What closet accessories do you need to organize your messy closet?

If your closet is a DISASTER today raise your hand.
And I know if I could see you right now, I’ll bet at least 90% have their hands held high.
And while a new closet system (designed by an experienced closet designer) is the smartest way to get more out of your ‘smaller-than-you’d like’ closet, your budget may not allow you to get the ‘full Monty.’ Purchasing the closet of your dreams right now may not be in the cards for you. And given this reality, I’d like to look at the best closet accessories from two point of views.
First, I’ll look at professional closet accessories which (when used along with a new closet design) will make your closet live (and look) like a dream.
Second, I’ll look at practical closet accessories for those on a budget who cannot afford a new system but are trying desperately to not live in their unmitigated (as opposed to mitigated) disaster that IS their closet today.
So, let’s check out these professional and practical (‘er low cost) closet accessory options.
Professional closet accessories to include in a new design
First, you may be wondering why these accessories only work when you do a new design. And no, it’s not because my company designs and installs professional closet systems and I’m trying to sell you a project. It is because these accessories are mounted, or sold in sizes, which go inside laminate closet organization systems.
Therefore, if you’re (currently) living with wire shelves or painted plywood shelves and rods the builder slapped in, the following professional accessories (unfortunately) won’t work inside the current closet system you’ve got.
And while these 11 closet accessories may only be ‘drool-worthy’ content at the moment, I’d recommend getting an estimate (or reading How Much Does an Installed Custom Closet Cost) to see if a professional closet design is affordable to you.
However, whether you’re ready now for a professionally designed and installed closet, or simply planning ahead – it never hurts to think through which accessories would make sense for you.
Let’s check them out.
Professional closet accessory #1 – The pull down or slide out hamper
Who loves the plastic laundry basket in their closet with the wonderful (sarcasm intended) odors of their spouse’s workout clothes inside? ‘Er that’d be…
No one!
So, not seeing (or smelling) your dirty laundry, yet being able to retrieve it whenever your ‘magical’ (that’s one thing you can call it) laundry day arrives is a very popular accessory! With a pull down laundry drawer you’ll get the neatness of a finished drawer AND keep the smelly stuff from being out in the open.
And if you want to access your hamper without opening a drawer – a canvas slide-out closet hamper is another smart option.
Professional closet accessory #2 – The jewelry drawer tray
Now here’s a luxury it’s not hard to love. Imagine all your necklaces, rings, and bracelets with individualized storage compartments. You’ll feel like you’ve got a Kim Kardashian closet (OK – you might be personally have a few less zeros in your bank account than Kim, but you get the idea).
Professional closet accessory #3 – Valet rods
Even the name valet rod sounds fancy. However, it’s actually a simple (and cost-effective) accessory in a professional closet design. What’s nice about the valet rod is you no longer need to hang clothes on the back of the closet doorknob.
This rod pulls out from the vertical section separators. It’s perfect to stage tomorrow’s clothes or to hang a garment bag for a short trip.
Professional closet accessory #4 – The in-drawer ironing board (complete with a butler to press your clothes every day).
OK I’m only ‘joshing’ (and wasn’t the funniest term back in the day for joking around with someone?) about the butler which comes along with this accessory. However, wouldn’t it be cool to have a mini-ironing board built into your closet so you can touch up a shirt or skirt for an important event (after all you don’t want to show up looking as wrinkled as your teenage son!).
If you do include a pull out ironing board, make sure you’ve got an outlet in the right location. An iron without power isn’t a great thing!
Professional closet accessory #5 – A hidden full-length mirror
Just because you’d like a full length mirror, doesn’t mean you want to take away the wall space (you desperately need for clothes and shoes) to make it happen.
And if this is your situation, the pull out full length mirror can be your answer. It’s stowed inside the custom closet system and ready to be pulled out when needed.
Professional closet accessory #6 – The pull out belt, tie, or scarf rack
If you’re constantly grabbing belts, ties, or scarves off your dusty closet floor because they’ve fallen off the hanger AGAIN, you know how frustrating this is.
Instead of using a make-shift hanger to store these items, use an accessory specifically designed accessory for this purpose. You won’t spend time bending over to find what you need on the floor anymore, and that’s a bonus.
Professional closet accessory #7 – A decorative wall storage unit for jewelry, scarves, shoes…you name it.
Who says wall storage has to be a series of boring hooks? Imagine a storage system which is not only adjustable – but uses uber-stylish vegan leather and matte finish hardware to show off your style.
This decorative wall storage unit can be ordered in various sizes and is a way to use a shallow wall – or create a feature area, and show off your jewelry, favorite hats, or shoes.
Professional closet accessory #8 – A library ladder if you’ve got tall ceiling and you need to use your volume.
Library ladders are not only for libraries (with books to the ceiling), or pantries. No, a fun (and functional idea if you’ve got tall ceilings) is to use rolling ladders in a closet. You’ll capture your volume in a closet with a vaulted ceiling AND have a place for seldom used – or out of season clothing.
And besides– it’s just a cool feature to look at.
Professional closet accessory #9 – A pull down closet rod.
If you’re V.C. (no, not a Venture Capitalist, but you’re Vertically Challenged), or your mobility isn’t what it used to be, a pull down closet rod helps recapture storage which is hard for you to reach today.
Just pull on the handle, and your hanging clothes magically come to you. No more stretching to get them.
Professional closet accessory #10 – Laminate separators for handbags or clothes.
If you hate seeing your handbags on their side, or your piles of clothes more resembling the leaning tower of Pisa, laminate shelf separators solve this problem – and you’ll score style points in the process.
Professional closet accessory #11 – A safe (or a hidden drawer inside a drawer).
Most people think thefts happen in the middle of the night by a guy with a ski mask (OK, sorry to be sexist, but I still don’t think as many female robbers have gotten into the ‘profession’ as the guys – c’mon ladies you’ve gotta catch up!).
However, this IS NOT the case.
Most thefts occur during broad daylight. They’re done by people who have access to your home (even while you’re there).
And since many people store valuables in their closet it’s not a big mystery to service providers where to find your valuables. However, here’s 2 ideas to stop this problem dead in its tracks:
- Get a safe. Closet safes are growing rapidly and they’re not the kind of thing a service provider will (likely) remove (intact) while they’re working at your home.
- Create a ‘hidden drawer inside a drawer.’ This is a sneaky way to keep things hidden.
Finally is you’re not ready for a professional system, let’s look at more cost-effective accessories to work inside your existing system.
Practical closet accessories if you’re on a budget… and have no choice but to stick with your current system
I’ve been in plenty of closets with original wire or plywood shelf and rod systems. And I know it’s not easy to ‘try’ to make it more organized if your budget forces you to live with the cost-effective (that’s code word for cheap) stuff the builder put in. But this is the harsh, cruel reality for many people.
So, if this is your situation, how can you to eliminate dead spaces above (or below) your single hanging rod? What can you do to stop searching on the floor for shoes? Or what can you do to keep stacks of clothes from toppling over without replacing your entire system?
Check out these 5 practical closet accessories for some ideas. And yes, I know they’re not as sexy as the pro accessories, but at least they’ll make you a bit more organized until you’ve got the bucks pulled aside for your future dream closet.
Practical closet accessory #1 on a budget– Acrylic (or fabric) shelf dividers
While these shelf dividers can move around if there’s too much weight against them, they do a decent job keeping stacks neat on your shelves.
Practical closet accessory #2 on a budget– Clear storage bins
If you hate your clothes getting dusty, and don’t want to hang sweaters and end up with hanger marks on the side but DO want to see what you have, clear (stackable) plastic bins are smart. In addition, clear plastic bins are far cheaper than wood drawers boxes in a custom closet system.
Practical closet accessory #3 on a budget– The over the door (or over a rod) shoe organizer.
Ok, I’ll admit I hate these ‘dollar-store-esque’ organizers. However, they’re practical if there’s no place to store shoes and you don’t want to bend over to ‘attempt’ to find them on the floor buried under racks of hanging clothes.
Since over the door organizers are usually made of fabric, they’re not sturdy like adjustable laminate shoe shelves in a professional system, but they are cheap, even if using them is like putting lipstick on a pig!
Practical closet accessory #4 on a budget– Hooks.
There’s no sense wasting the narrow space behind your in-swing door. A few strategically placed hooks can be ‘found’ space for hats, robes, and jackets.
Image Source: www.wayfair.com
Practical closet accessory #5 on a budget– Hanging fabric ‘shelves.’
The problem with most production builder-supplied closet ‘systems’ (and yes, I’m using the term lightly here) is there’s limited shelving. You’ll usually find flimsy wire rods with a single shelf above. So, the challenge is, where can you find room for all the clothes you want to fold even if you have one (lonely) shelf at the top?
A cost-effective solution is a hanging fabric shelving system to ‘convert’ (no, you don’t have to worry, this isn’t closet conversion therapy) hanging space into shelving space.
Image Source: www.closetmaid.com
So, what closet accessories are ‘must-haves’ for you? How can I – and my team- help next?
There is a plethora (OK – yes, that’s a fancy word I threw in here to make you think I’m smart. Is it working?) of closet accessories and my list above have only touched the surface. However, after seeing what’s possible with a professional accessories, and what can make your closet be a little more manageable (with practical – ‘er low budget) closet accessories, have you come to any conclusions which accessories make the most sense for you?
And if you’re in the Columbus area and would like to see how much a professional installed closet with a smart group of accessories would cost call Innovate Home Org (OK – I’ll come clean and tell you that is my business). One of our designers would be happy to help with an elaborate or basic closet design to suite your needs. Call 614-545-6888 or request a Free 3D custom closet design.
And if you don’t live in Columbus (which is likely most of you)– I can refer you to a friend in the industry across the country. Comment below with your location and I’ll see if I can get help for you.
Thanks for reading,
Tags: clear closet storage bins, closet accessories, closet hooks, Columbus closet accessories, Columbus custom closet, Columbus laminate closet systems, decorative wall storage, hanging fabric closet shelves, hidden full length mirror, how to improve closet storage, improve storage in a wire closet, jewelry drawer tray, jewelry tray in a closet, laminate closet systems, laminate separators in a custom closet, library ladder in a closet, over the door shelf dividers, over the door shoe storage, professional closet accessories, pull down closet rod, pull down hamper, pull out belt rack, pull out ironing board, pull out tie rack, safe in a closet, slide out hamper, valet rods, valets rods in a custom closet
Michael BBuchanan
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I am a disabled veteran trying to get a closet layout for a person who uses a chair part time. I also live in northwest Indiana, so going to your store is not possible.
My question is do you know of someone in this area ho could help us? Your articles are vary interesting, and provide a lot of information.
Thank you for your help
Michael Buchanan
Mike Foti
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Michael – thanks for your comment. I would check with our industry association – the Association of Closet and Storage Professionals at the following URL – https://closets.org/. Hopefully you’ll find a local resource to help you. I’m glad the articles have been helpful to you! – Mike (keep reading and share them with others!)
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I am so impressed with your company listing pro and cons on closet size, budget and having a a professional take measurements and so much more.
Thank you so much for writing this. I would hire you in a second. Now I have an understanding of closest design and your website was very helpful. Thank you. I live in Orange County California. If you or some company you know is in my area we would appreciate a recomendation.
Mike Foti
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Carol – thanks for your nice comments – and sorry I didn’t see this sooner. I would recommend to go to the industry association web site to find a company – and I’ve listed it here – Mike – https://closets.org/