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Posts in the ‘Pantry’ Category

The Top 10 Reasons You Need a Home Organization System

Reasons you need a home organization system | Innovate Home Org | Columbus Ohio | #HomeOrganization #StorageOrganization #ClosetOrganization
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It’s fun scrolling through Pinterest looking at glamour closets of stars like Khloe Kardashian. How cool would it be to have a room dedicated to your shoe, purse or jewelry collection (even if you’re jewelry is more costume than real)? 

While you may dream of such luxuries, you have waaaaay too many practical needs to deal with first.

Your son is demanding a new bookbag. Your daughter wants to buy a hot new prom dress she saw at the mall. “It’s…

7 Rooms Which Need a Home Organization Makeover Post COVID

7 rooms which need a home organization makeover post COVID | Innovate Home Org | #homeorganization #Closet #HomeOffice #Storagsolutions
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Has your first (and hopefully last) worldwide pandemic made you want to S-C-R-E-A-M at your home because it’s sooooo disorganized? Is your frustration boiling over? Can you relate to the following?

  • You ‘attempted’ to manage those Zoom calls for work from your make-shift home office (AKA your kitchen table). Your dog was barking and your ‘little angels’ (AKA your kids) were fighting in the background. Not exactly the professional image…

The 9 Deadliest Kitchen Pantry Storage Problems (and how you can overcome them)

Opening Image | Innovate Home Org | Closet Organization | Pantry Room | Pantry Storage | Pantry Organizers | #Pantry #ColumbusPantry #OrganizationStorage
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Your walk-in pantry looked soooo nice BEFORE you moved into your home.

There were so many more shelves than your last place. You wondered, am I ever going to fill these shelves up?

And then life happened.

You had 2 beautiful kiddos (OK, at least they’re beautiful when they’re not fighting like cats and dogs as your Mom used to say). You swear they’re hooked on every surgery cereal and snack food known to boy or girl.  

Your pantry started getting…

5 Cool Roll in Pantry and Entryway Design Elements

5 cool roll in pantry and entryway design elements columbus ohio universal design living laboratory home
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There is no reason a kitchen pantry or entryway can’t be a breeze to navigate from a wheelchair and I’m determined to prove to you it’s possible! Why am I so sure this is doable? Well, I’ve had the opportunity to tour the home of Rosemarie Rossetti and Mark Leder in Columbus– and as you’ll see this is not my first tour of their home.

In case you haven’t had the chance to follow along in Part 1 of the series I looked at how Rosemarie and Mark…

5 Simple Steps to Design and Organize Your Kitchen Pantry

5 simple steps to design and organize your columbus kitchen pantry
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Is your kitchen pantry such a mess that packing lunches or prepping for a holiday meal is a huge source of stress? Are your shelves so narrow that canned good and boxes are falling off the edge? Does pulling out cooking sheets out require you to be a mini-Houdini? If you answered yes to any of these questions stepping back and evaluating the design and organization of your kitchen pantry cabinets will be a worthwhile thing to do. 

If you’re…

7 Simple Tips for Downsizing Your Home as an Empty Nester

7 Simple Tips for Downsizing Your Home as an Empty Nester | Innovate Home Org | #EmptyNester #Downsizing #ColumbusDownsizing
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You knew the moment would come. You just dropped your last child - ‘Daddy’s little’ girl’ - off at college. You’ve officially become an empty nester. Now you and Bill have your Upper Arlington home with 4 bedrooms, a fire pit, a hot tub and large yard all to yourselves.

You’re supposed to be jumping for joy.

You feel more like crying.

There will be no more cheer practices, band recitals, or field hockey games to attend. You’re faced with THE…