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Posts Tagged ‘custom closet design’

Why you should NEVER buy a custom closet without a 3D closet design

Opening Image - Why You Should NEVER Buy a Custom Closet Without a 3D Closet Design - Innovate Home Org, Columbus Ohio Custom Closets, Walk In Closet 3D Designs, Closet Storage Systems, Walk In Closet Concepts
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I was headed to a closet appointment and glancing over the hand-drawn closet ‘sketches’ (and I use this term in the most sarcastic way possible) my prospective client had sent me from one of my competitors.

And as I looked at these drawings (and you can see them for yourself below), I thought:

  • How in the ‘Sam Adams’ would any homeowner be able to make heads or tails of this design? While I’m in the industry and I can ‘visualize’ this 2D…

11 Dumb Mistakes to Avoid When Designing a Custom Closet System

11 Dumb mistakes to avoid when designing a custom closet system | Innovate Building Solutions | #CustomCloset #WalkInCloset #OpenShelving
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Updated September 7, 2020

How many custom closets have you designed in your life?

How many custom closets has your builder or remodeler designed in the history of their business?

If your answer to these questions is zero, nada, none, nient – you’re not alone (no matter what language you say it in).

Closet design is a niche business. It’s not something the average homeowner (or production builder or remodeler) does daily (or ever).

The challenge…

11 Hot Trends (and practical facts) from ClosetCon 2022 You Need to Know Before Designing Your Master Closet or Home Storage Space

Blog Post - Opening image 11 hot trends Closet Conference 2022 | Innovate Home Org | Columbus, OH #ClosetOrganization #CustomCloset #ClosetStorage
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Designing a master closet, home office or mudroom can seem daunting, especially if you’ve never done it before. How can you make sure your design will be easy to use? How can you make sure it won’t be ‘behind the times’ before it’s installed? How can you make sure you’re practical in your planning and get a stylish project which stays on budget?

These are exactly the questions the 2022 ClosetCon (which is the major home storage industry…

Do you really need a custom closet system?

Blog Post - Opening image Do you really need a custom closet system | Innovate Home Org | Columbus, OH #CustomClosets #BuiltInCloset #Closets
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I’ll tell you right up front I make a living designing, selling, and leading a business which installs custom closet systems. So, why would I write an article even questioning if you really need a custom closet?

Well, the reason is simple. If you’re like me (and you can even ask my wife Rose if this is true) when you decide to spend money on a home improvement project you darn well want to make sure it’s money well spent. And with run-away…

How to Choose Colors, Finishes and Patterns for Your Walk in Closet

Blog Post Opening image - How to Choose Colors Finishes Patterns for a Columbus Custom Walk in Closet | Innovate Home Org #customcloset #walkincloset #design
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You never knew buying a walk-in closet could be so complicated. Not only did you need to work with your closet designer to figure out the right size and mix of drawers, hanging and shelving but THEN you were confronted with a slew of finish and pattern options (or, worse yet, you’re trying to make all these decisions on your own).

You have no idea what patterns and colors to choose.

If this describes you, you’re far from alone. While the…

15 Critical Questions to Ask for an Efficient, Effective and Elegant Custom Closet Design

Opening image 15 questions for an efficient effective elegant custom closet design | Innovate Home Org | Dublin, OH #customcloset #closetDesign #Walkinclosetdesign
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If you’ve NEVER purchased a custom closet before, please raise your hand.

If you’re like most people, this is not a road you’ve traveled before. And while you know your closet is a disaster, you’re don’t even know what you don’t know to make a smart purchase.

You’d like to know the cost of a custom closet. You’d like to know how to design it to get the maximum storage out of your ‘smaller-than-you’d-like’ space. You’d like to know…