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Posts Tagged ‘3D custom closet design’

Why you should NEVER buy a custom closet without a 3D closet design

Opening Image - Why You Should NEVER Buy a Custom Closet Without a 3D Closet Design - Innovate Home Org, Columbus Ohio Custom Closets, Walk In Closet 3D Designs, Closet Storage Systems, Walk In Closet Concepts
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I was headed to a closet appointment and glancing over the hand-drawn closet ‘sketches’ (and I use this term in the most sarcastic way possible) my prospective client had sent me from one of my competitors.

And as I looked at these drawings (and you can see them for yourself below), I thought:

  • How in the ‘Sam Adams’ would any homeowner be able to make heads or tails of this design? While I’m in the industry and I can ‘visualize’ this 2D…

How to Choose a Custom Closet Design Company and NOT Waste Your Time (10 Factors You Need to Know)

Blog Post - Opening image - How to Choose a Custom Closet Design Company Columbus | Innovate Home Org #Closet #DreamCloset #ClosetDesign
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Maybe you’ve already paid too much for ‘fixer upper’ in this overheated real estate market (and this home has closets you KNOW will not fit your clothes). Or maybe your home has been ‘long-in-the-tooth’ for way too many years. And now you’re FINALLY getting around to remodeling your cramped and disorganized closet.

On a positive note, it’s been fun finding inspirational designs on Pinterest and Instagram to redo your messed up closet.…

11 Smart Questions to Ask about a Custom Closet Design…so you don’t waste money!

Blog Opening image - 11 questions custom closet design save money | Innovate Home Org | Columbus, Ohio #Closet #CustomCloset #ClosetRemodel
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OK, I’ve been doing custom closet designs for years so when my prospective client asked me if there would be enough room in her design for tall boots – even though I already included adjustable shelves (which would allow space for the tall boots) it dawned on me, maybe (just maybe) she didn’t ‘see’ the design like I did.

And why should she see it like me. First, I’ve created thousands of designs and second, I’m intimately familiar (and…