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Posts Tagged ‘custom closets Columbus’

You’ve emptied the nest, but are you living in the wrong nest?

If you've become an empty nester but your suburban homes doesn't work for your life and lifestyle today - this article is for you. Learn some fun design ideas and benefits of a home designed for an empty nester. | Innovate Home Org Columbus Ohio
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The story of an empty nester couple whose “nest” no longer fits their lifestyle

You’ve raised Joannie, Anthony and Bobby and lived to tell about it! Too many to mention sleepless nights when they strolled in late from parties with some lame excuse why they were home late. You enjoyed good times with your kids’ and their friends. In a strange way, you enjoyed the craziness that was your home as they were growing up. Now, all 3 “kids”…

7 Simple Tips for Downsizing Your Home as an Empty Nester

7 Simple Tips for Downsizing Your Home as an Empty Nester | Innovate Home Org | #EmptyNester #Downsizing #ColumbusDownsizing
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You knew the moment would come. You just dropped your last child - ‘Daddy’s little’ girl’ - off at college. You’ve officially become an empty nester. Now you and Bill have your Upper Arlington home with 4 bedrooms, a fire pit, a hot tub and large yard all to yourselves.

You’re supposed to be jumping for joy.

You feel more like crying.

There will be no more cheer practices, band recitals, or field hockey games to attend. You’re faced with THE…

Our Top 10 Home Storage and Space-Saving Idea Blog Posts of 2018 – Innovate Home Org

Top 10 home storage and space-saving idea blog posts of 2018 | Innovate Home Org | #StorageTips #OrganizationTips #TopOrganizationIdes #OrganizationIdeas
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Thank you for reading my blog Professionally Organized in 2018. Your support generated double the traffic over last year. The popularity of these articles are multiplying faster than individual socks you can’t find a matching pair for (I bet you’re familiar with this laundry dilemma).

In this article I’m sharing the 10 most popular home storage articles from 2018. From these top 10 articles three themes emerged:  

  • Theme #1) You’re desperately…

7 Powerful Reasons to Ditch a Builders Grade Closet in Your New Home

7 reasons to ditch a builders grade closet with a custom closet Columbus
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I recently got a call from a homeowner in Powell Ohio who said to me, “Mike – there is NO WAY I’m putting in cheap wire closets in my new home,” and this was before her Columbus builder even started to dig the foundation!

Looking at this comment you have to wonder what is so bad about the “standard” closets most production and custom builders use. Many of these same builders are adding cool storage features in entryways and kitchens so why…