7 Little Known Organization Products for a Cool Custom Closet

One key to upgrading your closet is…
“I wish I didn’t have to use two closets to fit all of my stuff. I told my husband we should move out – but we love this neighborhood and the school system is fantastic. However, I would somehow love not having to cram my clothes in these 2 tiny closets,” Gail said to me.
The older homes in neighborhoods in Columbus like Clintonville, Upper Arlington, Westerville, Worthington and Victorian Village just scream out charm, character and community.…
The morning rush is on. You’ve got the kids (mostly) ready for school. You’ve found the perfect outfit to wear for the presentation to the board of directors and you’re looking for those fashionable new heels you just bought. Where the heck are those shoes??? Your rummaging frantically through the floor of your closet. It’s so hard to find anything! Your shoes are buried under a mountain of pants, blouses and jackets. The clock is…
OK – I’m not a magician and I don’t play one on TV so you may be asking, “How can you combine two closets into one?” Well even if you and I aren’t magicians you may still need to get the skill to combine two closets into one. Why you may ask? I’ve had many cases our Columbus custom closet division has been called out to somebody’s house saying HELP – I’ve moved into my boyfriend’s house (who happens to be a bit of a slob) and there is…
Heather’s Dad pulled her aside and said, “Heather you need to get the real McCoy – a solid wood closet. It’s thick, durable and you can stain it to match your furniture.” While Daddy always has an opinion (and as a Dad I resemble that remark) – unless he’s an expert in closet organization systems he may not always see the full picture to know what’s best for your situation. Both laminate and wood closet systems can be excellent alternatives…
How exciting, a new baby is on the way. So things are a bit crazy and you’re a tad nervous (OK you’re beyond a tad nervous!). The hand me down clothing from the “fam” is pouring in (some you want – some you’re taking because you don’t want to hurt their feelings) and you’ve been “showered” with so much stuff. Now you’ve GOT TO get this nursery room and closet…