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Professionally Organized A blog by Innovate Home Org

Professionally Organized - the Innovate Home Org blog
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5 Secret Tips for a Space Efficient Custom Closet

5 secret tips for a space efficient custom closet | Innovate Home Org Columbus Ohio
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Let’s face facts – most closet “systems” (if you can call them that) make your goal of a space efficient closet impossible. Many people have a feeble shelf at the top with a slightly bowed rod underneath – or worse yet, a flimsy wire system. These aren’t exactly designed to make your closet efficient and effective. The result – your clothes are cramped and wrinkled. Your shoes are a jumbled mess on the closet floor. What’s even…

7 Stress Reducing Closet Features to Simplify Your Life

7 stress reducing closet features to simplify your life | Innovate Home Org Columbus Ohio
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Is using your master closet a stressful, time-wasting experience? Are you finding yourself constantly challenged to find the outfit you want to wear while simultaneously getting the kids out the door and off to school. You can’t seem to find ANYTHING in this jumbled mess you call a walk in closet. If you resemble this, you are not alone. With work demands and family demands always going up you’re ready for any strategies to make your life…

7 Tips for a Champagne Closet on a Beer Budget

7 tips for a champagne shower on a beer budget - Innovate Home Org Columbus Ohio
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It doesn’t take a genius to create a beautiful closet system with an unlimited budget and unlimited space (you may be able to think of a few celebrity’s closets which fit this description). The question is, how you design an affordable closet organizer system . Since you probably don't have have a master carpenter “on staff” working on your mega-mansion (OK – if we’re being honest here, your quaint Victorian Village, Clintonville or…

How to design a kids bedroom closet which is safe and stylish

How to design a kids closet for safety and style | Innovate Home Org Columbus Ohio
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You love your kids dearly (OK – you love them more dearly at those times when they’re not driving you crazy – just keeping it real). So, when you can’t take the cluttered and poorly functioning walk in or reach in closet in their bedroom and decide to change it out for a new closet organizer you want to make sure it’s safe. If your child is small you don’t want sharp edges or shelves which can be pulled out from the wall. Cabinets which…

5 Non-Obvious Design Facts about Custom Closet Systems

5 non obvious design facts about custom closet systems | Innovate Home Org - Columbus Ohio
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The most amazing thing about well-designed custom closet systems is many features are not obvious at all. Just like in any effective design the system just works. It’s simple for you to enjoy with minimal effort.

Many of the celebrity and uber-wealthy custom closet systems you see on Pinterest and Instagram are wonderful to look at – but what really matters on a day to day basis is, Does your closet work for you? Is it a pain to find your…

6 Key Factors to Compare Wood vs. Metal Garage Cabinetry

6 key factors to compare wood to metal garage cabinets | Innovate Home Org Columbus Ohio
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Maybe your garage isn’t a complete nightmare on Elm Street – but’s it’s also not the inspired “man-cave-like” or “super gear-head” industrial space with sleek metal or laminate covered wood cabinetry you’ve dreamed of either. The options to transform your garage into a fun, cool and highly functional space are daunting.

If you want to go cheap, it’s simple. Go to Home Depot, Lowes or Menards and grab some easy to assemble (but flimsy) plastic…