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Posts Tagged ‘accessible closet’

9 Amazingly Simple Ideas to Create an Accessible Closet for Someone in a Wheelchair (or with Limited Mobility)

Amazingly Simple Ideas to creat an accessible closet for someone in a wheelchair | Innovate Home Org | Columbus, Ohio | #HomeOrganization #ClosetStorage #WheelchairFriendly
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I wonder why I decided to writhe this article about accessible closet design? Maybe it’s because:

  • (A) I’ve watched my able-bodied Father in Law ultimately need a wheelchair. Now my Mother in Law struggles with a walker. I ask myself, “Will these mobility devices be in my future?”


  • (B) I’ve got a dear friend – Rosemarie Rossetti – who 20 years ago was crushed (and her back cracked) when a 3-ton tree fell on her on a summer bike ride through…

Say No to the Mess. 5 Brutally Honest Questions You Need to Ask Your Closet Designer

“Turn around I HAVE to see your Butt in that dress,” the way-too-opinionated sister of the bride says. This is OUR wedding day and this dress just isn’t happening, she goes on to say.” Just another funny episode of Say Yes to The Dress.

Admit it – even if you’re not a bride to be, going to be in a bridal party or even the Mother or Father of a bride – it’s mind-blowingly funny to watch Say Yes to The Dress. Emotions on steroids. Humanity at…