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Posts in the ‘Closets’ Category

The Top 10 Reasons You Need a Home Organization System

Reasons you need a home organization system | Innovate Home Org | Columbus Ohio | #HomeOrganization #StorageOrganization #ClosetOrganization
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It’s fun scrolling through Pinterest looking at glamour closets of stars like Khloe Kardashian. How cool would it be to have a room dedicated to your shoe, purse or jewelry collection (even if you’re jewelry is more costume than real)? 

While you may dream of such luxuries, you have waaaaay too many practical needs to deal with first.

Your son is demanding a new bookbag. Your daughter wants to buy a hot new prom dress she saw at the mall. “It’s…

7 Rooms Which Need a Home Organization Makeover Post COVID

7 rooms which need a home organization makeover post COVID | Innovate Home Org | #homeorganization #Closet #HomeOffice #Storagsolutions
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Has your first (and hopefully last) worldwide pandemic made you want to S-C-R-E-A-M at your home because it’s sooooo disorganized? Is your frustration boiling over? Can you relate to the following?

  • You ‘attempted’ to manage those Zoom calls for work from your make-shift home office (AKA your kitchen table). Your dog was barking and your ‘little angels’ (AKA your kids) were fighting in the background. Not exactly the professional image…

The Pros & Cons of an Ikea Pax Closet Wardrobe System (written by a closet designer)

Opening Image - Ikea closet design vs custom closet | Innovate Home Org | custom closet | Columbus Ikea | Columbus closets | #customstorage #ikeastorage #ColumbusClosets
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I’ll admit right up front I have no stock in Ikea and (crazy as it may seem) I don’t like they’re Swedish meatballs (although I do LOVE their crispy oatmeal chocolate cookies!).

And I’ll even admit on a few occasions my custom closet design and installation company has lost sales to our Columbus Ohio Ikea mega-store (and I’ll even share an example in this article why Ikea made more sense than buying from my business – bummer).

And while there…

9 Reasons You Shouldn’t DIY Your Own Closet (and 7 Reasons You Should)

Reasons you shouldn't install a custom closet yourself | Innovate Home Org | #CustomCloset #Organization #DIYClosets #StorageSolutions
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There’s no reason to keep this a secret from you so I’ll ‘spill the beans’ right up front.  I lead a business which designs and installs custom closets in Columbus Ohio. We don’t sell to DIY’ers. However, we know a lot of them come to our blog for closet design advice (which is cool).

And while it would be nice for my business if everyone who visited our blog for education was somebody who wanted to buy from us, this isn’t realistic. And as a…

7 Simple Tips for Downsizing Your Home as an Empty Nester

7 Simple Tips for Downsizing Your Home as an Empty Nester | Innovate Home Org | #EmptyNester #Downsizing #ColumbusDownsizing
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You knew the moment would come. You just dropped your last child - ‘Daddy’s little’ girl’ - off at college. You’ve officially become an empty nester. Now you and Bill have your Upper Arlington home with 4 bedrooms, a fire pit, a hot tub and large yard all to yourselves.

You’re supposed to be jumping for joy.

You feel more like crying.

There will be no more cheer practices, band recitals, or field hockey games to attend. You’re faced with THE…

How Much Does an Installed Custom Walk in Closet Cost? (including 5 ideas to save you money)

How much does an installed custom walk in closet cost | Innovate Home Org | #CustomStorage #CustomOrganization #WalkInCloset
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As someone who leads a business designing and installing custom closets in Columbus Ohio I KNOW I could give you a cop-out answer to the question of how much an installed walk in closet costs in 2 words or less…

It depends.

It depends on the height and depth of the closet system.

It depends on how much hanging vs. shelving vs. drawers you use.

It depends if the closet is a standard white color or uses an advanced textured laminate which looks just…