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Author Archive

Mike Foti

Mike Foti is the President of Innovate Home Org, a division of Innovate Building Solutions. You can learn more about Mike here.

Mike Foti

Mike Foti is the President of Innovate Home Org, a division of Innovate Building Solutions. You can learn more about Mike here.

How to Organize Your Odd-Shaped Closet which also has Outlets, Switches, Windows & Access Panels in All the Wrong Places!

Blog Post-Opening Image How to Organize Your Odd Shaped Closet Columbus, OH | Innovate Home Org #customcloset #design #closetorganization
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You’ve been scouring the Internet, Pinterest and God-Only-Knows which social networks ‘attempting’ to find a closet system which will work for your crazy, odd-shaped closet.

Your closet not only has sloped ceilings but also windows, light switches, outlets, register grates and electrical panels in all the wrong places.

You’ve researched ‘modular closet systems’ which seem so easy to install on the Internet, but then you say under your…

15 Critical Questions to Ask for an Efficient, Effective and Elegant Custom Closet Design

Opening image 15 questions for an efficient effective elegant custom closet design | Innovate Home Org | Dublin, OH #customcloset #closetDesign #Walkinclosetdesign
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If you’ve NEVER purchased a custom closet before, please raise your hand.

If you’re like most people, this is not a road you’ve traveled before. And while you know your closet is a disaster, you’re don’t even know what you don’t know to make a smart purchase.

You’d like to know the cost of a custom closet. You’d like to know how to design it to get the maximum storage out of your ‘smaller-than-you’d-like’ space. You’d like to know…

10 Foolproof Steps to Design a Custom Built in Wardrobe or Armoire

Opening -10 Steps to Design a Custom Built in Wardrobe or Armoire | Innovate Home Org Columbus, OH | #CustomBuiltCloset #CustomWallCloset #CustomClosets #ClosetlayoutDesign
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So, you found the perfect condo or apartment in the city, or home with character in an inner ring suburb…. except for one thing. You have NO IDEA where you’re going to put all your clothes. The small walk-in master closet barely fits your massive shoe and purse collection. Where can you find space? The miniscule reach in closets in the other rooms WILL NOT be the answer.

Then while scouring Pinterest for ideas a picture caught your attention.…

How to Solve the 9 Largest Laundry Room Storage Problems

Opening How to Solve 9 Largest Laundry Room Storage Problems Innovate Home Org Columbus | Innovate Home Org | Columbus, OH #LaundryRoom #StorageRoom #Storageproblems #laundrybasketshelvingsystem
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The laundry room is the room you love to hate…unless you have a spouse or partner who does the laundry for you!

If you’re like most, your laundry room is cramped. You lack storage. Those cheap wire shelves are a constant reminder of how messy things can be.

If you’re like most, you struggle with space to fold clothes. You’re desperate for a laundry room counter.

If you’re like most, you have no effective place to hang clothes (the back of the…

11 Little Known Facts about Murphy Wall Beds

Opening 11 little known fact murphy wall beds | Innovate Home Org #Murphywallbed #wallbed #sofabed
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A bed that’s propped up against the wall and folds down when in use…. now that’s a weird concept!

If you’ve thought about buying a space-saving Murphy wall bed for a spare bedroom, downtown loft, or a lower-level remodel so you’d have a comfortable sleeping space for guests – but you find this product mysterious, or downright frightening, you’re not alone.

Murphy beds can be as hard to figure out as ex-husbands or ex-wives (OK, maybe they’re…

7 Steps to Create a Luxury Garage – even if yours is a mess today!

Opening 7 Steps to Create a Luxury Garage Organization System Columbus | Innovate Home Org #HomeRemodel #GarageRemodel #Clutter #CleanGarage
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Do you HATE pulling into your garage? And yes, I’m assuming you have enough room to pull in – which may be a pipe dream. Boxes of holiday decorations are everywhere. Your kid’s (largely unused) bikes are eating up the floor space, not to mention their balls scattered across the garage floor. And storage on your thin metal or plastic shelves is looking as ‘organized’ as your 15-year-old-son’s bedroom – YUCK!

Oh, how you wish you didn’t have to…