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Author Archive

Mike Foti

Mike Foti is the President of Innovate Home Org, a division of Innovate Building Solutions. You can learn more about Mike here.

Mike Foti

Mike Foti is the President of Innovate Home Org, a division of Innovate Building Solutions. You can learn more about Mike here.

The SINGLE BIGGEST problem with your MESSY CLOSET you can solve RIGHT NOW

Opening Single biggest messy closet problem hanging clothes | Innovate Building Solutions | Innovate Home Org | #MessyCloset #ClosetMakeover #CustomCloset #HangingClothes #ClosetMistakes
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Most likely if you’re reading this we’ve never met. And I’ll bet you’ve never ‘invited me in’ to see your closet (wow – that sounds kind of personal doesn’t it?). So, you may be wondering how I think I know the SINGLE BIGGEST problem with your MESSY CLOSET if I haven’t even seen it yet?

Well – even though I’ve done thousands of closet designs while leading a Columbus Ohio based closet organization company, I know there are billions of closets…

How to Eliminate 7 New Construction Garage Design Flaws BEFORE You Sign the Contract

Opening image How to Eliminate 7 New Constructin Design Flaws | Innovate Home Org | #GarageStorage #StorageSolutions #GarageProblems
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The 3 car garage in this brand spankin’ new production home looked fine to me as I walked up the driveway, I had an appointment to add garage storage cabinets in this Columbus Ohio suburban home. The garage still smelled of fresh paint. There weren’t even nicks on the walls…. yet.

As I measured and talked to the new owners, I learned some disturbing construction design problems which weren’t obvious to the naked (as opposed to the fully…

How Much Does a Professionally Installed Murphy Wall Bed Cost?

Opening Image How much an installed muprhy bed cost | Innovate Home Org | #MurphyBed #CustomStorage #WallBed
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At first you thought about buying a low-priced Murphy wall bed over the Internet. You’d roll up your sleeves and put it together yourself. You knew there would be a ‘price’ (‘er your time) you’d pay to save money vs. a professional installation.

Then you started reading DIY wall bed reviews. Your ‘concerns’ became clearer.

  • Concern #1) Baseboard trim – You learned Murphy beds need to be mounted to the wall. This requires removing your baseboard…

The Pros & Cons of an Ikea Pax Closet Wardrobe System (written by a closet designer)

Opening Image - Ikea closet design vs custom closet | Innovate Home Org | custom closet | Columbus Ikea | Columbus closets | #customstorage #ikeastorage #ColumbusClosets
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I’ll admit right up front I have no stock in Ikea and (crazy as it may seem) I don’t like they’re Swedish meatballs (although I do LOVE their crispy oatmeal chocolate cookies!).

And I’ll even admit on a few occasions my custom closet design and installation company has lost sales to our Columbus Ohio Ikea mega-store (and I’ll even share an example in this article why Ikea made more sense than buying from my business – bummer).

And while there…

The 9 Deadliest Kitchen Pantry Storage Problems (and how you can overcome them)

Opening Image | Innovate Home Org | Closet Organization | Pantry Room | Pantry Storage | Pantry Organizers | #Pantry #ColumbusPantry #OrganizationStorage
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Your walk-in pantry looked soooo nice BEFORE you moved into your home.

There were so many more shelves than your last place. You wondered, am I ever going to fill these shelves up?

And then life happened.

You had 2 beautiful kiddos (OK, at least they’re beautiful when they’re not fighting like cats and dogs as your Mom used to say). You swear they’re hooked on every surgery cereal and snack food known to boy or girl.  

Your pantry started getting…

9 Reasons You Shouldn’t DIY Your Own Closet (and 7 Reasons You Should)

Reasons you shouldn't install a custom closet yourself | Innovate Home Org | #CustomCloset #Organization #DIYClosets #StorageSolutions
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There’s no reason to keep this a secret from you so I’ll ‘spill the beans’ right up front.  I lead a business which designs and installs custom closets in Columbus Ohio. We don’t sell to DIY’ers. However, we know a lot of them come to our blog for closet design advice (which is cool).

And while it would be nice for my business if everyone who visited our blog for education was somebody who wanted to buy from us, this isn’t realistic. And as a…