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Author Archive

Mike Foti

Mike Foti is the President of Innovate Home Org, a division of Innovate Building Solutions. You can learn more about Mike here.

Mike Foti

Mike Foti is the President of Innovate Home Org, a division of Innovate Building Solutions. You can learn more about Mike here.

7 Practical Alternatives to STOP Using Your Kitchen Table as Your Home Office

Opening 7 practical work at home alternatives to kitchen table | Innovate Building Solutions | Innovate Home Org | #workfromhome #Office #HomeOffice
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You thought working at home was going to be a short-term thing. But how wrong you were!

Although the Coronavirus reared its ugly, bacterial-filled head less than a year ago you’re still struggling to ‘be professional’ while working at your kitchen table. You know the drill by now.

  • You’re dealing with the kid’s CONSTANT interruptions, squabbling and need for snacks.


  • Your Zoom meeting with bowls of Cheerios in the background isn’t exactly…

11 Secrets about Closet Drawers Even Most Closet Designers Won’t Tell You

Opening - image 11 Secrets about Closet Drawer Even Most Closet Designers Won't Tell You | Innovate Home Org | #ClosetSystem #Organization #ClosetDesigners #Drawer #ClosetDrawes
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OK – I get it. If you’re like most people you’ve never had drawers in your closet so why should you start now? And that’s a good question. There’s no reason to spend money on something you won’t use.

And if there’s one thing I will do in this article is ‘be real with you.’ I have Z-E-R-O intention of ‘beating around the bush’ (or around your overstuffed closet). Closet drawers are a feature most people haven’t given much thought to.…

10 Do’s and Don’ts You Need to Know BEFORE Buying Garage Cabinets

Opening image do's and don't you need to know before buying garage cabinets Innovate Home Org | Innovate Home Org | Columbus, OH | #GarageCabinets #homeremodel #homeorganization
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If you spent half as much time picking your garage cabinets as you did your kitchen cabinets do you think you’d find a better product?

If you’re like most people this answer is a big, fat…. YES!

The garage is the ‘red-haired-stepchild’ of your home (and I mean no offense to red-haired stepchildren reading this). It gets no respect. As a matter of fact, garages aren’t even tallied as ‘square footage’ when you go to sell your place.

But in…

10 Steps to Take the ‘Ugly’ Out of Your Closet

Opening Image - Closet system | Innovate Home Org | #ClosetSystem #OrganizationSystem #Remodeling #CustomStorage
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If your closet is ‘butt-ugly’ raise your hand. And if you didn’t raise your, I’d like to congratulate you on that new pair of rose-colored glasses.

And if we’re being real most closets are an unmitigated (and a mitigated) disaster. Hanging clothes bunched together. Haphazard stacks of clothes. Shoes in a dumper-heap on the floor. Does this resemble your world?

It’s easy to see what’s ‘not-to-like’ about your closet. However, the real…

The Top 10 Reasons You Need a Built in Dresser in Your Closet

Opening Image Top 10 reason you need dresser drawers in your closet Columbus | Innovate Home Org | #ClosetSystem #OrganizationSystem #Closet #WalkInCloset
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OK, you’re not designing the custom closet to the stars (and don’t have the budget to match their big-dollar wallets either!). However, you’re intrigued by closet designs with dressers and drawers. The images on the Internet look so pretty.

However, you’re not sure why you’d need a built-in dresser in your closet. After all you’ve never had a dresser in your closet before, so why do you need one now?

If this describes your thoughts about drawers…

11 Foolproof Tips to Stop Fighting Over Your Closet

Opening 11 tips stop fighting over closet space | Innovate Home Org | #HomeOrganization #ClosetStorage #CustomStorage
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So, the ‘big move’ is just weeks away. And whether you’re moving in with your significant other or are planning to ‘tie the knot’ for the first time, you’ve heard the complaints from your BFF’s about sharing closet space with their ‘plus ones.’ And those gripes sound like this…

  • He’s such a SLOB! I swear he doesn’t even know what a hanger is. Why he drops all his clothes on the floor, I’ll never know? Or….


  • I’m convinced she’s never met a…