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Posts in the ‘Garage’ Category

Garage Cabinets – 10 Questions You Need to Ask to NOT be Fooled by Cheap Imitations

Opening - 10 questions you need to ask about garage cabinets by Innovate Home Org | Columbus, OH #StorageSolutions #GarageCabinets #StorageCabinets
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So, your garage is an unmitigated disaster (as opposed to a mitigated disaster). Dusty, half-filled paint cans are everywhere. Poisonous wasp sprays, weed killer and fertilizer are in the open – and, unfortunately, accessible to the kids. Your tools and golfing equipment are scattered everywhere. And the kids’ balls are constantly rolling off your low-budget open shelves into the middle of the garage floor. You GET TO play ‘pick up,’…

How to Use 7 Garage Storage Zones to Unlock Hidden Space

Opening image How to use 7 garage storage zones | Innovate Home Org | #GarageStorage #Storagetips #Garage #homeOrganization
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If you had a room in your home which was 22’ x 22’ or one that was 32’ x 22’ would you just jam everything against the edges of the room and call it “organized?” Probably not! Well you most likely already have this “room” which is commonly known as either a 2 or 3 car garage. This part of most homes is the “Rodney Dangerfield” area of the residence – it gets no respect. What if you could unlock some hidden garage storage…

10 Do’s and Don’ts You Need to Know BEFORE Buying Garage Cabinets

Opening image do's and don't you need to know before buying garage cabinets Innovate Home Org | Innovate Home Org | Columbus, OH | #GarageCabinets #homeremodel #homeorganization
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If you spent half as much time picking your garage cabinets as you did your kitchen cabinets do you think you’d find a better product?

If you’re like most people this answer is a big, fat…. YES!

The garage is the ‘red-haired-stepchild’ of your home (and I mean no offense to red-haired stepchildren reading this). It gets no respect. As a matter of fact, garages aren’t even tallied as ‘square footage’ when you go to sell your place.

But in…

How to Eliminate 7 New Construction Garage Design Flaws BEFORE You Sign the Contract

Opening image How to Eliminate 7 New Constructin Design Flaws | Innovate Home Org | #GarageStorage #StorageSolutions #GarageProblems
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The 3 car garage in this brand spankin’ new production home looked fine to me as I walked up the driveway, I had an appointment to add garage storage cabinets in this Columbus Ohio suburban home. The garage still smelled of fresh paint. There weren’t even nicks on the walls…. yet.

As I measured and talked to the new owners, I learned some disturbing construction design problems which weren’t obvious to the naked (as opposed to the fully…

7 Rooms Which Need a Home Organization Makeover Post COVID

7 rooms which need a home organization makeover post COVID | Innovate Home Org | #homeorganization #Closet #HomeOffice #Storagsolutions
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Has your first (and hopefully last) worldwide pandemic made you want to S-C-R-E-A-M at your home because it’s sooooo disorganized? Is your frustration boiling over? Can you relate to the following?

  • You ‘attempted’ to manage those Zoom calls for work from your make-shift home office (AKA your kitchen table). Your dog was barking and your ‘little angels’ (AKA your kids) were fighting in the background. Not exactly the professional image…

7 Simple Tips for Downsizing Your Home as an Empty Nester

7 Simple Tips for Downsizing Your Home as an Empty Nester | Innovate Home Org | #EmptyNester #Downsizing #ColumbusDownsizing
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You knew the moment would come. You just dropped your last child - ‘Daddy’s little’ girl’ - off at college. You’ve officially become an empty nester. Now you and Bill have your Upper Arlington home with 4 bedrooms, a fire pit, a hot tub and large yard all to yourselves.

You’re supposed to be jumping for joy.

You feel more like crying.

There will be no more cheer practices, band recitals, or field hockey games to attend. You’re faced with THE…