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Posts Tagged ‘shoe storage’

9 Simple Do’s and Don’ts for Organized Closet Shoe Storage

9 simple do's and don'ts for organized closet shoe storage
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The morning rush is on. You’ve got the kids (mostly) ready for school. You’ve found the perfect outfit to wear for the presentation to the board of directors and you’re looking for those fashionable new heels you just bought. Where the heck are those shoes??? Your rummaging frantically through the floor of your closet. It’s so hard to find anything! Your shoes are buried under a mountain of pants, blouses and jackets. The clock is…

6 Slick Shelving Ideas to Add Pizzazz and Function

6 Slick Shelving Ideas to Add Pizzazz and Function
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Why does shelving seem like the red-haired stepchild in the design of dens, closets and rec rooms? Is it because potential new homeowners don’t pay attention to these details until they notice how the shelves actually work (or don’t work) on a daily basis?

The reality is you and I really NEED our shelves today! If we look at our closets and check out a bit of history we’d find the average woman had 36 pieces of clothing in 1930 and today this…

5 Tips for a Super-Useful and Fun Walk in Closet

5 tips for super useful and fun walk in closet - columbus and cleveland
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You may be saying right now “a fun closet, you must be kidding me!” Yes – you heard that right – not only a fun closet, but also one which is super-useful. While I’ll admit I’m not a magician (and I don’t play one on TV) I do have some tips to rejuvenate your closet which you may not even realize has actually been doomed from being useful from the start.

Ouch – doomed from the start – why is that? The reason most closet are doomed and…