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Posts Tagged ‘Columbus closet organizer’

Our Top 10 Closet, Garage & Laundry Organization Blog Posts of 2017 – Innovate Home Org

Our top 10 Closet Garage and Laundry Organizatoin Blog Posts 2017 | Innovate Home Org - Columbus Ohio #Garage #Closet #LaundryRoom #Organization
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Are you tired of your “walk in closet?” Is it hard to claw your way into it because your clothes are jammed in like sardines? Is your garage a cluttered disaster-area with heaps of little-used storage containers, sporting equipment the kids haven’t pulled out for years and holiday lights – half of which don’t work? Is your laundry room a source of constant frustration? Mixed up piles of dirty and clean clothes eating up the floor. No…

7 Deadly Sins of a Walk in Closet Design

7 Deadly Sins of a Walk in Closet Design
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Updated May 12, 2018 

So you’re sick and tired of the mess that is your walk in closet. Whether you’re looking for clothes for work – or worse yet – that formal event where you’re trying valiantly to find those seldom used jewelry and accessories, getting ready to go in a disorganized closet can be a pain.

The challenge is who do you call to rid yourself of this closet disaster. Who will not only “feel your pain” but is qualified to…

7 biggest gaps stopping you from an organized closet

7 biggest gaps preventing you from an organized columbus closet - Innovate Home Org
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Do you know what’s making your closet disorganized today? There are gaps in your closet system. Some of these gaps (think of gaps as holes or problems) you see, many you don’t. You may be asking, “Mike – what the are you talking about? I don’t know if I see gaps. I just see a mess.”

Let’s look at a modern-day example of one system which has closed your personal “gap” in getting quicker, better and safer travel directions. This is a gap…

How to reduce the cost of a custom walk in closet

How to reduce the cost of a custom walk in closet - Innovate Home Org Columbus Ohio
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Have you dreamt about a glamorous walk in custom closet but are afraid to get prices on it because of how much it will cost? It is certainly less costly to stick with your frustrating, inflexible, builders-grade wire closet with piles of shoes haphazardly sitting on the floor, no drawers and clothes squeezed in like too many clowns in a Volkswagen. The question is, do you really want to put up with this disorganization for years to come? Why…

7 factors to compare wire shelving vs. a laminate closet system

7 Key Factors to compare wire shelving to a laminate closet system from Innovate Home Org in Columbus
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Are your clothes jammed in your closet like sardines? Is finding the right outfit a pain? When you do find that “needle in the haystack” outfit in your disorganized closet is it almost as wrinkled as your son’s pile clothes on the bedroom floor (I can relate to this as my 17 year old son believes in the pile dumping method for his clothes “organization!”). If this resembles your life as Jeff Foxworthy might say, “You might need a closet!” 


7 Insanely Simple Closet Organization Mistakes You Can Fix Right Now

7 insanely simple closet organization mistakes you can fix right now | Innovate Home Org Columbus Ohio
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Who can raise their hand today and say they love how organized their closet is? Most people will apologize and refer to their closets as a mess or disaster preceded by some “choice” words I can’t print here.

While it’s easy to look at your closet today and know it’s not going to transform itself into a Kim Kardashian-esque celebrity closet any time soon (OK – probably never if we’re keeping it real!), but there are some insanely simple…