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Posts in the ‘Closets’ Category

8 Tips for a Universal Design Closet – Part 1 of a 3 part series

8 tips to design a universal design custom walk in or roll in closet in Columbus Ohio
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Everyone knows what a closet is, but does anyone know what a universal design closet is? Well one way to find out is to take a trip to Columbus Ohio and visit the Universal Design Living Laboratory. You may be asking, “Mike – why would I want to go, or read about, a laboratory (which sounds like a place with a bunch of crazy scientists in white lab coats) and learn about something (universal design closets) I don’t really know what it…

7 Deadly Sins of a Walk in Closet Design

7 Deadly Sins of a Walk in Closet Design
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Updated May 12, 2018 

So you’re sick and tired of the mess that is your walk in closet. Whether you’re looking for clothes for work – or worse yet – that formal event where you’re trying valiantly to find those seldom used jewelry and accessories, getting ready to go in a disorganized closet can be a pain.

The challenge is who do you call to rid yourself of this closet disaster. Who will not only “feel your pain” but is qualified to…

7 factors to compare wire shelving vs. a laminate closet system

7 Key Factors to compare wire shelving to a laminate closet system from Innovate Home Org in Columbus
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Are your clothes jammed in your closet like sardines? Is finding the right outfit a pain? When you do find that “needle in the haystack” outfit in your disorganized closet is it almost as wrinkled as your son’s pile clothes on the bedroom floor (I can relate to this as my 17 year old son believes in the pile dumping method for his clothes “organization!”). If this resembles your life as Jeff Foxworthy might say, “You might need a closet!” 


Professionally Organized – A Home Organization Blog is Born!

Professionally Organized a Home Organization and Closet Blog
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“Are you crazy?” my friend Ron (and business partner of mine) said to me. “Writing two blogs at the same time, you’ve got to be nuts!”

Well Ron just might be on to something here. Yes I am a passionate guy and when I get into something I become a learning and growing fanatic. Reading, writing with the occasional speaking engagements sprinkled in have been the creative outlets for this learning over the last 30 years of my life. 

So at this point…