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Posts Tagged ‘Ikea closet Columbus’

The Pros & Cons of an Ikea Pax Closet Wardrobe System (written by a closet designer)

Opening Image - Ikea closet design vs custom closet | Innovate Home Org | custom closet | Columbus Ikea | Columbus closets | #customstorage #ikeastorage #ColumbusClosets
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I’ll admit right up front I have no stock in Ikea and (crazy as it may seem) I don’t like they’re Swedish meatballs (although I do LOVE their crispy oatmeal chocolate cookies!).

And I’ll even admit on a few occasions my custom closet design and installation company has lost sales to our Columbus Ohio Ikea mega-store (and I’ll even share an example in this article why Ikea made more sense than buying from my business – bummer).

And while there…