21 Fun Ideas to ‘Glam Up’ Your Closet Recommended by Award-Winning Closet Designers

If the idea of a glamourous closet brings a never-ending smile to your face, then this is an article you’ve got to read.
Whether you have a Kim Kardashian budget (OK – probably none of us reading this have that much money) or not, the idea to create the luxe closet of your dreams is something you’ve dreamed about.
But the question becomes what features and tricks do you need to create a sophisticated closet that even Kim Kardashian might say, “Now that was pretty cool?”
To provide you with cutting-edge ideas I’ve gotten input from 3 amazing ladies (Patty Miller from Boutique Closets and Cabinetry, Jessica Behnke from Closet Rehab and Beth Patrick from Closet Factory) who are some of the country’s top closet designers. They’ve won so many design awards they might need their own closet to store them. And I’d tell you how many years of combined experience designing closets these ladies have, but if I did they might want to kill me! And although I’m ‘just a guy,’ I’ve chimed in with a few glam ideas of my own. Hey, I don’t think there’s any need to be sexist with fun ideas to glam up a closet!
I’ve broken these ideas into those you see on the ‘outside’ of the closet and those you’ll see when you’re lucky enough to peak inside the doors and drawers. And even if you can’t afford all these ideas (and few of us can), you can at least add a few to jazz up your next closet design.
Now, lets dig in!
We’ll start with ‘beauty tips’ for the outside of your closet!
Closet glam idea # 1 – Add glass doors
So, you’re a certified ‘purse-a-holic.’ And if there was a 10-step program for this disease, you’d at least agree you’re at Step 1 and admit you have a problem!
I know it’s hard to resist your Louis Vuitton, Dolce and Gabbana and Gucci handbags. You’ve worked hard for these purses and it pains you to stuff them in a box, or worse yet for them to be hidden behind your spouse’s ugly and holey t-shirts from college.
The question is how can you enjoy your purse collection everyday (and keep them dust free) even if you can only use one at a time?
The answer is to put them behind glass doors in your closet. Don’t let your beautiful barrel bags, belt bags and clutches become the ‘lost and found’ section of your closet. And when you use this glass door idea and combine it with ideas #9 (adding lighting) #11 (installing mirrors) and #16 (using glass shelving) for a truly drool-worthy display in your closet. And if you want a super-cool example check out this fun design from Beth Patrick, a self-described creative/neat freak, of Closet Factory Cleveland. This space certainly packs some punch!
Image Source: Beth Patrick Closet Factory Cleveland
Closet glam idea # 2 – Identify your ‘feature wall’
When designing your own closet (or better yet working with a professional closet designer) start by identifying the ‘feature wall’ of your closet. The feature wall is the most visible one in your master closet.
For most of us, we need to be strategic WHERE we add the most glam for the buck (because you’re likely NOT Khloe Kardashian and money doesn’t grow on your trees!). Once you’ve identified your ‘best wall’ (sort of like your best side), use these 21 tips and put the most ‘glam/square inch’ into this wall to maximize you’re R.O.G. (that’s you’re Return On Glam).
And while most of us won’t have a feature wall like in this custom closet from Patty Miller of Boutique Closets and Cabinetry – we can ‘steal’ a few of the concepts in this article to take our (humbler) surroundings to the next level.
Image Source: Patty Miller Boutique Closets and Cabinetry
Closet glam idea # 3 – If you want some zing, you need to add some closet bling (AKA decorative pulls and knobs)
Closet designers will tell you the ‘jewelry’ of your closet are the knobs and pulls adorning your doors and drawers. They add distinction. They add fun. They add personality to your design.
Perhaps no glam idea can do so much with so little investment than jazzing things up with distinctive hardware (and no, Richie Demarco from Richelieu – a top industry supplier of hardware – I’m not just saying this to toot your industry’s horn!).
And as Patty Miller from Boutique Closets and Cabinetry said to me, “Mike, with hardware you can use a ‘cubic zirconium’ type of pull, yet still get a ‘diamond’ look.” And looking at this closet done by Patty below – it all looks like ‘diamonds’ to me!
Image Source: Patty Miller Boutique Closets and Cabinetry
Closet glam idea # 4 – Use base trim vs. toe kicks
While indented toe kicks add function (and foot room) in your kitchen, there’s no question the more glamourous look in a closet IS NOT to use toe kicks, but IT IS to use finished base trim.
With base trim you’ll get the built-in furniture look like the drool-worthy celebrity closets on Pinterest. In addition, with base trim there’s no worrying about dust bunnies collecting in corners like you’ll see with toe kicks.
Image Source: Beth Patrick Closet Factory Cleveland
Closet glam idea # 5 – Crown molding for a finishing touch
There’s nothing quite like crown molding to create a built-in custom closet look! With decorative moldings no one will mistake your closet for a boxed-up generic closet kit from IKEA.
Moldings enhance the architectural style of your space. It doesn’t matter whether your décor favors a traditional, transitional, or contemporary look. For the ultimate custom closet design, crown molding is a must.
Closet glam idea # 6 – Raised shoe shelves
If your shoe collection is EVERYTHING to you, you’re certainly not alone. There’s no end to the styles, sizes, and shapes. And you’d like to own them ALL (as your spouse or partner knows all too well!).
Shoes are a fun fashion accessory. You don’t want them buried in the deep, dark recesses under your hanging clothes. But you may be wondering how to unbury your footwear ‘treasurers’ in your closet?
Well – one sound foot-stomping strategy (sorry about this bad pun, I couldn’t resist) is to use raised shoe shelves. You’ll not only be able to find them better, but with slanted closet shelves you’ll create a wow display in your personal closet which brings you back to your happy place – like shopping in 9 of the Best Women’s Shoe Stores Worldwide featured in this article.
Image Source: Jessica Behnke Closet Rehab
And if you don’t have enough room (or budget) for entire sections of slanted closet shelves then listen to the wise words of Jessica Behnke or Closet Rehab who told me, “Mike, the strategic use of raised shoe shelves for your favorite pairs makes perfect sense. There’s no reason NOT to show off your coolest styles!”
Closet glam idea # 7 – Islands and chandeliers
There nothing which says glam quite like the closet island with a fun lighting fixture. Having a place to set out tomorrow’s outfit, somewhere to fold laundry (did I really have to say the dirty ‘L’ word?) or a place for more cubbies, shelves, or drawers is so sophisticated. And as Beth Patrick of Closet Factory Cleveland told me, “Mike, impactful closet lighting around a closet island is HUGE! Chandeliers and pendants make a closet memorable!”
Image Source: Beth Patrick Closet Factory Cleveland
And who could argue how a closet island with a dramatic chandelier creates a luxe look like no other. For more ideas about closet islands read 6 Awesome Tips for a Custom Walk-In Closet Island.
Closet glam idea # 8 – Countertops
Countertops in your remodels have progressed far beyond Grandma’s Formica tops from years ago! Opulent quartz, granite, marble and even glass countertops are just a few choices. You didn’t want to settle for a cheap countertop in your last bathroom or kitchen remodel, so why settle for a so-so counter in your closet remodel? And besides, if your bathroom is within eyesight of your master closet – you can create visual continuity by using the same drawer and island countertops in your custom closet.
Image Source: Patty Miller Boutique Closets and Cabinetry
Just like the pull and knob ‘bling’ discussed in idea #3, countertops are another focal point to jazz up a custom closet. Just look at this unbelievable top Patty Miller used in a recent installation. Can you say wow?
Closet glam idea # 9 – Lighting
If we’re being real, lighting in most closets is a pathetic overhead unit where half the bulbs are burned out most of the time. And the fact that there’s often no windows in closets doesn’t add to their ‘bright and sunny’ (sarcasm intended) ‘disposition.’
However, there’s still no reason you can’t create a dramatic statement with a vibrant closet. You just need to add some bright ideas (yes, I’m full of bad puns) to make it happen. And you can do this with closet lighting. Here’s 4 smart and strategic places lighting can take your closet to the next level:
- Add recessed puck lights above your hanging, drawer, and shelving sections.
- Install ribbon lighting above the closet rods so you can tell if you’re pulling out the blue or black dress.
- Add lighting along the base of the closet to make it safe – and stylish. You’ll see where you’re going at night and create an uber-stylish effect.
- Go back to idea #7 and add a stylish pendant or chandelier above your centerpiece island.
And who in their right mind doesn’t think the lighting in this Beth Patrick design makes you feel like you’re in a high-end department store (not a closet)?
Image Source: Beth Patrick Closet Factory Cleveland
Closet glam idea # 10 – Create your ‘vogue’ look by adjusting your ‘volume’
Not to throw cold water on your luxe closet parade, but I’m going to ask you to think back to 8th grade geometry class. OK – I know that’s not a pleasant memory. However, back in those ‘dark days’ of Junior High (and mean girls and too many pimples) you learned about ‘volume.’ And what you may not know today is varying your volume can actually create the cover-girl ‘vogue’ closet you’d love and the space (you so desperately need). Not sure what I’m talking about? Let me explain.
By varying the heights, depths, and widths of closet sections you’ll not only create a distinctive look, but gain more storage volume (oops, there’s that geometry word again) using deeper drawers, built in dressers and shelves.
I love this project by Patty Miller of Boutique Closets and Cabinetry which did just that. Shelving on the left was ‘tucked in’ to fit inside the window trim. The shoe shelving cabinet was deep enough to display the collection. And finally, the dresser on the right was deep enough for hanging clothes. Can you see – wow?
Image Source: Patty Miller Boutique Closets and Cabinetry
You see, 8th grade geometry class wasn’t a complete waste after all.
Closet glam idea # 11 – Mirror, mirror on the (closet) walls, or back panels or doors….
To visually ‘open up your space,’ (even your way-too-small-closet) you need the power of the mirror.
And in closets, mirrors can be used in creative ways.
Use a pull-out mirror for quick touch-ups, even if you lack space.
Put mirrors on closet doors to make the space look bigger and give you a place to do one last check before dashing off to that important board meeting.
Install mirrors in the back of the closet cabinet (see idea #1) to show off your Louie Vuitton and Dolce and Gabanna purses.
And if you’re a big fan of mirrors this image from Patty’s closet design ‘partner in glam’ – Wendy Scott – will have you saying ‘oh-my-God!’
Image Source: Wendy Scott Boutique Closets and Cabinetry
Closet glam idea # 12 – Decorative closet ‘back’ panels
Are the walls of your closet behind your shoes, shelves and hanging clothes nicked, scuffed and oh-so disgusting? If so – here’s good news for you.
Your back walls not only DO NOT have to be an eyesore, they can actually be a fashion statement.
Using decorative back panels, you’ll eliminate scuffs and nicks. You can add color and texture to make a wow statement. Do you like this look?
Image Source: Jessica Behnke Closet Rehab
Closet glam idea # 13 – Architecturally and fashion-inspired door and drawer fronts
If you want a sleek Euro-inspired look, a shiny lacquered high-gloss drawer front can be just the ticket.
If you want the traditional feel of a southern mansion, raised panel doors will get you there.
If you want the crisp, transitional look which is oh-so-popular today, you can’t go wrong with the clean, crisp look of a Shaker style door and drawer fronts.
But if you want THE ULTIMATE in glam, how about these upholstered drawer fronts courtesy of the ultra-inventive design mind of Patty Miller. Can you say crazy-cool?
Image Source: Patty Miller Boutique Closets and Cabinetry
No matter what you choose, there’s no denying you’ll dramatically shape your look by the drawer and door fronts you select. And if you want a ‘A-looking’ closet but have more of a ‘B or C budget,’ take the advice of Jessica Behnke and add a little ‘pop’ with decorative door and drawer fronts while keeping the rest of the system using the more cost-effective white background like you’ll see below.
Images Source: Jessica Behnke Closet Rehab
Closet glam idea # 14 – Tie racks, belt racks and scarf racks
There’s nothing more frustrating than ties, belts and scarves living with the dust bunnies on your closet floor because they’ve fallen off hangers …A-G-A-I-N!
However, in your glam closet you can say bye-bye to this frustration. Use pull-out tie, belt, and scarf racks. Your favorites can be pulled out and come to you when you need them.
Closet glam idea # 15 – There’s no need to ‘air’ your ‘dirty laundry’ (or ‘display’ your ugly baskets)
Oh, how you HATE, HATE, HATE your ugly plastic dirty laundry tubs. They’re not only your constant visual companion of how hard it is keeping up with your life, but after your spouse’s work-out gear gets tossed in, they don’t exactly smell like your favorite perfume!
So – what can you do to ‘glam up’ your closet AND get rid of these stinky and ugly laundry tubs? This is where pull-down hampers are a Godsend. They’ll get your ugly laundry behind closed doors and with convenient canvas liner – they’re simple to pull out when dreaded laundry day arrives.
And if you don’t want to put your dirty laundry into ‘enclosed hampers,’ use these cool slide out laundry bags developed by a company called Hafele (which is pronounced like – Hey-Fella – but they don’t only have guys working over there).
Image Source: Jessica Behnke Closet Rehab
Now if only your closet could automatically do the laundry for you also…. OK, that’s a dream for another day.
Closet glam idea # 16 – Glass shelves
The ability to move light through shoe and purse ‘display’ sections of your closet is an ‘ultra-glam’ look on steroids. And if you want your entire closet sections full of accessories to really stand out glass shelves (in conjunction with lighting) are the perfect compliment.
Simply add LED lighting at the top of the cabinet (or on the sides) with adjustable glass shelves to create a look you won’t be able to get enough of. As Beth Patrick told me, “Mike, lighting – and glass shelves – are a huge wow for any custom closet.”
Closet glam idea # 17 – Get rid of ‘ugly.’ Hide the hang!
If I’m being brutally honest with you the ugliest sections of any closet design are hanging clothes (and especially double hanging sections with your everyday clothes). And while you can make them ‘less ugly’ using the same hangers and grouping your clothes by type– they’re still the least attractive part of your closet.
The way to eliminate this problem (assuming you have A LOT of room), is to put hanging clothes behind closed doors. This will keep the messiness of your hang out of sight (and hopefully out of mind).
Now that we’ve looked at 17 ‘outside’ beauty tips, let’s now turn to 4 ‘interior’ closet beauty tips to put the ‘cherry on the top’ of your glam closet.
Image Source: Wendy Scott Boutique Closets and Cabinetry
‘Beauty tips’ for the inside of your closet!
I’m sure you’ve heard the age-old saying beauty isn’t ‘skin-deep.’ And this adage also applies to your closet. And after reading these 4 interior closet ideas, you’ll see beauty truly is on the inside.
Closet glam idea # 18 – Jewelry drawer trays
Nothing completes your outfit better than your favorite necklace, bracelet, ring, or your pair of sunglasses. However, if you’re pulling your hair out ‘attempting’ to find won’t exactly put you in a good mood to attend the dinner with friends, important corporate event or to lounge by the pool.
And this is where jewelry drawer trays make your closet special. Whether they’re velvet or ultra-suede, jewelry trays can be customized for any (and all) of your collections. And when you check out the embroidered eyeglass tray below – you’ll see all closet drawer trays ARE NOT CREATED EQUAL!
Image Source: Beth Patrick Closet Factory Cleveland
Closet glam idea # 19 – Acrylic drawer dividers
If rummaging through your socks and underwear in your dresser drawers feels like sifting through the ‘popcorn’ you pull out of a box from Amazon Prime, you know there’s got to be a better way to organize the inside of your drawers. And the good news is there is.
Add acrylic drawer dividers so you’ll have a compartment for everything. Why waste time trying to find that ‘special’ underwear which doesn’t ride up on or those socks which don’t droop down.
Image Source: Clear Systems
Closet glam idea #20 – Slide out necklace holders
Tangled necklaces make you want to S-C-R-E-A-M! You need a better system than the mess sitting out on the ‘necklace tree’ on your bedroom dresser you’re always bumping over.
This slide-out necklace drawer is the perfect compliment for a glam closet.
Closet glam idea #21 – High quality drawers and drawer slides
Whether you’re opening and shutting the doors to a luxury SUV or the drawers of your closet, you can ‘feel’ quality when you use it.
And what I’ll tell you coming from a guy who supplies all price-levels of closets to the Columbus Ohio market, not all closet drawers are created equal.
If you want a higher-quality, luxury system insist on wood drawer boxes with dovetail designs and slow close operators. Often what you ‘don’t see’ (but you do feel) is more indicative of the quality of your closet than what you do see.
And as ‘they say’ (whoever ‘they’ are) on the cheesy commercials – ‘don’t be fooled by cheap imitations.’ Know your options in drawer construction and materials, so you won’t be fooled again.
So, what glam closet ideas really ‘trip your trigger?’
Now that you’ve read 21 ‘glam’ ideas from award-winning closet designers (with a few thrown in by yours truly as well), which ones get you excited? Would you be more likely to spend money on the ‘outside’ or ‘inside’ ideas?
I know closet design can be a confusing. And it gets even tougher when you know the fun options which are available as well but aren’t sure of their cost – or which options would be right for you.
However, here’s the good news for you.
If you want help with a custom closet in Columbus Ohio, me and my team at Innovate Home Org would be honored to help.
And if you want help from my award-winning closet designer friends who helped in this article, please call their numbers below.
- Call Patty Miller from Boutique Closets and Cabinetry at 908-975-9381. Patty’s work is primarily focused in the New York and New Jersey markets.
- Call Beth Patrick from Closet Factory Cleveland at 216-496-8728. Beth’s projects are focused in the Northeastern Ohio market.
- Call Jessica Behnke from The Closet Rehab at 704-604-3870. Jessica’s work is primarily focused in the South Carolina market.
- And last – but not least – if you want help from a guy, I’m Mike Foti from Innovate Home Org (and yes, I’ll admit I’m the ugliest one on this list!). Call 614-545-6888 (yes – that’s the home of The Ohio State Buckeyes!).
And even if none of us are in your hometown, just write a comment at the end of this post and I’ll see if I can find a friend from our professional closet industry association to help you.
I wish you the best in creating the luxe closet (or just the regular closet) of your dreams.
Thanks for reading.
If you’d like more information on closet organization, a glam closet and interior design (with a little wackiness thrown in along the way) follow me on LinkedIn @MikeFotiLinkedIn (and you might even ‘like’ me better on LinkedIn because you’ll get a more ‘buttoned-up’ business guy version of me there!).
Tags: acrylic drawer dividers, base trim on a custom closet, belt racks in a closet, Beth Patrick, Beth Patrick Closet Factory, Boutique Closets and Cabinetry, closet feature wall, closet hamper doors, closet hamper doors Columbus, closet hardware, closet island, closet island Columbus, closet mirrors, closet pulls, countertops in a custom closet, crown molding in a closet, custom closet features, decorative back panels in a closet, drawer front styles in a closet, glass closet doors Columbus, glass doors in a closet, Jessica Behnke, Jessica Behnke Closet Rehab, jewelry drawer trays, LED lighting in a closet, lighting in a closet, Mike Foti, Mike Foti Innovate Home Org, mirrors in a custom closet, Patty Miller Boutique Closets and Cabinetry, raised shoe shelves, raised shoe shelves Columbus
Kristine Bott
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Dear Mike,
I had the absolute best time reading your 21 closet ideas article. I live in Omaha, Nebraska. We have a fairly large home. Here is my list of problems: Although we have 5 bedrooms, each with a walk in closet, an and an in-room bathroom, we have four teenagers. The four of them do a great job keeping their rooms clean, however I love designer clothes, I want to keep each bedroom as is so my kids/grandkids can use our new pool. My father in law is an architect and my father is a commercial real estate developer ( who has done some residential neighborhoods as well), NOTHING they have done comes close to these closets. They are both much more frugal with this type of design. My hope would be to keep my closet same size but really up the glam, and neither seems to be able to help. Even worse, I have spent money on new doors/drawers that arrived the wrong color and have been unable to get my money refunded. Any help at all would be so appreciated! Thank you!
Kristi Bott
Mike Foti
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Kristine – I’m glad you liked my article! I wish you were in my city so I can help you – but what I’d recommend is to go to http://www.closets.org (our industry association) and see if you can find a good referral there. If you develop some rough design concepts I could give you some insights as well. The best to you with your project! Mike