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Posts in the ‘Closets’ Category

10 Ideas to Make an Extraordinary Custom Closet Design WITHOUT Spending Big Bucks

Blog Post - Opening image 10 Ideas Extraordinary Custom Closet Design Columbus Innovate Home Org #CustomCloset #ClosetOnABudget #CustomClosetDesign
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Although you love looking at the drool-worthy luxury boutique celebrity custom closets on the Internet, you know the size and crazy-expensive budget of these projects IS NOT in your future.

And although you’ve seen the ‘budget-friendly,’ off-the-rack, home center store modular closet systems, you also know their quality, lack of options and uncompromising sizes will not work for you.

No, you’re looking for that needle in a haystack. You not…

How to Solve 15 Common Walk in Closet Storage Problems Which Make You want to SCREAM!!!

Blog Post - Opening image How to solve 15 common walk in closet problems | Innovate Home Org | Columbus, OH #Closet #ClosetDesign #CustomCloset
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If you HATE, HATE, HATE your master walk in closet you’re not alone. If you’re experiencing any or all of the following problems, you’re by NO MEANS unique when your closet makes you want to SCREAM!

  • Problem #1 – Your clothes are jamb-packed, yet you still have ‘dead space’ above (and below) your hanging clothes you can’t use efficiently.


  • Problem #2 – You can’t find anything, and you certainly can’t store everything you’d like in your…

11 Hot Trends (and practical facts) from ClosetCon 2022 You Need to Know Before Designing Your Master Closet or Home Storage Space

Blog Post - Opening image 11 hot trends Closet Conference 2022 | Innovate Home Org | Columbus, OH #ClosetOrganization #CustomCloset #ClosetStorage
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Designing a master closet, home office or mudroom can seem daunting, especially if you’ve never done it before. How can you make sure your design will be easy to use? How can you make sure it won’t be ‘behind the times’ before it’s installed? How can you make sure you’re practical in your planning and get a stylish project which stays on budget?

These are exactly the questions the 2022 ClosetCon (which is the major home storage industry…

Why You Should Design Your New Home Master Closet BEFORE You Start Building

Blog Opening Image - Opening image Why you should design new home master closet before building starts | Columbus, OH | Innovate Home Org #ClosetDesign #CustomCloset #Closet
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As an owner of a closet design and installation company I scratch my head when I see master closets in new homes which end up costing too much, are poorly designed, or have obstructions (windows, light switches, outlets, access panels) in all the WRONG places. And there’s many times I know these problems and costs could have been avoided if the closet had been designed (and this design communicated to the builder) BEFORE the home was built.


Do you really need a custom closet system?

Blog Post - Opening image Do you really need a custom closet system | Innovate Home Org | Columbus, OH #CustomClosets #BuiltInCloset #Closets
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I’ll tell you right up front I make a living designing, selling, and leading a business which installs custom closet systems. So, why would I write an article even questioning if you really need a custom closet?

Well, the reason is simple. If you’re like me (and you can even ask my wife Rose if this is true) when you decide to spend money on a home improvement project you darn well want to make sure it’s money well spent. And with run-away…

11 Smart Questions to Ask about a Custom Closet Design…so you don’t waste money!

Blog Opening image - 11 questions custom closet design save money | Innovate Home Org | Columbus, Ohio #Closet #CustomCloset #ClosetRemodel
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OK, I’ve been doing custom closet designs for years so when my prospective client asked me if there would be enough room in her design for tall boots – even though I already included adjustable shelves (which would allow space for the tall boots) it dawned on me, maybe (just maybe) she didn’t ‘see’ the design like I did.

And why should she see it like me. First, I’ve created thousands of designs and second, I’m intimately familiar (and…