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Posts Tagged ‘3D closet design’

Why you should NEVER buy a custom closet without a 3D closet design

Opening Image - Why You Should NEVER Buy a Custom Closet Without a 3D Closet Design - Innovate Home Org, Columbus Ohio Custom Closets, Walk In Closet 3D Designs, Closet Storage Systems, Walk In Closet Concepts
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I was headed to a closet appointment and glancing over the hand-drawn closet ‘sketches’ (and I use this term in the most sarcastic way possible) my prospective client had sent me from one of my competitors.

And as I looked at these drawings (and you can see them for yourself below), I thought:

  • How in the ‘Sam Adams’ would any homeowner be able to make heads or tails of this design? While I’m in the industry and I can ‘visualize’ this 2D…

What to Expect When You’re Expecting a Professional Closet Installation

What to Expect When You’re Expecting a | Innovate Home Org | Columbus Closet Design | Home Remodeling Storage | DIY Closet Design
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If you can remember what it was like to be pregnant with your first (or if you’re a guy who was worrying what this ‘dad’ job would entail), you know you were scared to be an expectant first-time parent.

And even though you bought (in desperation) The What to Expect When You’re Expecting book to give you a guide of what to do, you knew some of this parenting thing you’d have to figure out along the way.

And even though I’ll admit buying a…

Closet Design for Dummies – 11 Dumb Things You Should Never Ask a Closet Designer

Opening Image Closet Design for Dummies – 11 Dumb Things You Should Never Ask a Closet Designer | Innovate Building Solutions | Innovate Home Org
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I know, I know – as your teacher used to say, there’s no such thing as a dumb question– especially if you don’t know squat about the subject (which is likely true for most people trying to figure out their first custom closet).

However, there are LOTS and LOTS of dumb things builders, remodelers and well-meaning DIY’ers do which makes closets hard to use. And I (for one) don’t want you to put up with a custom closet which is a pain in the…

13 Closet Trends from ClosetCon 2023 to Make Sure Your Organization System (and buying experience) IS NOT Behind the Times

Opening 13 Closet Trends from ClosetCon 2023 to Make Sure Your Organization System | Home Organization | Closet Con | Custom Closet
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OK, I’ll admit it. I like to hang with the ‘who’s who’ in the home organization/closet industry. And it’s not only to rub elbows with the best of the best. It’s also to learn what’s hot and what’s not.

And most importantly – it’s also to learn ‘what works, what doesn’t work, and what’s designed to work better for YOU now than last year. Because, after all – you can have the most trend-setting closet since Khloe Kardashian…

How to Choose the Best Custom Closet Designer – 17 Factors You Need to Know

Blog Post - Opening image - How to Choose Best Custom Closet Designer Columbus, Ohio Innovate Home Org #ClosetRemodel #CustomCloset #ClosetDesign
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You thought the custom closet design company you saw advertised EVERYWHERE would be your best choice. However, that was until you met the closet designer they sent to your home.

They were arrogant.

They didn’t seem the slightest bit interested in your ‘small’ job.

They (barely) asked you any questions or took the time to learn why your closets is a ‘nails-on-a-chalkboard’ experience for you.

And to top it off, they ‘presented’ you with a…

The Pros and Cons of Crown Molding in a Custom Closet Design

Blog Post - Opening image Pros Cons Crown Molding in Custom Columbus Closet Design | Innovate Home Org | Columbus, Ohio #ClosetCrownMolding #ClosetRemodel #ClosetDesign
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Warning – Drooling Over Custom Closets on Pinterest with Elegant Crown Molding Can Be Dangerous to Your Health (and Budget!).

 If only home improvement projects came with warning labels like packs of cigarettes. Maybe then you wouldn’t be so inclined to splurge on stylish features like crown molding (even if it was dangerous to your budget)!

However, let’s face it. Life is made to be enjoyed. And a custom closet – which is elegant AND…