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Posts Tagged ‘custom closet Columbus’

7 Deadly Sins of a Walk in Closet Design

7 Deadly Sins of a Walk in Closet Design
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Updated May 12, 2018 

So you’re sick and tired of the mess that is your walk in closet. Whether you’re looking for clothes for work – or worse yet – that formal event where you’re trying valiantly to find those seldom used jewelry and accessories, getting ready to go in a disorganized closet can be a pain.

The challenge is who do you call to rid yourself of this closet disaster. Who will not only “feel your pain” but is qualified to…

Should Closets Be An Afterthought In New Custom Homes?

Should Closets be an Afterthought in New Custom Homes | Innovate Home Org | Columbus Closets
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Every year I attend the Columbus Parade of Homes where builders and designers show off the latest new products and interior design trends. What continues to blow me away is how I see $700,000 to over $1 million-dollar homes using cheap wire, or un-adjustable white painted pressed wood closet ‘systems’ (I use this in quotation marks because they’re not much of a system).

As an owner of a closet company (no – I’m not Jay with Pritchett’s…

7 factors to compare wire shelving vs. a laminate closet system

7 Key Factors to compare wire shelving to a laminate closet system from Innovate Home Org in Columbus
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Are your clothes jammed in your closet like sardines? Is finding the right outfit a pain? When you do find that “needle in the haystack” outfit in your disorganized closet is it almost as wrinkled as your son’s pile clothes on the bedroom floor (I can relate to this as my 17 year old son believes in the pile dumping method for his clothes “organization!”). If this resembles your life as Jeff Foxworthy might say, “You might need a closet!” 


7 smart tips for a luxury custom closet (even if you don’t have a huge space)

7 smart tips for a luxury custom closet (even if you don't have a lot of room)
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An 8’ x 9’ closet may seem large to most, but not if you’re used to a glamour closet more than twice the size with an island and chaise lounge in the middle. Life has a way of happening……altering our paths…. changing us and our surroundings.

Brandie’s story

In the case of Brandie Price, life dished up a difficult blow when her husband passed away 3 years. She was left with a sprawling 6,000 square foot home she shared with her step son. When he…

7 Tips for a Champagne Closet on a Beer Budget

7 tips for a champagne shower on a beer budget - Innovate Home Org Columbus Ohio
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It doesn’t take a genius to create a beautiful closet system with an unlimited budget and unlimited space (you may be able to think of a few celebrity’s closets which fit this description). The question is, how you design an affordable closet organizer system . Since you probably don't have have a master carpenter “on staff” working on your mega-mansion (OK – if we’re being honest here, your quaint Victorian Village, Clintonville or…

9 Simple Do’s and Don’ts for Organized Closet Shoe Storage

9 simple do's and don'ts for organized closet shoe storage
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The morning rush is on. You’ve got the kids (mostly) ready for school. You’ve found the perfect outfit to wear for the presentation to the board of directors and you’re looking for those fashionable new heels you just bought. Where the heck are those shoes??? Your rummaging frantically through the floor of your closet. It’s so hard to find anything! Your shoes are buried under a mountain of pants, blouses and jackets. The clock is…