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Posts Tagged ‘Columbus custom closet’

7 Hot Closet Accessory Ideas to Add Joy and Utility to your Wardrobe

7 hot closet accessory ideas to add joy and utility to your wardrobe | Innovate Home Org Columbus Ohio
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“Any item in your wardrobe should satisfy one of two criteria – utility or joy.” Stacy London

Is pulling out shoes, dresses, jewelry or even underwear from your closet a simple task – or one that brings you joy? If you’re like most, your closet “organization” experience resembles a cramped box of frustration which scores ultra-low on both the utility scale – and thinking about it as a joy – well that is downright nuts! You may be…

7 Stress Reducing Closet Features to Simplify Your Life

7 stress reducing closet features to simplify your life | Innovate Home Org Columbus Ohio
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Is using your master closet a stressful, time-wasting experience? Are you finding yourself constantly challenged to find the outfit you want to wear while simultaneously getting the kids out the door and off to school. You can’t seem to find ANYTHING in this jumbled mess you call a walk in closet. If you resemble this, you are not alone. With work demands and family demands always going up you’re ready for any strategies to make your life…

7 Little Known Organization Products for a Cool Custom Closet

7 little known organization products for a custom closet | Innovate Home Org
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Are you frustrated with your generic “builders grade special” wire closet which gives you lines on your sweaters, allows your shoes to literally slip through the cracks, and is as inflexible as an army tank? Have you dreamed about a custom closet which would eliminate these storage problems? Wouldn’t it be nice to have the “drool-worthy” style and functionality you see from the stars’ closets on Instagram?

One key to upgrading your closet is…

5 Critical Tips to Super-Charge Hanging Space in your Closet

5 tips hanging space in a custom closet
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If you look at most closets the largest amount of space is allocated to hanging (vs. shelves and drawers). With so much area set aside for this purpose why is it so many closets have clothes which are all smooshed together? I don’t know about you but for me and my wife our formerly overstuffed closet was a source of wasted time and stress on a daily basis!

The challenge is how can you use your hanging space most effectively – whether you have…

3 Simple Questions to Design a Custom Closet

3 simple questions to design a custom closet
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Custom closet design can seem like an amazingly complex process. Whether you live in the suburbs of Columbus, the cool downtown section of Tremont in Cleveland or anywhere in the country the questions for custom closet designs are the same. What is the right amount of hanging space? Would this garment or piece of jewelry be better hung up or stored away in a drawer? Should this sweater or t-shirt be put into neat piles (or hopefully neat…