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Posts Tagged ‘walk in closet’

13 Tricks Professional Closet Designers Use to Maximize Storage in a Small Master Walk In Closet

Opening 13 Tricks Professional Closet Designers Use to Maximize Storage in a Small Master Walk In Closet | Innovate Home Org | Columbus, OH | Storage Organization | Home Organization Systems
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So, your tiny walk in closet will never be mistaken for a Kim Kardashian look-alike.

There’s ZERO room for a fancy island or opulent chandeliers.

And there’s not even a one in a million chance your closet will be featured on a celebrity segment of Inside Edition.

And if we’re being real, you’d be ecstatic if you could just fit what you need every day into your cramped master walk in closet.

You want to ‘find’ more storage.

You need to ‘find’…

How to Solve 15 Common Walk in Closet Storage Problems Which Make You want to SCREAM!!!

Blog Post - Opening image How to solve 15 common walk in closet problems | Innovate Home Org | Columbus, OH #Closet #ClosetDesign #CustomCloset
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If you HATE, HATE, HATE your master walk in closet you’re not alone. If you’re experiencing any or all of the following problems, you’re by NO MEANS unique when your closet makes you want to SCREAM!

  • Problem #1 – Your clothes are jamb-packed, yet you still have ‘dead space’ above (and below) your hanging clothes you can’t use efficiently.


  • Problem #2 – You can’t find anything, and you certainly can’t store everything you’d like in your…

21 Do’s and Don’ts You Need to Know to Gain Storage (and eliminate mistakes) in a Small Walk in Closet

Opening 21 do's and don't small walk in closet columbus | Innovate Home Org| #CustomCloset #Organization #StorageOrganization
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So, your small walk-in closet is a DISASTER! Join the crowd.

As an owner and designer of custom closets in Columbus Ohio I’ve seen  thousands of closets and I get the same comment from people BEFORE I step into their closet. They’ll say ……

“Mike, sorry about this closet. It’s such a mess.”

I tell them there’s no need to apologize. Most closets are D.O.A. (Dead on Arrival) before you even put one stitch of clothing inside them. They’ve been…

10 Steps to Take the ‘Ugly’ Out of Your Closet

Opening Image - Closet system | Innovate Home Org | #ClosetSystem #OrganizationSystem #Remodeling #CustomStorage
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If your closet is ‘butt-ugly’ raise your hand. And if you didn’t raise your, I’d like to congratulate you on that new pair of rose-colored glasses.

And if we’re being real most closets are an unmitigated (and a mitigated) disaster. Hanging clothes bunched together. Haphazard stacks of clothes. Shoes in a dumper-heap on the floor. Does this resemble your world?

It’s easy to see what’s ‘not-to-like’ about your closet. However, the real…

The Top 10 Reasons You Need a Home Organization System

Reasons you need a home organization system | Innovate Home Org | Columbus Ohio | #HomeOrganization #StorageOrganization #ClosetOrganization
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It’s fun scrolling through Pinterest looking at glamour closets of stars like Khloe Kardashian. How cool would it be to have a room dedicated to your shoe, purse or jewelry collection (even if you’re jewelry is more costume than real)? 

While you may dream of such luxuries, you have waaaaay too many practical needs to deal with first.

Your son is demanding a new bookbag. Your daughter wants to buy a hot new prom dress she saw at the mall. “It’s…

7 Sizzling Hot Design Trends to Ramp up Your Storage Spaces in 2018

7 sizzling hot design trends to ramp up your storage spaces in 2018 | Innovate Home Org | #storagetrends #closetdesign #closetstorage
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There are situations where I wish I could go back to the days when I was growing up. Visiting Grandma’s house for a fresh Italian meal is one of them. The smell of garlic bread with fresh parsley flakes or her famous pizza (with the thick crust, diced up tomatoes, and small bits of anchovies - yes, I know some of you are grossed out about that) baking in the oven. If I could only get another slice of it today.

However, there are other aspects…