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Posts Tagged ‘combined laundry room and closets’

9 Amazingly Simple Ideas to Create an Accessible Closet for Someone in a Wheelchair (or with Limited Mobility)

Amazingly Simple Ideas to creat an accessible closet for someone in a wheelchair | Innovate Home Org | Columbus, Ohio | #HomeOrganization #ClosetStorage #WheelchairFriendly
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I wonder why I decided to writhe this article about accessible closet design? Maybe it’s because:

  • (A) I’ve watched my able-bodied Father in Law ultimately need a wheelchair. Now my Mother in Law struggles with a walker. I ask myself, “Will these mobility devices be in my future?”


  • (B) I’ve got a dear friend – Rosemarie Rossetti – who 20 years ago was crushed (and her back cracked) when a 3-ton tree fell on her on a summer bike ride through…