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Posts Tagged ‘closet design Columbus’

7 Deadly Sins of a Walk in Closet Design

7 Deadly Sins of a Walk in Closet Design
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Updated May 12, 2018 

So you’re sick and tired of the mess that is your walk in closet. Whether you’re looking for clothes for work – or worse yet – that formal event where you’re trying valiantly to find those seldom used jewelry and accessories, getting ready to go in a disorganized closet can be a pain.

The challenge is who do you call to rid yourself of this closet disaster. Who will not only “feel your pain” but is qualified to…

The 10 Commandments of Closet Organizing Success

The 10 Commandments of Closet Organizing Success | Innovate Home Org | #ClosetDesign #OrganizingCloset #SpringCleaning
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Is your closet SO messy you think you need a dose of divine intervention to tame the clutter?

Your clothes are packed in as tight as Buckeye fans enjoying another victory over the team up North at “The Shoe.”

Your shoes are a disheveled mix buried under hanging clothes – lurking in the dark depths of your closet.

Your sweaters resemble the ‘leaning tower of Pisa.’ They’re stacked at the top of your closet in near impossible-to-retrieve…

How to reduce the cost of a custom walk in closet

How to reduce the cost of a custom walk in closet - Innovate Home Org Columbus Ohio
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Have you dreamt about a glamorous walk in custom closet but are afraid to get prices on it because of how much it will cost? It is certainly less costly to stick with your frustrating, inflexible, builders-grade wire closet with piles of shoes haphazardly sitting on the floor, no drawers and clothes squeezed in like too many clowns in a Volkswagen. The question is, do you really want to put up with this disorganization for years to come? Why…

7 smart tips for a luxury custom closet (even if you don’t have a huge space)

7 smart tips for a luxury custom closet (even if you don't have a lot of room)
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An 8’ x 9’ closet may seem large to most, but not if you’re used to a glamour closet more than twice the size with an island and chaise lounge in the middle. Life has a way of happening……altering our paths…. changing us and our surroundings.

Brandie’s story

In the case of Brandie Price, life dished up a difficult blow when her husband passed away 3 years. She was left with a sprawling 6,000 square foot home she shared with her step son. When he…

How to get an inspiring custom closet with a first-time homebuyer budget

How to get an inspiring custom closet on a first time home buyer budget | Innovate Home Org Columbus Ohio
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You love your clothes and shoes. Your Mom and Dad have known it for 31 years, you husband Mark has only experienced it for a bit over 3. So, when you realtor showed you the perfect 3-bedroom starter home in the Westerville suburb of Columbus you knew something would have to be done with the bent and completely unworkable thin wire walk in closet in the master bedroom. There’s no way all your stuff is going to fit in THAT SPACE (and oh, you…

5 Secret Tips for a Space Efficient Custom Closet

5 secret tips for a space efficient custom closet | Innovate Home Org Columbus Ohio
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Let’s face facts – most closet “systems” (if you can call them that) make your goal of a space efficient closet impossible. Many people have a feeble shelf at the top with a slightly bowed rod underneath – or worse yet, a flimsy wire system. These aren’t exactly designed to make your closet efficient and effective. The result – your clothes are cramped and wrinkled. Your shoes are a jumbled mess on the closet floor. What’s even…