7 Tips for a Champagne Closet on a Beer Budget

You love your kids dearly (OK – you love them more dearly at those times when they’re not driving you crazy – just keeping it real). So, when you can’t take the cluttered and poorly functioning walk in or reach in closet in their bedroom and decide to change it out for a new closet organizer you want to make sure it’s safe. If your child is small you don’t want sharp edges or shelves which can be pulled out from the wall. Cabinets which…
The most amazing thing about well-designed custom closet systems is many features are not obvious at all. Just like in any effective design the system just works. It’s simple for you to enjoy with minimal effort.
Many of the celebrity and uber-wealthy custom closet systems you see on Pinterest and Instagram are wonderful to look at – but what really matters on a day to day basis is, Does your closet work for you? Is it a pain to find your…
Your 4-bedroom suburban Upper Arlington home is so quiet now. No kids running around. No fights between Michael, David and Lisa to officiate. Now it’s just you and Henry in this big old house with tons of memories and all the stuff you’ve accumulated over the last 20 years. How did your clothes, shoes, tools, and yard equipment get so gigantic? It must be Henry’s fault for being on a first name basis with the guy at Home Depot! (OK –…