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Posts Tagged ‘Columbus closet design’

What to Expect When You’re Expecting a Professional Closet Installation

What to Expect When You’re Expecting a | Innovate Home Org | Columbus Closet Design | Home Remodeling Storage | DIY Closet Design
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If you can remember what it was like to be pregnant with your first (or if you’re a guy who was worrying what this ‘dad’ job would entail), you know you were scared to be an expectant first-time parent.

And even though you bought (in desperation) The What to Expect When You’re Expecting book to give you a guide of what to do, you knew some of this parenting thing you’d have to figure out along the way.

And even though I’ll admit buying a…

How to Choose the Best Custom Closet Designer – 17 Factors You Need to Know

Blog Post - Opening image - How to Choose Best Custom Closet Designer Columbus, Ohio Innovate Home Org #ClosetRemodel #CustomCloset #ClosetDesign
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You thought the custom closet design company you saw advertised EVERYWHERE would be your best choice. However, that was until you met the closet designer they sent to your home.

They were arrogant.

They didn’t seem the slightest bit interested in your ‘small’ job.

They (barely) asked you any questions or took the time to learn why your closets is a ‘nails-on-a-chalkboard’ experience for you.

And to top it off, they ‘presented’ you with a…

How to Solve 15 Common Walk in Closet Storage Problems Which Make You want to SCREAM!!!

Blog Post - Opening image How to solve 15 common walk in closet problems | Innovate Home Org | Columbus, OH #Closet #ClosetDesign #CustomCloset
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If you HATE, HATE, HATE your master walk in closet you’re not alone. If you’re experiencing any or all of the following problems, you’re by NO MEANS unique when your closet makes you want to SCREAM!

  • Problem #1 – Your clothes are jamb-packed, yet you still have ‘dead space’ above (and below) your hanging clothes you can’t use efficiently.


  • Problem #2 – You can’t find anything, and you certainly can’t store everything you’d like in your…

How to Design an Age in Place Closet

Blog Post Opening image How to Design an Age in Place Closet | Columbus, Ohio | Innovate Home Org #Closet #CustomClosetDesign #ClosetDesign
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OK – I’m going to tell you right up front I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE designing closets. However, I’ll also admit the idea of ‘aging in place,’ makes me feel like an old dude. Sure, maybe this is because I’m 61. And yes, I still like to ‘reframe’ my age as (29 x 2) + 3.

And if you’re like me and thinking about age in place strategies for your home weirds you out, I still think this article will help you. However, whether you’re designing a bathroom,…

How to Compare Custom Walk-In Closet Companies (and get more bang for your buck)

Opening How to Compare Columbus Custom Closet Companies | Innovate Home Org #HomeRemodel #CLosetDesign #customdesign
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You’re had it ‘up to here’ (as your mom used to say) with your walk-in closet. If you have to throw ANOTHER shoe against the wall in frustration because you can’t find what you need, things are gonna get UGLY!

You’ve told your partner this is THE YEAR you’re going to make sense of the mess which is your walk-in closet. However, in your initial research you’ve found it challenging figuring out which custom closet companies to invite into…

13 Ways to NOT Waste Money on a Custom Closet Design

Opening - 13 Ways to NOT waste money on a custom closet design | Innovate Home Org #CustomCloset #Organization #StorageSystem
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I bet you’ve all heard of FOMO (the Fear of Missing Out). But I’ll give you another ‘acronym’ which is far more paralyzing when you’re thinking about buying something. This ‘acronym’ is FOSU. Don’t know what FOSU stands for? OK – here it is….

It’s the Fear Of Screwing Up

And this FOSU problem is a huge worry when you’re buying something (like a custom closet) for the first time. You haven’t been down the road before. You’re not sure who(m)…