Our Top 10 Home Storage and Space-Saving Idea Blog Posts of 2018 – Innovate Home Org

Thank you for reading my blog Professionally Organized in 2018. Your support generated double the traffic over last year. The popularity of these articles are multiplying faster than individual socks you can’t find a matching pair for (I bet you’re familiar with this laundry dilemma).
In this article I’m sharing the 10 most popular home storage articles from 2018. From these top 10 articles three themes emerged:
- Theme #1) You’re desperately seeking solutions to closet storage problems. This was evident by top story #3 (how to squeeze more space out of a narrow closet), top story #4 (ideas to create an accessible closet for someone in a wheelchair) and top story #9 (7 closet organization tips to gain control over unruly hanging space).
- Theme #2) You need to use your square footage more thoughtfully than your builders or remodelers realize. It’s not easy to ‘find’ square footage to have room for your stuff and sleeping space for family and relatives. This critical need to ‘find’ sleeping and storage space was evident as the number one article was about a product invented 100 years ago. That product (and article) is The Pros and Cons of a Murphy Wall Bed vs. a Sleeper Sofa. In addition, you want your closets to be more than an ‘afterthought’ (see article #2). This need for more thoughtful storage is especially true if you live in a downtown loft (see article #5 – storage ideas for a downtown loft apartment).
- Theme #3) You’re looking for ‘sizzling hot’ storage ideas – even if they come out of a disaster – Inspiration can come from a trade show and seeing what’s new and exciting. Inspiration can come from a disaster where you’re forced to ‘rethink’ a storage space. In this year’s top 10 you’ll get inspiration from events and disasters. The #6 top article brought inspiration from my yearly ‘pilgrimage’ to the 2018 Kitchen and Bath Industry Show. The #7 article looked at sizzling hot design trends. Finally, the #8 top article looked at a disaster one of my customers lived through (a flood) which caused her to rethink her mudroom entryway and create a ‘new and improved design.’
Let’s look at these top 10 articles. At the end let me know which one ‘speaks’ to you most. Let me know what home storage pains you’re looking to eliminate in 2019.
We’ll do this in “Johnnie Carson’ fashion (hopefully not too old a reference for some of you), from the bottom to the top. Heeeere’s #10:
#10 – 5 Little Used Tricks a Woman Needs to Make Her Custom Dream Closet Special
What woman wouldn’t drool over a Pinterest-pretty Khloe-Kardashian-esque closet. Who wants to fight finding the perfect dress, heels and jewelry when you’ve got an event you ‘have to’ look good for. You’d love a pretty closet where its simple to find your things.
The goal of this article was to get you dreaming (a bit) with ideas which can be used by people without Khloe’s disposable income (that’s likely ALL of us reading this post).
This article starts with shoe strategies. After all the average woman owns more than 30 pairs. Having a game-plan for shoes is essential. You’ll also see how to add style with a closet feature wall.
You’ll learn it’s possible to create a dream closet and still have money left to fill it up with fun clothing and shoes and hats and scarves!
#9 – 7 Closet Organization Ideas to Gain Control Over Your Hanging Space Right Now!
Hanging space in most closets is a disaster. How can you get control over your closet rods of hanging clothes without tearing down a bedroom wall?
In this article you’ll learn how hanging at different heights can double – or triple – the amount of clothes you can fit. You’ll see how being a ‘closet Nazi’ (i.e. having the discipline to use the same hangers) will make a world of difference. You’ll learn the benefits of storing less clothes and/or using drawers to improve the look (and amount of clothes) you can store.
This article will give you hope your closet hanging space is not a lost cause.
#8 – Out of Disaster Comes a Beautiful Family-Friendly Open Locker Entryway
Waking up in the middle of the night with water throughout your first floor is the start of a BAD DAY (or make it bad months of remodeling)! However, this is exactly what faced Leslie Brown and her family in Dublin Ohio.
After they shut off the water and started to clear out the mess, a plan for a new and improved, entryway began to take hold.
The 11’ x 2’ entryway closet (which was 50% useless) was not going to be rebuilt as it was (a long closet with massive dead space). The new vision was a space-efficient entryway which complimented the combined laundry room. In this article you’ll see how this custom designed entryway offers separate cubbies for all 5 family members. You’ll see how it provides ‘bonus storage’ space for art supplies and the living room entertainment center.
Like a Phoenix – this improved entryway and mudroom rose up from the wetness of a flooded first floor.
#7 – 7 Sizzling Hot Design Trends to Ramp Up Your Storage Spaces in 2018
Just because you’re still wearing it, or living in it, doesn’t mean it’s hot and fits today’s styles.
On a personal side there’s been more than one time my wife let me know, “Michael, those button-down shirts are out of style. That ‘Mr. Coffee’ machine you loved in college has seen it’s better days.”
While you don’t necessarily want your home style to change as rapidly as your wardrobe, there are times when you need to say, ‘enough is enough.’ You need to move on from your tired old storage spaces (just like your behind-the-times bathroom, kitchen, bell-bottom pants and leisure suits).
If one of your New Year’s Resolutions is to get your home storage spaces out of the Brady Bunch era this article provides 7 hot design trends, you’ll want to use. For example, did you know contemporary styles are in? Did you realize the ‘matchy-matchy’ designs of the 1990’s is waaaay out? Do you realize you can get custom wood looks without the cost and maintenance of wood at a fraction of the cost (using new-generation laminate surfaces)?
Don’t be stuck in a time-warp. Read these 7 sizzling hot storage design trends if your closets, pantries and entryways are long in the tooth.
#6 – 5 Sizzling Hot Organization Ideas from the 2018 Kitchen and Bath Show to Kick Up Your Home Storage
I love to visit (along with 80,000 of my ‘best friends’) the Kitchen and Bath Industry Show. There I can see the ‘latest and greatest’ product innovations in home storage (and kitchens and baths).
You can’t see what’s hot across the world sitting in your office in Columbus Ohio (plus there can be worse things than attending a conference in sunny Orlando Florida in January and escaping the wintery-streets of Central Ohio – but I digress).
At this year’s show I saw fun ideas for ‘concealed storage.’ Who doesn’t like the intrigued of ‘hidden doors and drawers?’ Gaining space where none existed before. I also loved ideas to add lighting in unexpected places (maybe this is because my 50+ eyes aren’t what they used to be – ha! ha!).
In this article you’ll also learn how you can ‘bring your storage to you’ if you’re vertically challenged (OK – that’s the P.C. term for short people for those of you playing at home).
#5 – 6 Hot Storage Ideas for your Downtown Loft Apartment
Downtown loft apartments are cool – except when they’re not.
Where they’re not cool is the lack of storage.
Downtown living space is tight… and expensive.
The challenge is how can you live comfortably and have enough space for your stuff? In this article you’ll get ideas to make these opposite goals a reality.
For example, have you considered using a Murphy bed with storage cabinets on the side in the guest room to get double duty (storage and sleeping space in the same room)?
Have you thought about using your high ceilings to create more storage? Consider a library ladder or floating shelves to store in high places.
Have you thought about building closet storage into your bedroom, den or living room? A wardrobe closet is a perfect way to do this.
Learn more about these tips and others in this article.
#4 – 9 Amazingly Simple Ideas to Create an Accessible Closet for Someone in a Wheelchair
If you (or a family member) uses a wheelchair you know there is TONS of articles about designing your kitchen or bathroom for someone in a seated position. However, when it comes to strategies to make a wheelchair accessible closet, the available articles are a vast wasteland. The goal of this article was to make a small dent in this lack of useful information.
You’ll get 9 tips to see how pull-down rods and pull out shelves can make a huge difference. You’ll hear how a ‘wall hung system’ (which is an adjustable closet system mounted to the wall) makes it simpler from someone in a chair to get closer to their clothes. You’ll also learn how to work around doors to make getting into your walk-in closet not a pain to do.
You’ll see it’s possible for an accessible closet to be stylish and functional.
#3 – 7 Powerful Tips to Squeeze More Space and Beauty into a Narrow Walk in Closet
The best strategy to get the max out of a narrow walk in closet is not to put yourself on a diet (although after my Greek and Italian year-end Holiday gatherings a little dieting might do me good!).
The best strategy is to be ultra-strategic. Here’s a few tips you’ll want to use in your narrow closet:
- Add drawers – Drawers hold 2 to 3 times more clothing than hanging rods – plus your closet will look neater.
- Don’t put hanging clothes on both your left and right side. Clothes on hangers stick out 21”. In a narrow closet if you put hanging clothes on both your left and right sides, you’ll experience a ‘closed-in’ feeling. If you have clothes on one side – try to put shelves or drawers on the other side to use the space more efficiently.
- Use dead space behind the door. This is a perfect place for hooks for scarves and hats.
#2 – Should Closets be an Afterthought in New Custom Homes?
I have to tell you I was surprised this was the second most popular article. This is an article I’ll unabashedly admit I’ve got a biased point of view. After all I’m a guy who writes about, designs and has a company who installs custom closets. I’m a guy who sees crappy looking closets (which are like nails on a chalkboard to me) displayed in Million-Dollar Parade Homes. I KNOW these closets won’t work for these luxury home buyers.
Since this was the second most popular article of the year – I’ll jump to the conclusion YOU don’t believe closets should be an afterthought either – otherwise you would have ignored this article. See – there’s my proof!
With all kidding aside, this article presents the points and counterpoints about the importance of custom closet systems. Read it and make your own determination if it’s a place to put your precious dollars. It doesn’t matter what I – or your builder – thinks – it only matters where you want to spend your money.
#1 – The Pros and Cons of a Murphy Bed vs. a Sleeper Sofa
Who would think a post about a product invented over 100 years ago (the Murphy Bed) would be the hottest post of the year?
However, in Columbus (like in most areas of the country) real estate prices are escalating. You need to have a plan to get more storage and comfortable sleeping spaces without mortgaging yourself into bankruptcy court!
This article tackled the goods (and the bads) of two types of ‘sleeping/storage systems’ (the Murphy Bed and the sleeper sofa).
A few advantages of Murphy wall beds are it takes up less space, uses a thicker/more comfortable mattress and can be combined with cabinetry storage systems.
A few pluses of the sleeper sofa are it provides more seating, is less expensive than the Murphy bed and it’s simple to take it with you if you’re planning to move.
Read this article so you can analyze the pros and cons of both systems.
Thanks once again for following my Professionally Organized blog. Its my honor to share what I’m learning about home organization and storage with you.
If you have any questions you’d like me to address in future blog posts let me know (you’ll bail me out from coming up with a new article topic in the process – ha! ha!).
If you want more input about home organization (and a Free 3D design for a closet, a guest room with a Murphy Bed, kitchen pantry, or entryway system) in the Columbus or Cleveland Ohio we’d love to help. Click on the links below or give us a call.
In Columbus call 614-565-5888 or in Cleveland call 216-658-1290. We are excited to serve you!
Tags: accessible closet Columbus, Columbus murphy bed, custom closets, custom closets Columbus, Entryway systems, entryway systems Columbus, home storage ideas, home storage ideas Columbus, Murphy beds, Murphy beds Columbus, narrow closet, narrow closet Columbus, roll in closet, roll in closet Columbus, walk in closet designs, walk-in closet designs Columbus, wall beds, wall beds Columbus, wheelchair accessible closet