for Silverhill, Alabama please.
Mike Foti
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Stacey – glad the article was of value to you. While I don’t know anyone in Silverhill Alabama – I’d recommend to go to our industry association and see if you can get a referral. You can go to – – Mike
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Need referral for St. Paul, mn
Mike Foti
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Heather – thanks for reading my article! I don’t know anyone well in St. Paul but I’d recommend you check out our industry association – thanks – Mike
Sherri R
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Hi Mike! Just read a couple of your articles and found them very helpful as well as intriguing. We are building in a small town northeast of Waco TX. Do you know of anyone in our area that could help us design a closet?
Mike Foti
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Sherri – I have a friend in Texas, but I’m not sure if you’d be too far away from her. But her name is Carly Montoya of CM Closet Design. Her number is 210-386-9900. If she can’t help you – I’ll bet she’ll know someone who can – thanks for reading – Mike
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Mike, I love your articles! Great advice! Two questions: 1) Can you recommend a closet design company in the Cleveland (ideally Eastside) area?
2) I know and understand why you recommend having a top shelf only 12″ below the ceiling but since I am only 5′ how can I have a reachable top rod (8′ ceiling)?
Mike Foti
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Terri – we could help you in Cleveland. We have a location of our company in Columbus and in Cleveland (we’re located close Independence). I’d recommend you call our office at 216-658-1280 (that’s our overall business – Innovate Building Solutions) and mention to them you were talking to Mike about a closet and they’ll refer you to me (and I’ll also send you an email next!
Regarding your reachable top rod – this isn’t a problem. Professional closet systems Terry all have holes on the side – so the rod can be set anywhere you like. Thanks for reading my articles. I’m also from Cleveland – I grew up on the East side – but live in Akron now – so I guess you could call me a ‘Southerner!’ – ha! ha! – Mike
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Hi Mike,
I came upon your article and appreciate the detail with added humor. Any chance you have a contact here near the Indianapolis,IN metro area? We purchased our home 5 years ago and it has builder grade wire shelving in closet and lacks functionality. Thanks in advance!
Mike Foti
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Bernice – thanks for your comment. I used to know the guy who owned Hoosier Closets, but he recently sold the business – but you may want to try them first. In addition, you could always visit our industry association site – for more referrals. Thanks for reading my post! Mike
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Hi Mike, I’m glad to see you’re still reading comments. Thank you for taking the time to write all these informative articles; I’m really enjoying reading them!
I did go on the site, but it looked like the closest business was about 4 hours away from where I live in West Richland, WA. Do you have any suggestions?
Mike Foti
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Hello Victoria – I’m glad you’re enjoying the articles – and I’m sorry the site didn’t have someone close to you. I’m going to send you an email with a link to a friend of mine – Kurt Trombetti of PNW Closets. While I don’t think he covers your area, he knows a lot of people and may be a good referral source. I hope I get you on the right path – Mike
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Hi Mike, Thank you for a educational and entertainng article. We purchased a older home that is need of updates. I am in the Scottsdale Az area if you would recommend someone in my area it would be much appreciated.
Mike Foti
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Bobbie – I’m glad you’ve found the article educational and entertaining! I’d recommend you call Eric Marshall from Kitchen and Closets by DEA. They’re got a wealth of experience and Eric’s a friend of mine – Mike