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7 Insanely Simple Closet Organization Mistakes You Can Fix Right Now

Who can raise their hand today and say they love how organized their closet is? Most people will apologize and refer to their closets as a mess or disaster preceded by some “choice” words I can’t print here.

While it’s easy to look at your closet today and know it’s not going to transform itself into a Kim Kardashian-esque celebrity closet any time soon (OK – probably never if we’re keeping it real!), but there are some insanely simple organization mistakes you can fix right now without spending a boat-load of money.

We’ll check out these organization mistakes (and how to fix them) in the points below. Let me know which ideas will help you the most (and if you’ve got some cool tips of your own please add them in the comments field at the end of the article). 

Closet organizing mistake #1 – The original home builder conspired against you with a single hanging rod and shelf design   

Do you have a single rod and shelf and your sole “organization system” in your closet today? This type of set up is the biggest joke (‘er or should I save cost-saving technique) perpetrated by production and custom home builders alike which is killing your ability to have an organized closet. 

Dead underutilized space below your blouses and pants is space you NEED to gain to have a chance at an organized closet. The most effective fix to this problem is to convert your “single hanging” (one rod and shelf design) into double (up and down) hanging sections. This space will double your space and double your fun (a little bad “Doublemint” humor there).

'Use double hang #closet sections to double your fun...and space!' Click To Tweet

Closet organizing mistake #2 – Allowing your shoes to be buried on your closet floor

Is finding the perfect heels for work in the morning a spin-tingling, hair raising experience for you? If so – the biggest problem likely is your shoes are buried in the deep, dark crevises of your closet floor. You need to eliminate this closet organization mistake and give your shoes a lift (and visibility). If possible add a flat shelving section to get your shoes up and at eye level.

Flat adjustable shoe shelves in a Columbus ohio custom closet | Innovate Home Org

If you don’t have room for any shelves buy one of the cheap fabric shoe organizers which hang on the back of the door. Anything is better than keeping them on the floor.

Closet organizing mistake #3 – Stop having to go back and forth from your closet to your chest of drawers to get ready 

Let me set the scene for you. You’re getting ready early in the morning and your (lucky) partner is fast asleep. You pick out the perfect dress in your closet for the big meeting but your pantyhose and underwear are in the bedroom dresser. You turn on the light to find the right what you need and you’re (now unhappy) partner wakes up. Having your things in 2 places is not optimal.

There is a simple way to get ready and eliminate this back and forth routine. That way is to add drawers into your master closet.

A full extension jewelry drawer box in a Dublin Ohio closet | Innovate Home Org

Drawers in your closet make it simpler to get ready in the morning.

After you gain more hanging space by going to double hanging sections you’ll have more room for a simple stack of drawers.

Closet organizing mistake #4 – Too much stuff

This is a problem not even the best closet system in the world can fix – WAAAY too much stuff. You know what this looks like. The clothes in your closet are packed so tight you would swear it’s like a bunch of Columbus people at the annual Red, White and Boom 4th of July festival. How do you stop this clothes accumulation madness? Follow these 3 simple steps:

  • Step 1 – pull everything out and sort by categories – Put your blouses in one pile, skirts in another, t-shirts and yoga pants in another.


  • Step 2 – discard and donate – Identify everything which is stained, torn, frayed or doesn’t fit right and make piles of what you will donate or discard. Note – don’t fall victim to IMFSD disease (which stands for “It Might Fit Some Day” disease. The reality is once the “someday” arrives what doesn’t fit today will be out of style anyway.


  • Step 3 – Learn the “BODO” technique – You know what BOGO (buy one, get one) is, but have you heard of your closet’s best friend – BODO? BODO stands for “buy one, donate one.” The only way your closet stays organized is if you stay disciplined to immediately donate an item in your closet when you add something new (otherwise you’ll need to repeat step 1 again).

Closet organizing mistake #5 – Not going deep enough…with your shelves that is  

The standard closet shelving depth is 11 ¼”. While this depth is OK for your shoes and small purses when you want to store folded sweaters, sweatshirts and your husband’s “big dog” shoes standard shelves are not deep enough (causing the closet to look messy and you having to iron too often). You can eliminate this closet mistake by going with 14”, 16” or 19” shelves.

14 inch deep shelving in a custom closet | Innovate Home Org

With 14″ deep shelving sweaters and pants don’t hang over the edge

Closet organizing mistake #6 – Move your folded pants from the bottom rod to the top rod

This little-known tip will gain you shelf space you may not have realized you have.

A thoughtful closet design is all about finding small storage openings and opportunities. Try out this idea to get more out of your double hanging sections. Take your folded over pants (which most people place on the bottom rod) and your medium length dresses and jackets (which are usually on top) and swap their locations in the hanging section.

Since the folded pants are shorter than the dresses and jackets you’ll end up having room under the top rod for more storage. You’re finding hidden space!

Closet organizing mistake #7 – Not using your height

This idea will help your closet even if you’re “vertically challenged.”

First – take this test. Measure the distance from the top shelf of your closet to the ceiling. If you get a measurement of 18” or larger you have an opportunity to add another shelf and gain more storage. Don’t let the top of your closet go to waste anymore with dead space.

Upper shelving set at 12 inches for an efficient closet design | Innovate Home Org Columbus Ohio

This shelving was set at 12″ from the top for increased efficiency.


There is no reason to put up with a messy and frustrating master closet in your Columbus home anymore. Eliminate the 7 closet organizing mistakes above and you’ll notice how you’ll save time getting ready and no longer dread your closet again.


If you need help with a Columbus closet organizer system or would like a Free 3D closet design to see how your space can be transformed, contact Innovate Home Org in Columbus at 614-545-6888 or in Cleveland 216-658-1290.

Mike Foti

Mike Foti is the President of Innovate Home Org, a division of Innovate Building Solutions. You can learn more about Mike here.

Mike Foti

Mike Foti is the President of Innovate Home Org, a division of Innovate Building Solutions. You can learn more about Mike here.

Comments (2)

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    Thanks for these practical tips on fixing closet organization mistakes, Mike! I especially liked the idea of using double hanging rods to maximize space – such a simple but effective solution. The BODO technique (buy one, donate one) is also a great way to keep the closet from getting too cluttered.

    Quick question: For those of us with smaller closets, do you have any specific recommendations on how to effectively use height without making it hard to reach items? Also, the tip about switching folded pants to the top rod to create more storage space underneath is brilliant. Any other small-space hacks you can share?

    Your insights are super helpful. Thanks for making closet organization feel achievable!


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      Mike Foti


      Natalia – an expensive (yet cool) way to use the ‘volume’ at the top can be to use a library ladder – but this would be impractical if the closet is narrow. Another idea might be to use ‘pull down rods’ – but again in a narrow closet this might be tough.

      The biggest driver on how you handle the top of the closet is often what we (in the industry) call the ‘system height’ (or how far off the floor the top shelf is). In general – with an 8′ ceiling we recommend to put the ‘top shelf’ at 84″ from the floor, with a 9′ ceiling I’d recommend (unless someone is very short) to bring the system height to 90″ above the floor.

      If you get taller than 90″ – it’s very difficult (unless you’re a professional basketball player) to reach any taller.

      I hope this helps some. To provide specific advice it’s usually best to have pictures, measurements etc.



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