Professionally Organized – A Home Organization Blog is Born!

“Are you crazy?” my friend Ron (and business partner of mine) said to me. “Writing two blogs at the same time, you’ve got to be nuts!”
Well Ron just might be on to something here. Yes I am a passionate guy and when I get into something I become a learning and growing fanatic. Reading, writing with the occasional speaking engagements sprinkled in have been the creative outlets for this learning over the last 30 years of my life.
So at this point you may be asking yourself – who is this guy writing this blog, why is he writing it and most importantly why should I take the time to read it? Let’s take a look at these questions (although I’ll have to tell you the first one’s the toughest for me). It’s weird writing about yourself and I’m definitely not like the athletes who like to talk about themselves in the 3rd person!
Mike Foti – Entrepreneurial Owner of Innovate Building Solutions and Innovate Home Org, Married Father of 3
The business stuff
In a nutshell I’m sometimes considered to be a serial entrepreneur. I love business and was a business geek growing up kind of like the character Michael J. Fox played in the show Family Ties (Alex P. Keaton) – for those of you old enough to remember. I’ve always loved learning about business and enjoy being an active entrepreneur, just like my Dad who passed away a number of years ago.
Today I’m President of Innovate Building Solutions which is both a regional remodeling company (with locations in Cleveland and Columbus Ohio) and a nationwide wholesaler of some unique niche products (including glass floors, glass counters and grout free shower and tub wall panels). I have been an active author of a 5 year old blog called News from the Block which provides input and insights on products for innovative home renovation projects.
As happens with many entrepreneurs I got antsy for a new opportunities to learn, grow and hopefully add value to both the regional cities we do business in (Columbus and Cleveland Ohio) and also to our nationwide customers. That’s what lead me to start Innovate Home Org. Innovate Home Org is a professional designer, supplier and installer of home organization systems (including closet organizers, garage cabinetry, and pantry and laundry room organization systems).
In addition to leading businesses I love to grow young entrepreneurs and do this partially through my role on the board of Ohio Business Week Foundation – a Columbus Ohio based non-profit who helps high schoolers grow leadership and business skills.
The personal stuff
Obviously much more important than my business background is I’ve been blessed to be a father to 3 young adults (Grant – who is 21 and a Junior at Baldwin Wallace, Parker a 17 year old who is learning to drive with his eye on college shortly and Jade – a 13 year old who still loves to hang with Dad!). I’m fortunate to be married to Rose for over 31 years (although I tell people we got married at the age of 11 …not true but it helps me feel younger).
Part of the reason I got into the home organization business is by need. You see since my wife Rose and I have 3 kids, 3 cats and could desperately use to be better organized ourselves!
Why write Professionally Organized – A Blog from Innovate Home Org?
From my perspective I don’t know how I can succeed in business without writing a blog. Yes – I do want the business benefits of traffic to my blog and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – but for a blog to be effective I’ve learned over the last 5 years of writing News from the Block it better be about a whole lot more than about me, myself, my business and I!
Blogging has helped me to learn and grow with new products, see cool projects and to share these stories with others. It’s helped me to get to know people we’ve done business with on a personal level and how home renovation and organization projects can have a positive impact on lives. I’ve been fortunate to meet many interesting people from various product suppliers, contractors, architects and interior designers and obviously the owners we’re all fortunate enough to work with. It’s been a fun journey.
The idea to write Professionally Organized was born out of the need I saw in the market for content focused on homeowners who want to know more, and be inspired, about home organization products for their closets, garages, home pantries and laundry room – basically for any room in the house. They want to understand the latest tips, trick, techniques and advantages and disadvantages of different systems.
What’s in it for the readers of Professionally Organized?
In two words I hope it’s about “good stuff.” There’s a ton of DIY organization blogs with tips on making jewelry trays on your own, fun ways to repurpose common household items to gain more storage etc. etc. This blog is not one of those blogs.
Professionally Organized is geared to the person (or professional) who generally doesn’t have the time, energy, patience and desire to be a DIY home organizer. This blog is for owners who want to gain more time to be with their families, reduce stress and enjoy the comfort of an organized – yet distinctive home, loft or apartment. The goal of this blog for professionals like interior designers, architects, custom builders or remodelers is to offer solutions to help you make distinctive spaces for your clients which functionally work great and help your offerings stand out in the market.
The Professionally Organized blog is for people who don't have the time to be a #DIY #Organizer. Click To TweetThe Journey Begins- a professional closet and cabinetry blog
Yes – writing two blogs is a lot of work. I felt professional organization was just too big (and important a topic) not to focus on it as it’s own blog topic.
Will you join me on my learning and growing journey into professional organization?
For help with a Columbus home organization project (or to give me any of your input on this new blog) call Innovate Home Org at 614-545-6888. In Cleveland call 216-658-1290. . We’re looking forward to getting to know you!
Follow on Twitter @Mike_Foti or our companies’ @InnovateBuild and @InnovateHomeOrg.
Tags: closet blog, closets blog, entryway blog, garage blog, home organization, home organization blog, laundry room blog, Mike Foti, Mike Foti Blogger, mudroom blog, organization blog, organizer blog, pantry blog, professionally organized