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Posts Tagged ‘Murphy wall bed’

9 Sure-Fire Tips to Create Storage and Workspace in your ‘Smaller-Than-You’d-Like’ Home

Opening - 9 tips to create storage work space in your too small home | Innovate Home Org | Columbus, OH #Closet #OrganizationSystems #StorageWork
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Your walk-in closet is more tightly packed than sardines in a can.

Your tiny spare bedroom has virtually NO ROOM to walk because the space is eaten up by the bed.

And the fixed wire shelves in your pantry are such an unmitigated disaster, you don’t know where to start to make sense of the mess.

If words like ‘tightly packed, zero room and unmitigated disaster’ describe your rooms and storage spaces, you may be at your wit’s end (even if you…

7 Secret Downsizing and Storage Planning Ideas an Empty Nester Needs to Know

7 Secret downsizing and storage planning ideas an empty nester needs to know | Innovate Home Org | #EmptyNester #StorageOptions #DownsizingHome
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After you dropped Jack off to start his freshman year at Ohio State it finally hits you. Unless his older brother Jim or sister Stephanie ‘boomerang’ back you’re finally an empty nester. And since Stephanie is due in a few short months, living in Chicago, and game fully employed (Thank God) the boomeranging child effect is unlikely to happen – at least with her.   

Somehow you thought being transformed into an empty nester would feel more…

How to Prepare Your Spare Bedroom for Holiday Guests

Opening - how to prepare your spare bedroom for holiday guests | Innovate Home Org | #Sparebedroom #HolidayGuests #MultiPurposeBedroom #GuestBedroom
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The date seemed far away – at least it did a few months ago. Today you’re not sure what possessed you to agree to host the holidays. On top of that you felt good (at the time) when you invited Aunt Betty and Uncle Louie to stay through the holidays – since they’ll be driving in for your big Christmas celebration.

Now, as you’ve come to your senses, panic has set in.

Aunt Betty can be a bit on the finicky side (OK – if we’re being real, she…

7 Smart Reasons You Need a Murphy Wall Bed

7 Smart Reasons You Need a Murphy Wall Bed | Innovate Home Org Columbus Ohio
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Back in the 1900’s Lawrence Murphy (a salt-of-the-earth stagecoach driver – the Uber driver of yesteryear) wanted to woo the woman of his dreams (in today’s world - a diva). She was a beautiful opera singer. However, Lawrence had a problem. It wouldn’t have been proper for him to entertain her in his one-bedroom apartment (or swinging bachelor pad as those “wild and crazy” guys George and Yortunk Festrunk – played by Steve Martin…

6 Hot Storage Ideas for a Downtown Loft Apartment

Learn 6 Hot New Ideas Home a Downtown Loft Apartment | Innovate Home Org | #ColumbusApartments #LoftLiving #StorageShelving
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If you’ve decided to take the plunge and live in a downtown loft apartment or condominium you’re likely in one of two categories.

  • Your hair is graying, thinning and Botox and Ms. Clairol have become your BFF’s. You’ve emptied the nest and your kids are FINALLY off the payroll. Whew – you can’t believe it’s happened!
  • You’ve got plenty of hair, but not as much money as you’d like (but at least you’re no longer bumming gas money off Mom and…

11 Frequently Asked Questions about a Murphy Wall Bed You Need to Know

Frequently asked questions about a murphy wall bed everyone needs to know | Innovate Building Solutions | #MurphyBed #WallBed #ColumbusMurphyBed
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Murphy wall beds. How can something so old (the concept was invented over 105 years ago), become so fresh, exciting and necessary in today’s homes and lofts? Here’s how.

When you combine rising real estate prices, the escalating cost of building, and a trend towards smaller homes, lofts and micro-sized apartments you have a world ‘ripe’ for a Murphy bed.

Murphy beds are cool. They give you the ability to have ‘flex space.’ You aren’t stuck…