7 Powerful Reasons a Built in Custom Fitted Wardrobe Will Make Your Life Better

Wouldn’t it be cool if your bedroom furniture or small closets were built around your needs and your space (no matter how small it is)? It can be difficult if you have a loft, a small bedroom or a condo where it’s not practical to take down walls – but your wardrobe is practically screaming for more space. Maybe you’ve tried to be the ultimate minimalist, but that only goes so far. What if your wardrobe and clothing could be custom-fit around you and your space? Maybe, just maybe, then you could get your arms around the mess you’re calling your bedroom today. Then you could purchase the cool sleek Victorian Village home which doesn’t have adequate storage today or the fun loft downtown Columbus loft you and your husband have had your eye on since you finally got the kids out of your suburban home.
In this article, you’ll learn 7 powerful reasons a custom fitted wardrobe closet can be the answer for your unique home, condo or fun loft space. At the end of this article I’d love to hear your feedback on which of these reasons could benefit you the most or if you think any of the ideas don’t make any sense to you let me know (hey – my wife critiques me – so why shouldn’t you!). Let’s check out the 7 reasons.
Reason #1 for a Custom Fitted Bedroom Wardrobe – You’ve got height, and you’ve got to figure out a way to use it
If you’re looking forward to the soaring ceiling of a downtown loft by Nationwide Arena but worry your furniture will not only not work with the new contemporary aesthetic also it will be dwarfed by the sheer volume of the space. Are you also concerned where are you going to put the storage from your existing suburban home? Sure your 3 kids are on their own, but that still doesn’t mean you and your husband don’t have a lot of stuff you’ve accumulated in over 30 years of marriage (boy – that may make you feel old – sorry about that).
With a custom fitted wardrobe armoires which can be built around the space.
Another option would be to design a double decker clothing and storage unit and even put in a rolling ladder to get things at the top. Now that’s a cool idea! Don’t let your height go to waste.
Reason #2 for a custom fitted bedroom wardrobe. Seize your opportunity to build around your bed and/or build around your outlets
Have you been to countless furniture stores looking for the perfect armoire for your blouses and things only to find they are the wrong size. Conversely, the only place you can put this piece of furniture is in front of an electrical outlet, but you don’t want to eliminate your outlet behind a piece of furniture. Furniture designers don’t design a piece of furniture around your specific needs, your specific clothing and your specific luxury home, loft or condo. They were designing an armoire you may be looking to buy around the greatest number of people they thought would buy it.
What’s powerful about a custom fitted wardrobe is it will be designed around your needs and space.
'A custom fitted #wardrobe can - and should - be built around you.' Click To TweetIf you have an outlet a custom fitted wardrobe can be made with a drawer(s) which is not as deep so it can include an electrical docking station so you can still use the outlet even though it’s behind the built-in. Now isn’t that a cool idea?
Reason #3 for a custom-fitted wardrobe – It no longer costs an arm(oire) and a leg to get custom because you don’t have to hire a custom wood cabinet maker
In the old days, you had to find a custom cabinet maker who would make house calls to figure out your space and build a piece of wood furniture to fit it. If you can find the custom cabinet maker, you know the cost of custom furniture is not cheap (and even then, it can be worrisome thinking about the wood warping over time).
In today’s day market, you can get a custom designed textured laminate system which will look like real wood, will cost less, and be prebuilt to minimize installation time. Lower cost, same cool design and less time on the site. Sounds like an excellent idea to me!
Reason #4 for a custom fitted bedroom wardrobe– You can’t see anything inside store bought units
If you’re eyes aren’t what they used to be (yes – I resemble this remark as a 57-year-old guy) you can relate to how hard it is to see inside the dark recesses of a store-bought armoire. If you’re also colorblind (like me) the problem of a darker storage closet, drawer or shelf only gets tougher. What’s the solution to this?
With a custom-built unit, you can install LED puck lighting (which can be rechargeable and motion detected if you don’t have power source close by) or ribbon lights inside the wardrobe closet. Now you can see what’s going on and not end up choosing brown socks with black shoes.
Reason #5 for a custom fitted bedroom wardrobe – It adds value to your luxury home, apartment or loft
A big problem driving people out of their existing homes is a lack of storage. You may have the neatest condo or loft space, but if there is no place for future owners to store their stuff it’s going to be a challenge getting a good selling price down the road. Custom built in storage units can be designed to maximize the height or odd shape of your unit and making it simpler to get your unit sold at a good price.
Reason #6 for a custom fitted bedroom wardrobe – It frees up space when your partner moves in
When you own a condo, downtown luxury apartment or loft there is no such thing as “adding on to your home.” The square footage you see, is the square footage you get. So – when your boyfriend or girlfriend decides to move in you don’t want to start off living together by doing battle over storage (and/or feel a big sense of loss getting rid of a lot of clothing you enjoy today). With a custom built-in, you can build storage into the space. You don’t have large costs of tearing down walls to have place for both of your things and your partners things in the bedroom. The new fitted wardrobe will give you more space so you don’t start your new living arrangement out fighting over closet storage.
Reason #7 for a custom fitted bedroom wardrobe – It can be multi-task like you
If you were in a big suburban home (remember the old days with 3 kids running around) you would have plenty of room for everything you own today. The realities of “downsizing, rightsizing or whatever buzz word you want to put on it, is you have to get more bang for your storage buck in condos, lofts and luxury apartments. Your bedroom wardrobes must be well thought out and able to multi-task like you.
'Your #bedroom wardrobe needs to multi-task - like you!' Click To TweetThis is where a custom wardrobe can earn its money. To get more function out of this unit here’s some ideas you can use:
- Add mirrors on the doors so it becomes a dressing space.
- Install slide out drawers so your shoes come to you (and they are easier to see).
- Put in a valet rod to stage tomorrows outfit for work tonight.
- Add a tie, belt or scarf rack to make it simple to accessorize your outfits.
What may seem like an impossible task (finding more useful storage for a condo, loft of luxury apartment) it is not as difficult as it may seem. A custom fitted wardrobe closet is an excellent to get your bedroom working for you vs. working against you (even if your space has a weird design you’re not sure what to do with). It is possible to get a custom solution which will give you the storage you need – even at an affordable price.
How can I (or a member of my team) help you?
It can be tough navigating storage solutions for your Columbus condo, loft or luxury apartment. If you’d like to learn more about custom built in fitted wardrobes or Murphy beds call Innovate Home Org in Columbus at 614-545-6888 or for a Cleveland closet design 216-658-1290.
Follow me on Twitter @Mike_Foti or our companies’ @InnovateBuild and @InnovateHomeOrg.
Tags: bedroom cabinets, bedroom cabinets Columbus, bedroom storage, built in wardrobe, built in wardrobe Columbus, built in wardrobe downtown Columbus, built in wardrobe ideas, built in wardrobe ideas Columbus, Columbus small bedroom storage, custom wardrobe, custom wardrobe Columbus, custom wardrobe Victorian Village, fitted wardrobes, fitted wardrobes Columbus, floor to ceiling bedroom cabinets, floor to ceiling cabinets Columbus, loft bedroom storage, loft bedroom storage Columbus, small bedroom, small bedroom closet storage, small bedroom Columbus, small bedroom storage, small bedroom storage Columbus, wall units, wall units Columbus
Scott Adams
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It’s interesting that you mentioned how having a custom wardrobe gives you more room for when someone else moves in. I have been thinking about asking my girlfriend to move in with me, and I hadn’t thought about how much space she will need. I can see how it would be nice to get a custom wardrobe as a gift, so she will be able to bring everything without having to worry about taking my space.
Mike Foti
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Good points Scott. When you go from one person to two people in a home or apartment the storage and closet spaces are often not ready to absorb 2 times the amount of stuff! Mike