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Posts Tagged ‘Columbus closet’

9 Proven Storage Ideas to Fix Your Small Cramped Closet

9 proven storage ideas to fix your small cramped closet | Innovate Building Solutions | Innovate Home Org | Columbus, OH | #CrampedCloset #SmallCloset #StorageProblems
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I have too much room in my closet said…NO ONE…. EVER!

Cramped closets are the norm and I’m here to tell you it’s not all your fault (or your husbands, partners or significant ‘utters either).

Perhaps the storage space in your vintage home was built ‘back-in-the-day’ when no one owned (on average) 31 pairs of shoes (this is what the average woman owns today). Back in those days 2 pairs of shoes was common. One for everyday and one for Sunday…

7 Deadly Sins of a Walk in Closet Design

7 Deadly Sins of a Walk in Closet Design
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Updated May 12, 2018 

So you’re sick and tired of the mess that is your walk in closet. Whether you’re looking for clothes for work – or worse yet – that formal event where you’re trying valiantly to find those seldom used jewelry and accessories, getting ready to go in a disorganized closet can be a pain.

The challenge is who do you call to rid yourself of this closet disaster. Who will not only “feel your pain” but is qualified to…

Would the storage in your childhood home work for you today? 7 smart home organization tips for today’s lifestyle.

Would the storage in your childhood home work for you today? 7 home organization tips for today's columbus lifestyle - Innovate Home Org
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My life as a kid growing up was so like Kevin Arnold (he was the young boy in the TV show the Wonder Years about family life in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s). I lived in your typical Levittown-esque 1,500 square foot ranch home with 3 tiny bedrooms. I shared a 12’ x 12’ bedroom with my older much uglier (just kidding) brother Frank and the room was so tight our beds were smashed together. I used to wrestle my cousins on this bed…

7 Insanely Simple Closet Organization Mistakes You Can Fix Right Now

7 insanely simple closet organization mistakes you can fix right now | Innovate Home Org Columbus Ohio
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Who can raise their hand today and say they love how organized their closet is? Most people will apologize and refer to their closets as a mess or disaster preceded by some “choice” words I can’t print here.

While it’s easy to look at your closet today and know it’s not going to transform itself into a Kim Kardashian-esque celebrity closet any time soon (OK – probably never if we’re keeping it real!), but there are some insanely simple…

5 organization tricks to overcome a bad closet design

5 organization tricks to overcome a bad closet design | Innovate Home Org Columbus Ohio
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It doesn’t take a crack detective to uncover a bad closet design. They are everywhere. Sagging closet rods bowing south from too much weight. Nasty lines on sweaters from wire shelving. Piles of shoes scattered in the darkest recesses of your closet floor because there is no place else to put them. What can you do to reinvigorate your walk in (or reach in) closet and make it a place you enjoy using?

Blowing up your bad closet design and…

5 Non-Obvious Design Facts about Custom Closet Systems

5 non obvious design facts about custom closet systems | Innovate Home Org - Columbus Ohio
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The most amazing thing about well-designed custom closet systems is many features are not obvious at all. Just like in any effective design the system just works. It’s simple for you to enjoy with minimal effort.

Many of the celebrity and uber-wealthy custom closet systems you see on Pinterest and Instagram are wonderful to look at – but what really matters on a day to day basis is, Does your closet work for you? Is it a pain to find your…