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Author Archive

Mike Foti

Mike Foti is the President of Innovate Home Org, a division of Innovate Building Solutions. You can learn more about Mike here.

Mike Foti

Mike Foti is the President of Innovate Home Org, a division of Innovate Building Solutions. You can learn more about Mike here.

5 Essential Tips for a Universal Design Laundry Room (Part 2 of a 3 Part series)

5 essential tips for a universal design laundry room
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When you go shopping don’t you love a 2 for 1 special or buy one, get one free (yes – my wife educated me on what the term “BOGO” means)? Well imagine you could get 2 rooms in your home for the price of one! Yes – it is possible to combine a laundry room and a walk in closet as one smartly integrated room. But wait there’s more (can’t you just hear the cheesy guy’s voice saying this?)!  As a bonus tip you’ll get this…

6 Awesome Tips for a Custom Walk in Closet Island

6 awesome tips for a custom walk in closet island
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When you think of an island what comes to mind? If it’s a tropical island it might be peace, tranquility, relaxation or if you’re like me it’s the sound of the steel drums. With a kitchen island it might be the laughter of your family or friends enjoying each other’s company with the smell of your perfect lasagna baking in the oven (OK –now you know I’m Italian!).

Now when you think of an island for a walk in closet what comes to mind? If your…

5 Tips for a Super-Useful and Fun Walk in Closet

5 tips for super useful and fun walk in closet - columbus and cleveland
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You may be saying right now “a fun closet, you must be kidding me!” Yes – you heard that right – not only a fun closet, but also one which is super-useful. While I’ll admit I’m not a magician (and I don’t play one on TV) I do have some tips to rejuvenate your closet which you may not even realize has actually been doomed from being useful from the start.

Ouch – doomed from the start – why is that? The reason most closet are doomed and…

How to Use 7 Garage Storage Zones to Unlock Hidden Space

Opening image How to use 7 garage storage zones | Innovate Home Org | #GarageStorage #Storagetips #Garage #homeOrganization
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If you had a room in your home which was 22’ x 22’ or one that was 32’ x 22’ would you just jam everything against the edges of the room and call it “organized?” Probably not! Well you most likely already have this “room” which is commonly known as either a 2 or 3 car garage. This part of most homes is the “Rodney Dangerfield” area of the residence – it gets no respect. What if you could unlock some hidden garage storage…

How to Solve the Top 7 Garage Organization Problems

How to solve the top 7 garage organization problems
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Hazardous, frustrating, non-functional, messy, bug infested and downright nasty – if these words describe your garage you’re not alone (as a matter of fact you’re in the majority of homeowners). The garage can become the “drop zone” for all varieties of unwanted and infrequently used stuff. Garden tools, holiday decorations, sporting equipment, unused car parts, small random pieces parts of all kinds can find their “final resting…

8 Tips for a Universal Design Closet – Part 1 of a 3 part series

8 tips to design a universal design custom walk in or roll in closet in Columbus Ohio
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Everyone knows what a closet is, but does anyone know what a universal design closet is? Well one way to find out is to take a trip to Columbus Ohio and visit the Universal Design Living Laboratory. You may be asking, “Mike – why would I want to go, or read about, a laboratory (which sounds like a place with a bunch of crazy scientists in white lab coats) and learn about something (universal design closets) I don’t really know what it…