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Posts Tagged ‘closet accessories’

What closet accessories do you need to organize your messy closet?

Opening - What closet accessories do you need to organize your messy closet | Columbus, OH | Closet Design Ideas | Closet Accessories | Closet Shelving
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If your closet is a DISASTER today raise your hand.

And I know if I could see you right now, I’ll bet at least 90% have their hands held high.

And while a new closet system (designed by an experienced closet designer) is the smartest way to get more out of your ‘smaller-than-you’d like’ closet, your budget may not allow you to get the ‘full Monty.’ Purchasing the closet of your dreams right now may not be in the cards for you. And…

11 Smart Questions to Ask about a Custom Closet Design…so you don’t waste money!

Blog Opening image - 11 questions custom closet design save money | Innovate Home Org | Columbus, Ohio #Closet #CustomCloset #ClosetRemodel
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OK, I’ve been doing custom closet designs for years so when my prospective client asked me if there would be enough room in her design for tall boots – even though I already included adjustable shelves (which would allow space for the tall boots) it dawned on me, maybe (just maybe) she didn’t ‘see’ the design like I did.

And why should she see it like me. First, I’ve created thousands of designs and second, I’m intimately familiar (and…

What matters most in a closet design – fashion or function?

What Matters most in a Closet Design - Fashion or Function | Innovate Home Org | #ClosetDesign #WalkInCloset #DreamCloset
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Do you swoon with envy over the drool-worthy images on Houzz and Pinterest of dreamy custom closets? A place where jewelry, shoes, handbags all have their place and are proudly on display (check out Kim Kardashian’s converted guest bedroom into a glam-closet below).

Maybe you’d love a closet which makes you feel as excited as walking through Nordstrom’s eyeing those glamorous pair of Jimmy Choo’s.

The drool-worthy closet is fun to think about,…

The 10 Commandments of Closet Organizing Success

The 10 Commandments of Closet Organizing Success | Innovate Home Org | #ClosetDesign #OrganizingCloset #SpringCleaning
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Is your closet SO messy you think you need a dose of divine intervention to tame the clutter?

Your clothes are packed in as tight as Buckeye fans enjoying another victory over the team up North at “The Shoe.”

Your shoes are a disheveled mix buried under hanging clothes – lurking in the dark depths of your closet.

Your sweaters resemble the ‘leaning tower of Pisa.’ They’re stacked at the top of your closet in near impossible-to-retrieve…

7 factors to compare wire shelving vs. a laminate closet system

7 Key Factors to compare wire shelving to a laminate closet system from Innovate Home Org in Columbus
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Are your clothes jammed in your closet like sardines? Is finding the right outfit a pain? When you do find that “needle in the haystack” outfit in your disorganized closet is it almost as wrinkled as your son’s pile clothes on the bedroom floor (I can relate to this as my 17 year old son believes in the pile dumping method for his clothes “organization!”). If this resembles your life as Jeff Foxworthy might say, “You might need a closet!” 


7 Hot Closet Accessory Ideas to Add Joy and Utility to your Wardrobe

7 hot closet accessory ideas to add joy and utility to your wardrobe | Innovate Home Org Columbus Ohio
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“Any item in your wardrobe should satisfy one of two criteria – utility or joy.” Stacy London

Is pulling out shoes, dresses, jewelry or even underwear from your closet a simple task – or one that brings you joy? If you’re like most, your closet “organization” experience resembles a cramped box of frustration which scores ultra-low on both the utility scale – and thinking about it as a joy – well that is downright nuts! You may be…