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Posts Tagged ‘closet pricing’

Why you should NEVER buy a custom closet without a 3D closet design

Opening Image - Why You Should NEVER Buy a Custom Closet Without a 3D Closet Design - Innovate Home Org, Columbus Ohio Custom Closets, Walk In Closet 3D Designs, Closet Storage Systems, Walk In Closet Concepts
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I was headed to a closet appointment and glancing over the hand-drawn closet ‘sketches’ (and I use this term in the most sarcastic way possible) my prospective client had sent me from one of my competitors.

And as I looked at these drawings (and you can see them for yourself below), I thought:

  • How in the ‘Sam Adams’ would any homeowner be able to make heads or tails of this design? While I’m in the industry and I can ‘visualize’ this 2D…

How Much Does an Installed Custom Walk in Closet Cost? (including 5 ideas to save you money)

How much does an installed custom walk in closet cost | Innovate Home Org | #CustomStorage #CustomOrganization #WalkInCloset
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As someone who leads a business designing and installing custom closets in Columbus Ohio I KNOW I could give you a cop-out answer to the question of how much an installed walk in closet costs in 2 words or less…

It depends.

It depends on the height and depth of the closet system.

It depends on how much hanging vs. shelving vs. drawers you use.

It depends if the closet is a standard white color or uses an advanced textured laminate which looks just…