7 Stress Reducing Closet Features to Simplify Your Life

One place to take on to reduce stress is your master closet (no matter how much you may wish you could avoid it, you’re going to deal with your closet at least a couple of times a day). In the article below my goal is to give you 7 practical tips to take your closet stress away (I guess the goal here would be like the 80’s and 90’s “take me away Calgon” commercials – if you remember those). In the comments below let me know which of these features you’d like the most.
Stress reducing closet feature #1 – Get on top of your day – the pull-out wardrobe rod
If you’re like me there is nothing worse than getting to work late and feeling behind the moment you step into the door. Being organized (I must admit I’m a bit of an organization and discipline freak) and having a routine works for me and gives me a sense of peace. The one concept organization experts will say is critical is to plan today for what you want to accomplish tomorrow. In planning your wardrobe there is a handy way to make this happen. Use a pull out wardrobe rod to “stage” tonight what you want to wear for tomorrow.
'Use a #closet wardrobe rod to stage today what you want to wear tomorrow. 'Click To TweetWhen you do this, you can go to bed knowing you’re more prepared for tomorrow.Stress reducing closet feature #2 – It’s not a sexy, but it makes sense – the fold out ironing board
Raise your hand if you love to iron. If I’m a betting man no one has raised their hand (there would be an exception to this. My Mother in law Pierina love to iron – how lucky for Rose and me!). The reality though is we need to iron clothes to look our best (or at least to not look like a train-wreck). The challenge is it’s a pain to iron something in the morning. Who wants to leave their closet (which is too small for a full-sized ironing board anyway) and go to the laundry room or basement to get ready. How cool would it be to be able to pull down from a drawer front a mini ironing board for quick touch ups? You won’t have to put on clothes to run into another room to do the ironing any more. You can get ready quicker without having to leave your closet.
Stress reducing closet feature #3 – What you can’t see may embarrass you – the case for closet lighting
Imagine wearing two different colored shoes to work on the same day. This happened to a co-worker of mine and she was bumming – big time. We got a big laugh, for her it was not so funny. If you’re color blind (like me) your existing overhead light is not helping you out much (especially if it only has one bulb inside the fixture). Make it easier to find what you need by adding task lighting inside your drawers or hanging sections in your closet. It will be simpler to find things and you’ll also feel like you’ve got a celebrity closet. Note – a common LED puck lighting systems can help you with minimal effort and cost.
Stress reducing closet feature #4 – The hidden hamper – what you can’t see won’t stress you out!
Don’t you hate the pictures of the woman in the detergent commercials (yes – this is kind of sexist) smiling while she is doing laundry ….and she looks all put together at the same time! Who is smiling and looking marvelous while doing laundry – NO ONE. For most the heaping pile(s) of laundry make us feel hopelessly behind and depressed.
A nice feature to reduce your stress is to keep your laundry out of sight (at least until laundry day) with a concealed hamper behind a closet drawer. What you don’t see won’t stress you.
Stress-reducing closet feature #5 – Knowing you look your best – the slide out mirror
There are times you need to “command the stage.” Maybe you’re making a presentation to the board of directors or have an important sales call or meeting. On other occasions, you want to feel like the “belle of the ball” (maybe you’re headed to the Columbus Symphony or Columbus Opera). Wouldn’t you be more confident if you could see your entire outfit while in the privacy of your closet? This handy slide out full length mirror can take your simple closet beyond “function only” and ensure you look your best.
Stress-reducing closet feature #6 – The mini linen closet – using slide out baskets for more storage
If your linen closet is as overstuffed as the Build-a-Bears you buy your daughter, you might be a redneck (oops – I got off track here!) …. you may need an overflow solution for your towels and bead sheets. One option is to use slide-out baskets in your closet. They make it easy to see what you have and are simple to get what you need out.Stress-reducing closet feature #7 – You’ll want to sing since you can now find your bling
With the headline above you’re probably thinking, “Mike – you need to stick with your day job and not stretch your “poetry skills” writing rhythms like this!” Yes – I would resemble that remark. What many women tell me about their closets is finding jewelry (their bling) to go with their outfits is a major pain. Get rid of this challenge with a slide out closet jewelry tray. With these small compartments, it’s straightforward to find places for rings, necklaces and your chokers.
Your closet doesn’t have to be a stressful place you hate to deal with. When you change your closet design and use the right accessories you can transform your space. You’ll no longer hate you’re closet. You’ll now have one which gives you a sense of pride, peace and organization. Don’t believe me? Get a free 3D closet design for your Columbus or Cleveland Ohio home and see how much better your clothes, shoes and jewelry can be organized and how much less stressed you’ll be.###
For information on a Columbus walk in closet call Innovate Home Org in Columbus at 614-545-6888 or for a Cleveland closet design 216-658-1290.
Follow the author on Twitter @Mike_Foti or our companies’ @InnovateBuild and @InnovateHomeOrg.
Tags: bedroom closet, bedroom closet Columbus, closet accessories, closet features, closet mirror, closet organization, closet organization Columbus, Columbus closet organizer, Columbus custom closet, custom closet, custom organizers Columbus, full length mirror, jewelry tray, organizing your closet, pull out wardrobe rod, simple life, slide out baskets, slide out baskets Columbus, stress, stress reduction, walk in closet, walk in closet Columbus, wardrobe organizer, wardrobe rod
decluter me
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Lovely cabinets and lots of ideas thank you for this post!!
Mike Foti
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Thanks – I’m glad this article was of value to you! Mike